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The battle has begun in California over whether or not to follow New Jersey lawmakers and legalize online casinos. Two bills have already been proposed, with one calling for full online gambling, and the other limiting the Internet gambling to only poker.

Senator Lou Correa has proposed Senate Bill 40, a proposal to regulate online poker, and allow only existing casinos or tribal casinos to operate the online gambling sites. The Santa Ana Democrat has the support of the Indian tribe's.

The California Nations Indian Gaming Association voted 9-4 in favor of backing Correa's bill over the proposal from Senator Roderick Wright. The Inglewood lawmaker wants all forms of online gambling regulated, and many of his colleagues have shared that opinion.

California has been racing New Jersey and Florida to become the first state in the country to regulate online gambling. New Jersey appeared to have won the battle when legislators passed an Internet gambling bill earlier this year. Governor Chris Christie, however, may veto the legislation.

If Christie vetoes the bill, and a decision must be made by Thursday, then California would again be the front runner to become the first state to take the bold move of regulating online gambling. It is not yet known whether either Correa's or Wright's bill will make it through this year.

The Indian tribe's have spent millions of dollars over the years lobbying California lawmakers to expand gambling. Poker interest groups have also joined in that fight in recent years, with online poker becoming one of the most popular entertainment outlets for Americans over the past decade.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The California Nations Indian Gaming Association on Friday released its vote count on Senate Bill 40, one of two Internet gambling bills its tribal nations endorsed.

CNIGA's tally, 9-4, appears to show a sizeable majority backing legislation by Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, over the competing measure, Senate Bill 45 by Sen. Roderick Wright, D-Inglewood.

Correa's proposed legislation limits play to poker and calls for operators to be California businesses or tribes, while the measure by Wright proposes legalizing all forms of online gambling operated on multiple hubs.

This was an endorsement not easily won. Seven tribes abstained.

Susan Jensen, spokeswoman for CNIGA, said one tribe raised concern that abstention would be a ‘no' vote by default. If that had been the case, the measure would not have passed. “We follow Roberts Rules of Order, so a vote to abstain counted only as a vote not-to-vote.”

Ultimately, Jensen said, tribes were swayed on grounds new amendments would be forthcoming.

The Morongo Band of Mission Indians' lawyer George Forman did not have an immediate comment Friday on the amendments. Tribal votes were not released.

However, CNIGA confirmed Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians remains in opposition. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of Palm Springs are not members of CNIGA, and have had a neutral stance.

Daniel Tucker, CNIGA chairman, acknowledged some questions and concerns loom among gaming and non-gaming tribes.

But Tucker said the vote to support SB 40, legislation that would be mutually beneficial to the state and California's federally recognized tribes, came after following the issue for several years. “Tribes need to control their own destiny,” he said.

Patrick Dorinson, a spokesman for Poker Voters of America, called CNIGA's endorsement a positive development to move Internet poker forward in California.

“The more critical mass that gets behind legislation, the quicker we can get this done,” he said.

David Quintana, tribal lobbyist for the California Tribal Business Alliance, said this doesn't move the momentum needle at all.

“There's a reason tribes abstained from the vote,” he said.

Versed on the vote, he said support largely hailed from tribes that signed onto the California Online Poker Association, the tribe and card room entity created to push for SB 40.

“This was a fait accompli,” Quintana said.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If you think the hosts of the 2011 Oscars will be anything like the hilarious roast-like spectacle host Ricky Gervais gave at the Golden Globes, think again.

Gervais shocked pretty much everyone when he hurled insults at the expense of the Hollywood elite, as well as the Hollywood Foreign Press. At one point Robert Downey Jr., who had been the butt of one of Gervais' jokes, fired back at Gervais, saying that his monologues contained "mildly sinister undertones."

With actress Anne Hathaway and 127 Hours actor and Best Actor nominee James Franco co-hosting the 2011 Academy Awards, the jokes will probably be a whole lot tamer, and unlike Gervais' quips, not be at the expense of the nominees.

In fact, Franco himself took aim at Gervais during an interview with USA Today, saying, “I haven’t really read about the fallout of Ricky Gervais. I was there and I didn’t think he was that funny. The jokes were kind of — gay Scientology jokes? South Park did that like five years ago. So I don’t really want to do Ricky Gervais style.”

However, Franco still says that his style will be "controversial" so it will be interesting to see what he means by that. For her part, Hathaway admitted that she initially declined the gig, but once she found out Franco was on-board, changed her mind.

Hathaway said, "Much like James, I initially had a knee-jerk reaction, which was ‘no.’ I just focused on all the ways it could go wrong. But Bruce (Cohen) was a bit craftier than I had realized because while I was hosting SNL (in November), while I was loving the idea of hosting something and doing the song-and-dance thing, Bruce came back and said, ‘We have James Franco.’"

Think you know who will strike Oscar gold on Sunday night? The Bodog Sportsbook has enticing Oscar odds for you to sink your teeth into. Didn't see any of the flicks? There are also ample Oscar prop bets offered – where you can bet on the color of Natalie Portman's dress or whether someone will fall on their way to the stage.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Governor Chris Christie has been getting hit from all angles when it comes to online gambling legislation that has been proposed. Christie is expected to make his decision on an online gambling bill this Thursday, and millions of gamblers are giddy with anticipation.

The future of Internet gambling could be altered not only in New Jersey, but around the US, if Christie decides to sign the legislation into law. Other states have already started to move on the same issue, and once New Jersey finalizes their laws, it could cause a wave of online gambling legislation in the country.

"As soon as the first state takes the step to regulate online gambling, it will sweep across the nation much like what happened with the land-based casinos in the past decade," said Gaming Analyst Steve Schwartz. "Nobody wants to the be the first to sign a controversial bill, but once the seal is broken, there likely will be widespread acceptance of online gambling by lawmakers in the US.

If Christie bows to political pressure from within his own party, it may be California that passes the first Internet gaming bill. California currently has two separate bills that have been proposed, one would regulate only online poker, and the other would authorize full-scale online casinos.

Lobbyists have been working hard in both California and New Jersey. Christie was supposed to make a decision this past week on the legislation, but was given an extension because legislators were not meeting again until Thursday.

While California and New Jersey are the two primary states looking to regulate online gambling, other states are kicking the tires on the idea as well. Iowa and Florida have lawmakers who would like to add online gambling tax revenue to their budgets.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Who is Banksy? He’s the underground street artist/prankster from the UK who has gained world-wide acclaim for his playful graffiti while managing to hide his identity from the world and this year he is nominated for an Academy Award for his contribution to the documentary category with “Exit Through The Gift Shop.” If he should win an Oscar tonight, the only way he was willing to appear wearing some type of disguise to where the Academy said, “I don’t think so.”

The Academy turned the guy down from appearing in a disguise, which has many wondering if he’s going to pull a special Banksy-type stunt of his own. Will he spray paint the stage or someone’s dress maybe? The rumor is that he is currently in Los Angeles and has left proof around the city with several works of art.

So what does the Academy really fear? According to Entertainment Weekly, the Academy is worried about the guy flipping out whether he wins or not, so to avoid any controversy or drama because the public couldn’t possibly handle anything out of the ordinary happening.

Bruce Davis, Academy Executive told the Mirror, “The fun but disquieting scenario is that if five guys in masks come to the stage saying ‘I’m Banksy’, who the hell do we give it to?”

Please Banksy, do something because booze alone just can’t get everyone through the three hour ceremony and although James Franco and Ann Hathaway are quite charming we just don’t know what we’re in for tonight.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The 83rd Annual Academy Awards went off with nary a hitch, aside from Melissa Leo's impromptu F-bomb.

After 96-year-old legend Kirk Douglas gave a hilarious, rambling speech before introducing the Best Supporting Actress award, when Leo finally took the stage to accept her statuette, she said: "When Kate was up here two years ago, she made it look so ************************ing easy – whoops!"

And thus the bar had been set – Leo's F-bomb was referenced throughout the night by presenters and winners, including her Fighter co-star who won the Best Supporting Actor category, Christian Bale.

Other standout moments of the evening included Anne Hathaway's strange song to Hugh Jackman set to the tune of "On My Own" from "Les Miserables." When she finished, James Franco walked onto the stage dressed in drag and said, "Weird part is: I just got a text message from Charlie Sheen." We're not sure what the whole song routine was about, but the Sheen joke was funny.

Anyway, back to the awards: Best Adapted Screenplay went to The Social Network's Aaron Sorkin, while David Seidler, who wrote The King's Speech, won the Oscar for best original screenplay.

Hilary Swank presented the award for Best Director, which went to Tom Hooper for The King's Speech, the first Academy Award win and nomination for Hooper.

"Wow. Um. Thank you to all the members of the Academy, this is a huge honor," an obviously shaken Hooper said. He referred to his relationship with The King's Speech stars Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush as "the triangle of man love." Hooper also honored his mother, who he said saw a local theatre production of The King's Speech, called him and said, "Tom, I think I've found your next film."

Jeff Bridges paid tribute to all the Best Actress nominees, but as predicted by Bodog's wiley oddsmakers, favorite to win Natalie Portman took the award for her portrayal of disturbed ballerina Nina in Black Swan.

After Anne Hathaway flubbed her introduction of Sandra Bullock, Bullock then introduced each of the nominees with a charming, witty style unique only to her. Bodog's oddsmakers got it right again, predicting the inevitable outcome that Colin Firth's rousing performance in The King's Speech would win him Oscar gold. This was the first Oscar for Firth, who was nominated for A Single Man last year and lost.

Steven Spielberg presented the award for Best Picture, which went to The King's Speech - another Bodog prediction come true! After all was said and done, The King's Speech won four Oscars of the 12 it was nominated for, including Best Actor, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and of course, Best Picture. Other top Oscars went to Toy Story 3 for Best Animated Movie, Inside Job for Best Documentary and Denmark's In A Better World won for Best Foreign Language Film.

Did you like this year's Oscar winners? What did you think of Anne Hathaway and James Franco's hosting job? Sound off in our comments section!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Florida residents may be able to gamble only by July 1 of this year.

The state is looking to battle its budget concerns with revenue generated from online gambling and that topic will be at the forefront when legislators begin the spring session on March 8.

If approved, proposed legislation would permit online gambling on card games as well as on dog and horse racing.

"We want to legalize it, regulate it and bring the revenue to Florida," said state Rep. Joseph Abruzzo, D-Wellington, who proposed the initial bill. "To me it's common sense to protect our players."

Florida is facing a reported deficit of $4 billion, while a 2009 study concluded that more than 10 million Americans gamble online.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote:

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards went off with nary a hitch, aside from Melissa Leo's impromptu F-bomb.

After 96-year-old legend Kirk Douglas gave a hilarious, rambling speech before introducing the Best Supporting Actress award, when Leo finally took the stage to accept her statuette, she said: "When Kate was up here two years ago, she made it look so ************************ing easy – whoops!"

And thus the bar had been set – Leo's F-bomb was referenced throughout the night by presenters and winners, including her Fighter co-star who won the Best Supporting Actor category, Christian Bale.

Other standout moments of the evening included Anne Hathaway's strange song to Hugh Jackman set to the tune of "On My Own" from "Les Miserables." When she finished, James Franco walked onto the stage dressed in drag and said, "Weird part is: I just got a text message from Charlie Sheen." We're not sure what the whole song routine was about, but the Sheen joke was funny.

Anyway, back to the awards: Best Adapted Screenplay went to The Social Network's Aaron Sorkin, while David Seidler, who wrote The King's Speech, won the Oscar for best original screenplay.

Hilary Swank presented the award for Best Director, which went to Tom Hooper for The King's Speech, the first Academy Award win and nomination for Hooper.

"Wow. Um. Thank you to all the members of the Academy, this is a huge honor," an obviously shaken Hooper said. He referred to his relationship with The King's Speech stars Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush as "the triangle of man love." Hooper also honored his mother, who he said saw a local theatre production of The King's Speech, called him and said, "Tom, I think I've found your next film."

Jeff Bridges paid tribute to all the Best Actress nominees, but as predicted by Bodog's wiley oddsmakers, favorite to win Natalie Portman took the award for her portrayal of disturbed ballerina Nina in Black Swan.

After Anne Hathaway flubbed her introduction of Sandra Bullock, Bullock then introduced each of the nominees with a charming, witty style unique only to her. Bodog's oddsmakers got it right again, predicting the inevitable outcome that Colin Firth's rousing performance in The King's Speech would win him Oscar gold. This was the first Oscar for Firth, who was nominated for A Single Man last year and lost.

Steven Spielberg presented the award for Best Picture, which went to The King's Speech - another Bodog prediction come true! After all was said and done, The King's Speech won four Oscars of the 12 it was nominated for, including Best Actor, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and of course, Best Picture. Other top Oscars went to Toy Story 3 for Best Animated Movie, Inside Job for Best Documentary and Denmark's In A Better World won for Best Foreign Language Film.

Did you like this year's Oscar winners? What did you think of Anne Hathaway and James Franco's hosting job? Sound off in our comments section!

I heard it was edited out in the U.S.
Canada was a different story I heard the full F***ing word.
I was not shocked just a little surprised.
No self control. It's part of the vernacular
Join: 2008/04/14 Messages: 199
Manne wrote:

He did it, he finally did it! Two and a Half Men actor Charlie Sheen has finally caused enough friction with the show’s creator Chuck Lorre and CBS to put an end to the show for the rest of the season. After calling in to the Alex Jones Radio Show, Charlie seemed to develop verbal diarrhea as he made a few shocking comments about his employers, his ex-wife, his ability to magically remain sober and the rant went on and on until CBS just decided to shut down production.

Charlie’s behavior has been in the spotlight for quite some time now due to his uninhibited behavior involving hookers, blow and well, that about sums it up. During the radio show, Charlie just seemed to unload all the pressure he’s been feeling from the media and started by commenting on his recent efforts to stay clean by saying, “Here’s your first pee test, the next one goes in your mouth and no, you won’t get high.”

In regards to his “goddesses” (porn star gal pals) and his ex-wife Brook Muller who were all spending time in the Bahamas when this took place, “There were four, now there are three, “Good luck on your travels, you’re going to need it….badly.” Brooke left the group and why she would join them is odd but apparently she is now out of the picture.

Going on to “Two and Half Men” creator Chuck Lorre, he completely bashed the guy calling him a clown, turd and referred to Chuck’s real name, “Haim Levine”. In an interview with TMZ, Sheen also went on to call him a stupid, stupid little man and a p**sy punk that I’d never want to be like.”

So I guess that means that he just flushed his $1.8 million per episode gig down the toilet or will the studios decide to keep him on for another season? Is the guy really worth it?

Bet on the latest entertainment props at Bodog Sports anytime you feel the need to dive into the Hollywood scene. Get your celebrity kicks at Bodog Sports today!

I think, the Ice has broken.
One foot in the water.
He was on a rant today about his superior mind.
It was about how well his mind works when he's all doped up.

There might be some paraphrasing on my part.
But I'm not that far
Join: 2008/04/14 Messages: 199
Online gamblers have always been particular when it comes to choosing their bank. With the restrictions in the US, it is important that gamblers choose the right bank that will still allow the poker players' online transactions go through.

One of the things that gamblers look for is free checking accounts. Bank of America has offered accounts with no fees, but they are now changing the way they do business. Only the accounts with large amounts of money in them, and account holders that accept e-statements will receive free checking.

In the other cases, gamblers can expect to see fees that are steeper than the ones they are paying at their online sites. Poker players typically get hit with a percentage of each pot that goes to the house. Bank of America is preparing to charge $6 to $25 in fees monthly for those account holders than do not use other services the bank has to offer.

Four new levels of accounts have been unveiled in the new fee structure. The Essentials account will have a monthly fee, and customers will receive debit cards. Enhanced accounts require customers to have a $2,000 minimum balance or else the account holder must pay service fees.

eBanking accounts will also waive the monthly fee if the customer chooses to accept processing all of their banking transactions online or at the ATM. These accounts also will receive only e-statements. Premium accounts will be given out to customers that keep a minimum of a $20,000 balance.

Bank of America has caused some problems for online gamblers in recent months. The financial institution had a problem with their online banking several months ago, and gamblers feared that their accounts had been frozen because of the gaming transactions. It turns out the online banking system was down for all customers for a period of a couple of hours.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
For those of you itching to find out who will be cast in Season 12 of the Dancing With the Stars reality series, the big announcement will be made tonight during The Bachelor finale on ABC. Rest assured you can count on not having any Palin drama this season but there’s always plenty more to go around isn't there? Lucky for you TMZ has leaked part of the cast to the public so you get a little sneak peak of what’s to come for the new season beginning on March 21.

Here’s half of the cast set to appear on Season 12:

Chris Jericho and Cheryl Burke
Lil’ Romeo and Chelsie Hightower
Kendra Wilkinson and Louis van Amstel
Kirstie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy
Wendy Williams and Tony Dovolani
Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas

So, what do you think so far? I only recognize a few names personally but here’s a quick rundown of who these guys are in case you guys weren’t clued in.

Chris Jericho’s claim to fame came from his days as a professional wrestler and he’s currently working as a host to the trivia game show, Downfall.

Lil’ Romeo is a rapper, actor and basketball star who at 21 years old has already released four studio albums with one on the way and has starred in at least 10 movies so far including Honey with Jessica Alba.

Kendra Wilkinson was part of Hugh Hefner’s Girls Next Door crew before getting married and starting a family. She now has her own reality series called Kendra which pokes into her day to day life as a wife to Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Hank Baskett and as a mom baby Hank.

You all remember Kirstie Alley from the hit television show Cheers and her recent bouts with dramatic weight gain and weight loss as featured in her reality series Kirstie Alley’s Big Life.

Wendy Williams is a talk show celebrity who is known for her radio work as well as the cable television talk show, “The Wendy Williams Show.”

Chelsea Kane is the 21-year-old star of the Disney sitcom Jonas L.A. among many other Disney movies.

So there’s a quick rundown of part of the cast of Season 12 of Dancing With The Stars; others who could possibly join the cast include Brooke Mueller, Jodi Sweetin, Lorenzo Lamas and Faye Dunaway reports USA Today.

Bet on the latest entertainment props at Bodog Sports anytime you feel the need to dive into the Hollywood scene. Get your celebrity kicks at Bodog Sports today!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The Dancing with the Stars cast for the 2011 season was revealed on Monday and the contestants may make it difficult for online gamblers to pick a winner. several athletes will be among the favorites when the betting odds are released.

Sports books have started to offer betting odds on reality competitions in recent years, and the bookmakers have brought in millions of dollars from bets on popular shows. American Idol and Dancing with the Stars are two of the competitions that receive a lot of attention from gamblers.

The new season of DWTS will be interesting to say the least. Among the athletes that are scheduled to compete, are professional wrestler Chris Jericho, Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward, and legendary boxer Sugar Ray Leonard. The athletes will likely all be considered favorites, depending of course, on who their partner will be.

From the entertainment world, Ralph Macchio, Kirstie Alley, and Kendra Wilkerson will all be competing. Wilkerson is best known for being a Playboy Bunny and a reality television star. Macchio and Alley have both had success on the big screen and in television.

Romeo, a twenty-one year old rapper will appear on this season of DWTS, as will Wendy Williams, Chelsea Kane, Petra Nemcova, and Mike Catherwood. Off all of the contestants, Wilkerson, with her bubbly personality, may be the one that odds makers turn to as the favorite to win.

Reality shows such as Idol and DWTS have created a new buzz in the betting world. Gamblers no longer have to wait until the weekend to place bets on their favorite sporting events. The reality betting offers a change of pace for gamblers who are growing tired of having to watch three hour football and baseball games to get their betting fix.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Plans to regulate online gambling in Iowa have been resurrected, according to the state’s local media.

The Des Moines Register newspaper has reported that a new gambling bill would allow state casinos to offer online poker to customers via “special accounts.” These accounts would include limits on the amounts wagered and length of playing time, while strict measures would be put in place to prevent fraud and ensure underage players could not take part.

Another Iowa newspaper, the Quad City Times, suggested that, while players’ accounts could only be set up and managed by them physically entering casinos, all online play would be allowed to take place at their homes.

Last year a similar proposal was put forward, with the support of Scientific Games’ SciPlay joint venture with Playtech, but no bill came to pass as a result.

Egaming Review could find no mention of the bill on the Iowa Legislature website, but reports suggest that it would go before a committee headed by Democrat Senator Jeff Danielson.

By the time the full details of any such bill become public, one American state might already have made the decision to regulate online gambling. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is set to announce on Thursday whether or not he has passed Senator Raymond Lesniak’s intrastate egaming bill into law.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The world of online sports betting has grown much bigger than just gambling on sporting events. Part of the fun for gamblers these days is betting on some of the proposition bets that sports books offer regarding celebrities.

One of those proposition bets is which celebrity will be the next arrested. The bookmakers offer a variety of odds on different celebrities, and when one is arrested, the winning bettors are paid and everyone else loses. That cycle will now start again after Christina Aguilera was arrested early Tuesday.

Aguilera and boyfriend Matthew Rutler were both jailed Tuesday. Aguilera was charged with suspicion of public intoxication, and Rutler was charged with suspicion of driving under the influence. Aguilera was arrested at around 2:30 AM, and was released at 7:30 when she sobered up.

Rutler, however, was being held on $30,000 bail. Spokesman Steve Whitmore claims that no charges will be filed against Aguilera, and that she was simply being held in jail for her own safety. The arresting officer claims that Aguilera was extremely intoxicated.

Bettors who picked Aguilera will now collect their winnings, although she was not one of the celebrities with high odds. Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan have had the lowest odds in the past couple of months, with both being in trouble with the law on various occasions.

Aguilera has built a solid career off of her voice. This past February, Aguilera sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. Although she made mistakes on some of the words, critics mainly praised the performance. Aguilera also performed a tribute to Aretha Franklin at the Grammy's just a couple of weeks ago.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Designer John Galliano, a once respected Art Director of the Dior fashion house has been fired after 15 years of service after a cell phone recording surfaced online where a clearly drunken Dior made comments to people at a Parisian café expressing his love for Hitler among many other anti-Semitic remarks.

Galliano, a British designer responsible for breathing life back into the Dior fashion house and dressing some of the world’s elite including Princess Diana, Madonna and recent academy award winner Natalie Portman, was accused by a couple while enjoying what seemed to be one too many drinks at the bar, La Perle in the Marais district of Paris near his apartment claims, the Associated Press.

After the incident, a full investigation took place which led to Galliano’s suspension followed by him being fired for Dior’s zero-tolerance policy against any anti-Semitic behavior.

It’s been said that Galliano’s unstable behavior was causing problems in the Dior fashion house and that they may have been looking for a reason to part ways with the designer.

It seems that Galliano will not contest the charges and it would be difficult to after the video clearly caught him saying, “People like you should be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f**king gassed.” Hard to escape those words but maybe it was Galliano that was looking for a way out of the Dior empire, I mean can you really believe everything you see on the Internet.

Bet on the latest entertainment props at Bodog Sports anytime you feel the need to dive into the Hollywood scene. Get your celebrity kicks at Bodog Sports today!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote:

The world of online sports betting has grown much bigger than just gambling on sporting events. Part of the fun for gamblers these days is betting on some of the proposition bets that sports books offer regarding celebrities.

One of those proposition bets is which celebrity will be the next arrested. The bookmakers offer a variety of odds on different celebrities, and when one is arrested, the winning bettors are paid and everyone else loses. That cycle will now start again after Christina Aguilera was arrested early Tuesday.

Aguilera and boyfriend Matthew Rutler were both jailed Tuesday. Aguilera was charged with suspicion of public intoxication, and Rutler was charged with suspicion of driving under the influence. Aguilera was arrested at around 2:30 AM, and was released at 7:30 when she sobered up.

Rutler, however, was being held on $30,000 bail. Spokesman Steve Whitmore claims that no charges will be filed against Aguilera, and that she was simply being held in jail for her own safety. The arresting officer claims that Aguilera was extremely intoxicated.

Bettors who picked Aguilera will now collect their winnings, although she was not one of the celebrities with high odds. Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan have had the lowest odds in the past couple of months, with both being in trouble with the law on various occasions.

Aguilera has built a solid career off of her voice. This past February, Aguilera sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. Although she made mistakes on some of the words, critics mainly praised the performance. Aguilera also performed a tribute to Aretha Franklin at the Grammy's just a couple of weeks ago.

She was looking pretty rough there too
Join: 2009/08/23 Messages: 187
Gov. Chris Christie plans to take action today on a bill that would allow state residents to gamble online, before his deadline to decide expires, administration staff confirmed Wednesday evening.

But Sen. Ray Lesniak, D-Union, who pioneered the bill's concept of a Web-based gambling system solely for New Jersey residents, said he still had no idea Wednesday night whether Christie would sign the bill into law, kill it entirely or propose changes to the idea to accommodate legal concerns. Christie had for months expressed skepticism about creating a so-called intrastate system of online portals, which would let customers who live in New Jersey and are of legal age to log on and play online versions of poker, blackjack and other table games.

Lesniak argued the system would allow the state to reap the benefits of online gaming traffic that currently profits the operators of illegal websites.

By specifying that the portals must be run by existing casinos licensed in New Jersey, and by saying that all computer servers for the portals must be situated in Atlantic County, Lesniak said legalizing intrastate online gambling would boost casino revenue by $100 million and would create 500 high-tech jobs in the region.

Lobbyists for online-gaming operators said this month that they were discussing the bill with the governor's legal counsel, focusing on how it could work within state law. Gambling is currently allowed only in Atlantic City under the state constitution.

Christie has set a morning news conference for 11 a.m.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The world has a problem with Charlie Sheen being so honest about how much fun he's having and now, his twin boys have been removed from the house. Everyone has been Googling and tweeting about Sheen's antics, including Sheen himself, who joined twitter yesterday and has been doing round after round of interviews, saying hilarious things like "I am on a drug – it’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."

Just yesterday, NBC aired an interview with Sheen at his Beverly Hills home where his two "goddesses" (a model and a porn star) also resided. Unsurprisingly, his ex Brooke Mueller immediately got a court order alleging that her sons were being raised in an unhealthy environment.

Mueller also added that Charlie threatened her by saying, "I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom."

Of the threat, Sheen told the Today show this morning in a live interview, "it's colorful … that's a good one I guess. If you spend enough time around me you can formulate things and make it sound like it could have come from my mouth, but you can do that watching reruns."

Late Tuesday night, officers arrived at his home and removed his twin sons, Bob and Max, who are almost two years old.

"I stayed very calm and focused," Sheen said on the Today show. To Bob and Max, "I said, 'I love you.' And I said, 'Don't say goodbye. Say see you later.' And later is, we believe to be, very soon."

Sheen then looked into the camera and delivered this message to his ex: "Brooke, I'm sorry you felt this had to be done in this way, but this does not display any responsible parenting that I'm familiar with," he said. "I think that cooler and smarter, leveler heads can prevail, and I urge you to reach out to me, immediately if not sooner, and tell me where our sons are."

It's unclear how this whole mess will pan out and the fact that kids are now the center of a tug-of-war is really sad. As for Mueller herself, her lawyer told the court that she is currently in a "day treatment" facility for substance abuse and that she can only care for the kids for approximately 4 hours a day and that her mom will provide care for the rest of the day. Sheen says he currently doesn't know where his kids are.

Sheen said, "There's more love, compassion, support, childcare and everything else you could possibly want for a child in this lovely home. It's a hundred thousand times better than what's going to be delivered or offered in her house."

How will this all play out? Will Two and a Half Men continue? There is talk that John Stamos is in talks to take over Sheen's role. Get all your celebrity betting in the Bodog Sportsbook today!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Governor Chris Christie had the opportunity to do something historic in New Jersey on Thursday, but instead of putting his signature on a bill created by lawmakers that would regulate online gambling, Christie chose to veto the legislation. That opened the door for other states to become the first in the nation to regulate the billion dollar industry.

While Christie was vetoing the bill in New Jersey, lawmakers in Iowa were moving forward with plans to regulate Internet gambling. A bill has passed a key Senate Committee this week, and the legislation will now move forward.

Those in favor of regulation point to the estimated 150,000 Iowa residents that are already gambling online. The state also could profit almost $40 million annually from the activity if it is regulated. The revenue is enough incentive for lawmakers to move forward with the bill.

The opposition, however, is present as well. Senator Jerry Behn, and some of his colleagues, feel that the voters should a say in whether online gambling is regulated in Iowa. Other opponents of the bill claim that there will not be enough safeguards in place to keep the regulations tight.

The current bill would add an online poker site to the state's gaming options. The Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission would regulate the site. Iowa casinos would join forces with an online gaming operator to run the site. The rules for the new law would be similar to what was proposed in New Jersey, nobody under the age of twenty-one could participate, and only Iowa residents would be authorized to use the site.

Online poker has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world over the past decade. Foreign countries have started to change their online gambling laws in big numbers. Germany, France, Spain, and Italy are all opening up their Internet gambling industries, and the US is being urged to do the same.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
You know you’ve made it when you get an ice cream flavor created in your honor as talk show host Jimmy Fallon can attest to after Ben & Jerry’s announced last night that they created the “Late Night Snack” flavor just for him and includes chocolate covered potato chips, fair trade vanilla and a salty caramel swirl. Yummm..

Well, Fallon is certainly not the first celebrity to have his own ice cream flavor and if you’re a fan of Ben and Jerry’s quirky treats, then you may remember Cherry Garcia (Named after the Greatful Dead Singer Jerry Garcia), Imagine Whirled Peace (John Lennon), Stephen Colbert’s AmeriCone Dream and Dave Matthews Band Magic Brownies flavor.

The Late Night With Jimmy Fallon host mentioned last night during the unveiling of the new flavor together with creators Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield that a percentage of the proceeds raised from sales of the ice cream would go to the Fair Trade cause which helps farmers around the world trade their product fairly without be shortchanged in any way.

According to EOnline, creating Jimmy’s “Late Night Snack” flavor “was like science, we went back to different ideas, he said. “They finally figured they could crush kettle chips into balls and then cover them with protective fudge so they wouldn’t get soft. Genius. “We came up with the perfect combo of salty and sweet.”

Yeah, it sounds like pure goodness and congrats to Fallon on this high-level honor.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893