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Mobile gaming is becoming of the most popular trends in the online gambling industry. As more and more existing players continue to invest in smart phones and tablet computers, the population of mobile casinos rises. Online casino operators have catered to this trend by giving mobile players the same access to their online-based accounts.

Smart phones with the capability to support gaming have even edged out portable video game systems like the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP. The popularity of mobile gaming has become so threatening to these companies that Sony has launched a PlayStation phone, specifically for gamers on the go.

Because of the increase in mobile gaming, casino operators have jumped on the bandwagon, creating their own applications for use on smart phones and other mobile devices. While the iPhone and Android phones are mobile for mobile gambling, tablet computers actually drive the industry. As technological continues to advance, so does the demand for software to use on these devices.

The iPad 2 and the iPhone 5 are set for release this year, causing online casino operators to plan their development of games for use on these devices. Android 3.0 is also scheduled for 2011, presenting operators with some interesting opportunities for software development. 2011 will certainly be an interesting year for the mobile gambling industry.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
According to Michael Vick's agent, the Philadelphia Eagles quaterback is responsible for animal cruelty, but wouldn't be caught dead gambling. Yes, this tid bit surfaced during a wager between Oprah Winfrey and Piers Morgan, who were both vying to snag the first interview with NFL's Comeback Player of the Year since his release from prison after spending 21 months behind bars at Leavenworth's minimum security after he plead guilty to dogfighting conspiracy. Back in 2007, Vick had funded "Bad Newz Kennels," killing six to eight dogs and providing dogfight betting. He had operated the ring for five years. However, these days, gambling is apparently off-limits for Vick.

Vick's agent told both Winfrey and Morgan that Vick didn't want any part of their friendly bet, and refused to be interviewed should they keep their $320 wager on who would land the interview first.

"Here's what happened," Morgan said on Tuesday. "I bet Oprah £200 for this interview, and then a mysterious thing happened at the end of last week, where Michael Vick's agent rang us both up and said, 'He can't be party to gambling so he'll only do an interview with either of you if you withdraw the bet.'"

Morgan added that Winfrey was "quick as lightening," when she immediately took to Twitter and wrote: "Dear Piers, I'm withdrawing the bet, I don't know why I let you talk me into it, I still love you, Oprah."

"The moment I saw that, I knew what that meant was, if she did that on Twitter, she was in the clear and she had him in the bag," Morgan said.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
For those of you who may fall in and out of love with the hit reality television series Survivor, it may be a good time to tune in to this season’s show Survivor: Redemption Island, which starts tonight on CBS. This season, host Jeff Probst has added a special twist to the show which sends eliminated players to Redemption Island and gives them one last chance to battle their enemies from sunny Nicaragua.

For season 22, you’ll see some familiar faces including repeat offenders Boston Rob and Russell Hantz who have made their way to the top several times over and made memorable appearances in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.

This year, producers have added Redemption Island, where those who have been voted off will go to prepare for their next challenge instead of going home. What sucks is that these guys are completely alone and won’t have the benefit of team work to rely on for finding food sources etc. Once a second contestant is voted off, they will both become Redemption Island inhabitants and will duke it out for a chance to stay on the show. Eventually the winning contestant on RI will join the rest of the cast but it isn’t exactly known how this will happen.

"For the first time ever, we've got people who've been blindsided, kicked out, unwanted, and revengeful seeing those people who had a hand in it, " Burnett, the show's producer told EOnline.

As far as Rob and Russell, these guys will both be a team leader, which means that whatever grievances they shared in the past will be coming out this season.

The show starts tonight, so get ready to put your little scheming mind to work.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote:

Mobile gaming is becoming of the most popular trends in the online gambling industry. As more and more existing players continue to invest in smart phones and tablet computers, the population of mobile casinos rises. Online casino operators have catered to this trend by giving mobile players the same access to their online-based accounts.

Smart phones with the capability to support gaming have even edged out portable video game systems like the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP. The popularity of mobile gaming has become so threatening to these companies that Sony has launched a PlayStation phone, specifically for gamers on the go.

Because of the increase in mobile gaming, casino operators have jumped on the bandwagon, creating their own applications for use on smart phones and other mobile devices. While the iPhone and Android phones are mobile for mobile gambling, tablet computers actually drive the industry. As technological continues to advance, so does the demand for software to use on these devices.

The iPad 2 and the iPhone 5 are set for release this year, causing online casino operators to plan their development of games for use on these devices. Android 3.0 is also scheduled for 2011, presenting operators with some interesting opportunities for software development. 2011 will certainly be an interesting year for the mobile gambling industry.

I can see it now driving while gambling,lmao.yep they have come a long way for sure.been looking at the new gadgets but havent made a move yet.
Join: 2009/07/05 Messages: 148
HOUSTON — Lobbyists, opponents and casino owners believe Texas' massive budget crisis could give proposals to legalize gambling their best chance in years for approval.

They say the $15 billion budget gap that has nearly every institution in the state bracing for massive cuts could make the revenues from gambling too tempting for this Legislature to ignore.

Legislative consultant Chuck McDonald has represented gambling supporters and opponents. Now, he would wager some long-time opponents may support gaming to lessen cuts.

As a result, some groups opposed to gambling are preparing numbers to argue for better and different ways the state could make money.

Casino owner Tilman Fertitta says gambling revenue would not fill the budget gap, but would lessen the blow of the upcoming cuts, including those expected for public education.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association has been active the last while putting together a research paper on the on the economic and fiscal impact of internet gambling legislation currently on hold in New Jersey USA. New Jersey's Intra-State Internet Gambling Bill (S490) has been passed through the legislature but is stalled on Governor Chris Christie’s desk awaiting his final approval.
The report, with the lengthy name "Potential Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Proposed New Jersey Intra-State iGaming Bill," was compiled for iMEGA Corporation by the public policy and economics consulting firm Econsult Corporation.

The proposed new regulation in New Jersey will bring major benefits to the area the report states. One long term result is estimated to create up to 57,000 new jobs, providing approximately $472 million in total New Jersey tax revenues.
Short term affects of the proposed legislation on the governor’s desk are, "increased economic activity, employment, demand for commercial office space and tax revenues"

iMEGA’s Chairman Joe Brennan Jr, commented, "The economic benefit has the potential to extend far beyond the available gaming tax yield." He explained further, "What has made this compelling for New Jersey is the opportunity for job creation in a high-tech sector, as well as the ability to attract significant investment dollars to the state. New Jersey wants to be the capital of iGaming, and with all of the infrastructure, workforce, regulatory and location advantages, it very well could be."

Governor Christie knows that there are reasons to sign this bill into law yes anywhere between $8 billion and $11 billion reasons. The "Potential Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Proposed New Jersey Intra-State iGaming Bill," report may just be the research that Governor Christie needs to convince him this is idea is sound and solid, and only needs to be implemented.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Lindsay Lohan had seemingly booked herself a gig on David Letterman but there was a mix up and Lindsay tweeted that she had "never" agreed to do Letterman's infamous "Top Ten List." Her rep even released a statement explaining how someone "purporting to be a friend of Lindsays" booked the fallen starlet and now, Lindsay's father Michael Lohan is admitting he pulled the stunt but had Lindsay's ok to do so.

Michael says that after Letterman cracked the joke about troubled daughter stealing a Grammy Award, he got the idea to book her on the show. Hey, someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously is always a good thing in Hollywood and can often spell "career comeback."

Michael claims that Lindsay was excited about the booking and that she would deliver Letterman's "Top Ten" via satellite. However, Michael Lohan says that things took an ugly turn when her handlers got wind of the gig and shut it down.

Michael told TMZ, "Anything positive that I bring into her life … [her people] try to nix it."

For his part, no one puts Letterman in the corner! Letterman took to his show and said that the day after he made the joke about Lindsay, a guy called and said, "Lindsay thought that joke was hilarious and wants to be on your show." He sarcastically joked that he thought Lindsay's appearance on his show would be "better than the Superbowl" and then apologized for embarrassing her and her family while the audience laughed. Clearly, Letterman was not a fan of the Lindsay's snub.

What do you think? Is Lindsay stupid for backing out of Letterman's show? Sound off in our comments section. And in the meantime, get all your celebrity odds in the Bodog Sportsbook. If you need an account, Join Bodog today.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Jersey will have to wait a little longer before new laws on e-gaming are introduced.

Yesterday Deputy Mike Higgins successfully convinced States members it was important scrutiny looked at the amendments.

Economic Development Minsiter Senator Alan Maclean says the last minute review could cost the island thousands in lost revenue.

He said: "We have businesses who are interested in applying for licenses here in Jersey, we have international brand name businesses who want to come and relocate here and that represents significant potential revenue for the island at a time when we desperately need it and it represents the possibility of jobs and I'm just understandably disappointed that this decision has been taken.

"It's been known about. We had an in principle debate on this last April where the house also overwhelmingly supported it. The scrutiny panel have known this was coming forward and I think this is a very disappointing decision that they've made."

Internet gaming is a multi-million pound industry, available at the touch of a button.

On-line gambling is big business and a number of the Channel Islands are already reaping the rewards.

In Alderney 25 on-line companies applied for licences in 2006. Three years later that number had almost doubled to 44.

In Guernsey the island's coffers were boosted by £7 million in 2007.

By 2009, that figure was £50 million and it is expected to grow by a further 40 per cent in the coming years.

So with the stakes so high, it is no wonder Jersey's government are keen to be dealt some of the action.

Last April the States agreed in principle to allow e-gambling companies to be based in the island.

Yesterday (Wednesday) they voted again and overwhelmingly supported the idea.

But the legislation has been delayed for up to a month by the Chairman of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny panel.

Deputy Mike Higgins said some politicians did not realise what they were voting for.

The Minister for Economic Development said it could not have been clearer.

The States delay has already cost Jersey business.

In the last 24 hours an e-gambling company cancelled a meeting scheduled for today.

Earlier this year another business looking to re-locate to Jersey moved to Guernsey.

Deputy Higgins said his scrutiny team hoped to present their findings to the States as soon as possible.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Republicans in the state of Texas have traditionally been among the most conservative lawmakers in the country, and they have always rejected the idea of legalized casino gambling in the Lone Star state. With a budget gap as wide as $15 billion, however, lawmakers are at least listening to gaming ideas.

It has been projected that Texas could gain $1 billion annually if they were to legalize casinos. Despite the large amount of money it could generate, lawmakers have never really given serious consideration to casinos. That stance, however, was before the state was facing this steep of a budget gap.

"Texas lawmakers have to at least consider legalizing casinos," said Gaming Analyst Steve Schwartz. "It would be irresponsible of the legislators to not consider a plan that could keep funding flowing to the local school system. The gaming issue is now too large to be ignored."

In the past, Democratic leaders have attempted to pass legislation legalizing different forms of gambling. In each instance, the bills have been shot down by Conservatives, but now, even some Republicans believe that their allies may fold to the gaming interests in the name of the revenue it could bring.

"The people deserve the right to choose whether they want draconian cuts to children's education, health care for the elderly, and aid to veterans, or they want to move forward with an option to bring back jobs and money to Texas we are giving away to other states," said Senator Rodney Ellis.

It is not that Texas residents are not gambling. It is estimated that millions of dollars are leaving the state and going to areas such as Oklahoma and Louisiana, both states that offer casino gambling. Dozens of states have changed their casino policies in the past decade, all with an eye on bringing jobs and tax revenue in return.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Lawmakers have done their part to help the Atlantic City gaming industry and millions of gamblers in the state. Now, industry leaders and online poker players are awaiting word on whether Governor Chris Christie will sign the online gambling legislation.

Governor Christie is weighing the issue carefully and his decision will likely be more of a political strategy move. On one hand, Christie would gain the support of the millions of gamblers in New Jersey. On the other hand, however, Christie may cost himself a chance to move up the ranks of his political party.

Christie is viewed as an up and coming leader in the Republican Party, but if he signs the legislation, he may lose any chance of moving to a federal level. Republicans have long been against any online gambling legislation, instead choosing to keep promoting prohibition of the activity.

At first, it looked as though Christie was intent on signing the bill, but now analysts believe he will veto the legislation. The governor is receiving pressure from his political allies to veto. Christie is concerned that if he signs the legislation, federal prosecutors may sue the state for violating the Wire Act.

Industry insiders are also asking Christie to veto the bill. Caesars Entertainment and several other gaming companies want online gambling regulated on a national level. If New jersey and other states start to regulate the industry, federal lawmakers may not see the need to push online gaming legislation.

New Jersey is in a race with Florida and California to become the first to regulate online poker. Lawmakers in both the assembly and the Senate have passed the law allowing AC casinos to operate online casinos, and the bill is in the waiting period for Christie to sign the bill.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The Anna Nicole Smith Opera, titled Anna Nicole, has finally hit the stage at the Royal Opera House in London. The bad news for the show, is that now the estate of Anna Nicole Smith is threatening legal action over the song and dance spoof.

Larry Birkhead, the one-time boyfriend of Smith and father to Dannielynn, is furious because although this show has been in the works for years now, no one ever ran it by Anna's estate or him. He added that the opera is like "a sleazy tabloid" and, ominously warns, "If [the producers] are not careful, they'll get more than diet pills in the mail."

So far, the reviews for the show are mixed. The Washington Post writes, "As soon as the actual story began, the opera fell like a failed soufflé. By deliberately opting for a TV-biopic approach, it became the latest entry in the lists of failed biographical operas … presented such events like items on a checklist, acted out by two-dimensional characters that never – despite a fine cast – came to life."

And the AP said, "In this retelling of her story, it's hard to empathize with her, much less imagine her as a figure of tragedy."

The Independent, however, seemed to enjoy the show a lot more, calling Anna Nicole "a tremendous show, fast-paced, spare and concentrated."

Smith lived a life that was stranger than fiction. The stripper turned Playboy model married an elderly billionaire oil tycoon, who died just one year later. Smith battled with his son over his will and thus began a tangled web of courtroom drama, drug addiction, paternity tests and lies that ultimately ended in her accidental drug overdose at the age of 33. Her death was on the heels of her son Daniel's strange death, as well as the birth of her daughter, Dannielynn, who now lives with Birkhead.

The opera is the brainchild of the co-creator of Jerry Springer: The Opera is composed by Mark-Anthony Turnage, conducted by Antonio Pappano and directed by Richard Jones.

For all your celebrity betting, visit the Bodog Sportsbook.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Paris Hilton hit a big milestone of her own, she’s now 30 years old but one thing she can still count on is a bit of drama to follow her around. During her 30th birthday party in L.A. someone named “Paz” crashed her party and took off with what sources claim was a $3K birthday cake and lived to tell all about it on Facebook.

You don’t mess with a girl’s cake but this guy, Paz, who managed to sneak his way into Paris’ birthday party through a well-connected friend, apparently got a cue from a security guard or someone who seemed to be in the know, that the cake was up for grabs. So the guy gets his car and since everyone was probably tanked, he manages to take the cake out of the building and onto his car without any hesitation or questioning from security. Score! I guess, so after the guy walks out with the $3K cake he then goes home to share a play by play all on Facebook.

This morning you can imagine that the guy made headlines of the cake-snatching incident but since he got the green light from security to move ahead with 70 lb mass of sugary goodness, no charges were filed.

Needless to say that Paris wasn’t happy about the whole thing and felt it was “pathetic that someone feels the need to get attention like that,” this coming from the fame monger extraordinaire. The incident didn't prevent her from partying like a rock star during her Moulin Rouge-themed party, so I suppose all is forgiven.

Well, it sounds like a misunderstanding but now this guy’s claim to fame will be stealing Paris Hilton’s birthday cake, I guess that’s something.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote:

Paris Hilton hit a big milestone of her own, she’s now 30 years old but one thing she can still count on is a bit of drama to follow her around. During her 30th birthday party in L.A. someone named “Paz” crashed her party and took off with what sources claim was a $3K birthday cake and lived to tell all about it on Facebook.

You don’t mess with a girl’s cake but this guy, Paz, who managed to sneak his way into Paris’ birthday party through a well-connected friend, apparently got a cue from a security guard or someone who seemed to be in the know, that the cake was up for grabs. So the guy gets his car and since everyone was probably tanked, he manages to take the cake out of the building and onto his car without any hesitation or questioning from security. Score! I guess, so after the guy walks out with the $3K cake he then goes home to share a play by play all on Facebook.

This morning you can imagine that the guy made headlines of the cake-snatching incident but since he got the green light from security to move ahead with 70 lb mass of sugary goodness, no charges were filed.

Needless to say that Paris wasn’t happy about the whole thing and felt it was “pathetic that someone feels the need to get attention like that,” this coming from the fame monger extraordinaire. The incident didn't prevent her from partying like a rock star during her Moulin Rouge-themed party, so I suppose all is forgiven.

Well, it sounds like a misunderstanding but now this guy’s claim to fame will be stealing Paris Hilton’s birthday cake, I guess that’s something.

Hopefully, the frosting was made of fondant. Does not even taste like a good frosting at all. So maybe a good thing he removed this nasty treat.

p.s. Paris is 5 stars in my book.
Join: 2008/12/11 Messages: 117
A report in the New York Post indicates that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie may veto a bill that would have made New Jersey the first US state to legalize online gambling.

The bill was passed through legislature and is now awaiting Christie’s signature for approval. It was thought that Christie would support the bill in an effort to cut the state’s deficit, but the Post indicates this speculation may have been premature.

Christie is a Republican, so party ties could play a major role in his decision. It’s also thought that Christie may run for the US Presidency in 2012 and may not want to be linked to online gambling if that is his plan.

Christie has until Feb. 24 to sign or veto the bill, but it will become law after the deadline if he chooses not to sign the bill.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Life on a reality television show doesn't necessarily guarantee you greatness but it just may help you in lining up your next gig. Former star of Jon & Kate Plus 8, Jon Gosselin, seems to be out of the reality television loop and with those network paychecks not rolling in anymore, the guy had to resort to finding himself a regular J-O-B to pay the bills. TMZ managed to track down the guy installing solar panels in Pennsylvania. Hey, there’s no shame in his game!

According to TMZ, the computer technician who shared in the responsibility of raising 8 kids along with his ex-wife Kate Gosselin on Jon and Kate Plus 8, (now Kate Plus Eight) moved on from the show after the couple separated and he was slowly phased out of the show.

According to ABC News, the troubles between the couple resulted in exceptional ratings for the TLC show with 10.6 million viewers. I guess audiences just love a little drama that’s not their own and now all of that is possible thanks to reality television.

So now, after the success of the show, Jon has taken a different route and signed on with Green Point Energy where he is part of a team that installs solar panels.

Shortly after 2009, it was reported that after his divorce, Jon was spending his TV show paychecks frivolously on his new 23-year old girlfriend, fancy restaurants and a fancy new Manhattan pad. I guess that’s all gone now but hey, there may be the possibility of him getting a shot at another reality television series. Dr. Drew, help?
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Recently two news items have been released in connection with legal issues for online gambling. One from Holland concerns the future of online gambling in that country. The other is from British Columbia and discusses past mistakes.

The Dutch government has planned to auction a limited number of operating licenses in 2012. Online gambling firms from the Netherlands are opposing this move as indicated in the Dutch newspapers. Presently it is illegal for private online gambling operators to offer services to Dutch punters. The provision of gambling is the sole preserve of Holland's state monopoly company De Lotto and its Holland Casino. At the same time the government is facing a spate of lawsuits from online gambling operators trying to penetrate the Dutch market and citing European Union (EU) regulations and policies of uniform services throughout the union. In a bid to offer lip service to the EU norms and at the same time raise €10 million the Dutch government plans to issue a set number of licenses for online gambling operations. The online gaming foundation Stichting Online Gaming Nederland (STIOGG) has objected stating that that proper regulation can only be achieved if there are an extremely large number of licenses issued for online gambling so that the market is truly competitive.

Objections have also been raised to the government planning to allow Holland Casino to expand its operations. The national audit office has pointed out that casino management is supposed to build on an anti-addiction platform in order to comply with EU law. A monopoly gambling organization expanding casino properties into wider entertainment centres could be seen as allowing gambling addiction if not fostering it.

The Canadian news item refers to the launch of the PlayNow online gambling site by the British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC). Immediately after the PlayNow site went live last year, there was a leak of private information and the site had to be closed for an extended period to make good the breach. Since then the B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has been independently investigating the matter and her findings have just been released. The enquiry found that the BCLC had initially not taken adequate steps to protect the privacy of players, but has now addressed this issue fully.

The investigation revealed that a number of security gaps had been inadvertently left when the PlayNow online casino platform was launched, the cumulative effect of which resulted in inadequate protection of customers' personal information. The statement from Denham revealed, "The investigation identified inadequate user access controls and malicious code controls, unencrypted data transmission and gaps in BCLC's privacy management framework." Denham said that security of online gambling platforms cannot be understated because gambling attracts the attention of organised crime. Denham's report made a number of recommendations to BCLC, which have been accepted and implemented by the Corporation.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The European market for online gambling continues to expand as countries in the Baltic region continue to make changes to their rules and regulations regarding internet betting. Membership in the European Union includes e commerce compliance which has been difficult for some European countries given their entrenched gambling monopolies and the advent of offshore internet wagering.

In Bulgaria the government has proposed the prohibition of gambling advertisements but not without some objections raised by the operators of both land based and online gaming locations.
The operators are advocating for equal treatment for all of the operators. Primarily it’s the wording used in the government’s proposed draft of the new Gambling Act which the businesses claim is discriminatory and unfair as far as gambling advertising is concerned.

The companies have also requested the removal of all references to the prohibition on gambling advertisements. A statement read, “If restrictions were essential, it would be more acceptable to treat gambling in the same manner as smoking, with warnings of the possible dangers associated with wagering carried on any advertising, rather than outright bans.”
The Bulgarian gaming association has sent a delegation to a conference sponsored by the European Gaming and Amusement Federation in Strasbourg. The main focus of the group is to raise the awareness for the need for gambling regulation within the European Union.

The European Gaming and Amusement Federation has in the past advocated “equitable treatment of all forms of gambling service distribution across the EU,”
The President of EUROMAT, Annette Kok, commented, “Today has been all about ensuring that when decisions are made at EU level which impact our sector, that those decisions are based on concrete knowledge as to how our sector operates, how many people we employ and our commitment to providing gambling services in a responsible manner.”
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote:

The European market for online gambling continues to expand as countries in the Baltic region continue to make changes to their rules and regulations regarding internet betting. Membership in the European Union includes e commerce compliance which has been difficult for some European countries given their entrenched gambling monopolies and the advent of offshore internet wagering.

In Bulgaria the government has proposed the prohibition of gambling advertisements but not without some objections raised by the operators of both land based and online gaming locations.
The operators are advocating for equal treatment for all of the operators. Primarily it’s the wording used in the government’s proposed draft of the new Gambling Act which the businesses claim is discriminatory and unfair as far as gambling advertising is concerned.

The companies have also requested the removal of all references to the prohibition on gambling advertisements. A statement read, “If restrictions were essential, it would be more acceptable to treat gambling in the same manner as smoking, with warnings of the possible dangers associated with wagering carried on any advertising, rather than outright bans.”
The Bulgarian gaming association has sent a delegation to a conference sponsored by the European Gaming and Amusement Federation in Strasbourg. The main focus of the group is to raise the awareness for the need for gambling regulation within the European Union.

The European Gaming and Amusement Federation has in the past advocated “equitable treatment of all forms of gambling service distribution across the EU,”
The President of EUROMAT, Annette Kok, commented, “Today has been all about ensuring that when decisions are made at EU level which impact our sector, that those decisions are based on concrete knowledge as to how our sector operates, how many people we employ and our commitment to providing gambling services in a responsible manner.”

No need for Bulgarity in the forum.... :dance::
Join: 2009/05/08 Messages: 191
North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue was intrigued with the idea of regulating video gambling in North Carolina, and many analysts thought it would be a key part of the governor's new budget. In the end, however, Perdue decided to save the gambling debate for another session.

North Carolina lawmakers have worked over the past several years to close loopholes in state law that has allowed video gambling machines to become commonplace around the state. While legislators in the state were trying to rid North Carolina of the machines, Perdue was considering the hundreds of millions of dollars that could be gained by regulating the industry.

Perdue finally gave her budget proposal for the new year, and it did not include video gambling revenue. The governor decided that the debate would be too lengthy and there was a chance that in the end, the video gambling proposal would have been defeated, something the governor did not want on her record.

"I didn't want the next six months, quite frankly, when so much is at stake for North Carolina and our future wrapped around jobs and education and kids, to be distracted by this philosophical and moral debate over gambling and over video gambling and the lottery," said Perdue.

The debate is one that has taken place in many states over the past couple of years, and for the most part, the pro-gambling legislators have won the argument. The revenue and job creation that gambling creates outweighed the negative impact for many lawmakers.

In Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, Maryland, and many states in the Midwest, gaming is now looked at as a possible savior after the economic recession of 2008. Several other states have moved closer to full scale casino gambling, adding not only slots, but also table games such as blackjack, craps, roulette, and baccarat.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
William Hill recently heralded 2010 as a strong year and is expecting full-year profits to come in at the top end of expectations in its annual results on Friday.

The bookmaker emerged from weather-struck December unscathed as gamblers battled snow and ice to place their bets in the group's shops.

The company, which has more than 2,350 outlets in the UK and Ireland, saw retail turnover growth in December despite the Arctic conditions, which led to 47% of scheduled UK horseracing meetings being cancelled and just one weekend of reduced football.

Consensus figures suggest full-year underlying earnings will come in around £275 million, up from £258.6 million the previous year. The City will be looking for further details on how the company plans to expand its mobile and online operations.

Gaming firm Rank Group will reveal whether the turnaround in its Mecca Bingo business has translated into full-year profit growth in its annual results on Friday. Mecca reported an increase in the number of visits for the first time in more than a decade in the first half of 2010, helped by rebranding six of its halls to its new Full House format in order to attract a younger crowd.

The Mecca business has faced a number of difficulties in recent years, including the smoking ban, changes to legislation which restricted money-spinning gaming machines, a harsh tax regime and a squeeze on consumers in the recession.

Meanwhile, full-year results from More Than parent RSA Insurance on Thursday will confirm the impact of a surge in household claims during December's freeze. The firm recently warned over annual earnings after it said the bill for UK weather-related claims was expected to be £110 million more than normal after the coldest December for 100 years.

The pre-Christmas snow and freezing conditions saw RSA inundated with claims for snow damage and burst pipes, with around 8,000 claims at an average cost of £6,700 since November.

It cautioned this blow - which contributed to an overall weather impact that was £142 million more than normal - would leave full-year earnings lower than market forecasts, at around £600 million to £630 million against predictions for £740 million.

And National Express reports on Thursday after a turnaround year for the group under the leadership of new chief executive Dean Finch. The group raised its full-year profit expectations in December after delivering the benefits of a bus network revamp earlier than expected.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893