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Registration date - 2017/12/26 Last login date - 2025/02/01 Forum post count - 620
Thanks: 7 Followers: 0 -
Units Amount of Stake. ROI - Return of investment. W% - Win percentages.
- Units -302.65
- ROI -13.84%
- W% 42.13%
vp - mibr (+14.00) VP - SaW (+12.00) VP - SaW (+6.40) complexity - ef (+8.00) ef - spirit (+5.76) g2 - ef (+8.00) pain - navi (-8.00) big - g2 (-8.00) vitality - (+6.64) ef - falcons (-8.00)Last 10 picks:
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- Total picks: 257
- Units won: 1908.35
- W-L-T : 107-147-3
- Avg.Stake of Units: 8.60
- Staked units: 2211.00
- Avg. Odds: 2.125
Unit change
Sports statistics by category
Bookmaker statistics
Statistics by month
2025-01 +24.80 +23.85%
2024-10 -32.00 -100.00%
2024-09 -42.04 -54.60%
2024-08 -55.08 -34.64%
2024-07 -20.96 -32.75%
2024-06 -68.04 -66.06%
2024-05 -46.52 -16.21%
2024-04 +4.87 +2.22%
2024-03 -11.70 -39.00%
2023-08 -7.00 -100.00%
2023-04 +5.82 +3.88%
2023-03 -75.33 -10.11%
2023-02 +20.53 +9.78%
2019-10 0.00 --
Statistic by stake
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