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Tipster bomberclad (7 Units)
bomberclad Pick @ 3.600Splyce - Fnatic
Pick: Fnatic (correct score 1:2)
Units: 40.31; 52.94%
Added 2017/02/16 15:30-7.002017/02/16 15:30 -
bomberclad Pick @ 3.200Phoenix1 - Team SoloMid
Pick: Team SoloMid (correct score 1:2)
Units: 40.31; 52.94%
Added 2017/02/05 15:32+15.402017/02/05 15:32 -
bomberclad Pick @ 2.150EnvyUS - Team Liquid
Pick: Team Liquid (correct score 0:2)
Units: 40.31; 52.94%
Added 2017/02/03 22:18-7.002017/02/03 22:18 -
bomberclad Pick @ 2.700Immortals - Phoenix1
Pick: Phoenix1 (correct score 0:2)
Units: 40.31; 52.94%
Added 2017/02/03 21:57+11.902017/02/03 21:57 -
bomberclad Pick @ 3.300Splyce - Unicorns of Love
Pick: Unicorns of Love (correct score 1:2)
Units: 40.31; 52.94%
Added 2017/02/02 13:40+16.102017/02/02 13:40 -
bomberclad Pick @ 1.850Gambit Gaming - Faze Clan
Pick: Over (Total over 26.5)
Units: 40.31; 52.94%
Added 2017/01/25 15:27+5.952017/01/25 15:27