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Art doesn’t do many interviews so his conversation with GamingToday (adjacent Q &A) will generate much interest within the industry.
And hopefully, someone in government will wise up and listen to some common sense. You see, when you never leave the Capitol Beltway there’s no way to wipe away the illusion that Las Vegas is still Sin City and gambling on any level is some sinister action.
“Those of us in Nevada in the industry take our jobs so seriously,” Manteris said. “We reject the notion that there is impropriety. There’s not even a remote possibility. It’s ironic that you can’t even walk down a street in London where there isn’t a sports betting shop and yet casino gambling is limited. The attitude in the UK is 180 degrees opposite from here.
“Mobile wagering makes it so that we don’t need to have little shops on every street corner like 7-Elevens,” he added. “Nothing will replace the excitement of the casinos with screaming crowds, cocktail waitresses and several food outlets nearby.”
Manteris said online gaming regarding poker works because it lends itself to those who are tech savvy. It’s deplorable the federal government doesn’t see the positives of all forms of gambling.
“Logic and gaming regulation outside Nevada don’t often go hand in hand,” Manteris politely said. “When the federal government wanted to ban betting on college games the arguments were so mind boggling it just shocked me. They could not be more wrong on those positions. Will it change, who knows?”
Indeed, and like a disease, word spreads continually about the evils that perpetuate the perception the fix is on at any time.
“I would say there are illogical fears,” Manteris said. ”It’s scary. People make a living writing screenplays, going on TV talk shows, influencing the pro leagues by perpetrating the myth of how easy it is to fix games. I don’t buy that (altering outcomes) for a minute.”
Again, read the Q&A. There is so much truth in what Art says. Maybe it will take a Gov. Christie in New Jersey to become president for anything to happen. All we can do now is keep the conversation going.
Legalizing sports betting or online gaming nationwide :: GamingToday-com

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One activity that many punters find fascinating is snooker and they like to bet on the outcome of the tournaments and individual games.
Online gambling services provider Dafabet has revealed it is now the title sponsor of snookers Masters Tournament to be staged in 2014.
The event which is by invitation only pits the planets best sixteen snooker professionals against one another for the big money prize of £200,000 at London’s Alexandra Palace.
Barry Hearn, the Chairperson at World Snooker commented on the sponsorship opportunity, “We are delighted to bring Dafabet on board as title sponsor for what is one of the highlights of the sporting calendar. The Masters has such a special feel to it because it's an elite field and the tournament has a rich history going back to 1975.” Hearn continued to add, "Dafabet sponsored the Players Tour Championship Grand Finals last season so they are aware of the massive global audience they can reach out to through snooker. The Masters will provide tremendous worldwide exposure for their brand.”
Broadcast to millions of viewers on the BBC television network the tournament player list for the Dafabet Masters includes World Champion Ronnie O'Sullivan, Ding Junhui, Judd Trump, John Higgins and Mark Selby. The much anticipated event will commence on the 12th and continue until the 19th of January 2014.
Dimitris Karatzas who is Dafabet’s Managing Director of online betting and gaming, also commented on the arrangement, "We're very proud to be title sponsor of such a recognized and traditional event of the sporting year. We are all looking forward to what is bound to be a tournament of the highest quality that will be viewed worldwide, such is the following of Snooker." All matches up to and including the Semi Finals will be best of 11 frames and the Final will be best of 19 frames (8/11).
Online Gambling Firm Dafabet Sponsors Masters Snooker

The state has spent an estimated $2.3 million with more to come on the legal eagles who are trying to convince judges that New Jersey has the constitutional right to offer betting on sporting events.
The considerable gain from the effort to legalize is apparent with estimates in the range of $1.3 billion a year in job-generating income for the state’s struggling casinos and horse racing venues with as much as $100 million going to the state treasury in the form of taxes.
Governor Chris Christie and his administration are contesting the existing 1992 law, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), and how it limits legalized sports betting to only four states. The main opponents are the large and powers sports organizations including the NCAA who insist that state-sponsored sports betting would “irreparably” harm their games by degrading the integrity of the sports.
At the present time it appears that New Jersey’s effort to overturn the 1992 law is a real long shot. Especially sine at the time the law was introduced the State had an opportunity to be part of the group who got approval to offer sports betting but turned it down. Unfortunately in New Jersey, the U.S. District Court decided that Congress did indeed have the power to rule on the constitutionality of the issue. A panel of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ruling by a 2-1 vote last September, and the full Third Circuit declined to rehear the case.
Now the state attorney general’s office must take its chances with the Supreme Court and an amendment by Congress. The political challenges are formidable and the stakes are high and the outcome remains to be seen.
New Jersey Still Gambling On Online Sports Betting

The most complicated of the jurisdictions is turning out to be the European sector and all of the countries belonging to the European Union. One would naturally think that the European Union has one set of rules for E.U. members but of course that’s not the case.
Spain, Denmark, Italy and France among others have all liberalized their online gambling regulations to allow for legal internet wagering. France is a good example of the trending that is common in other jurisdictions.
According to recent report from online gaming regulator ARJEL the fourth quarter stakes for online poker cash games came down 23% to €1.2billion, with gross gaming revenues sliding 12% during the final months of 2013 to €65million. These are significant numbers and somewhat of a surprise to some analysts.
Meanwhile, sports betting seems to have started to pick up in France where the national past time of soccer and the great enthusiasm the French have for competition have led to an increased interest in sports wagering. The introduction of casino games that can be played with little input or decision making have also led punters away from poker as an entertainment outlet.
Wagering on football went up by 38 percent in 2013. An interest in professional basketball rose with stakes increasing by 36 percent over 2013.
Trending now in France is sports betting but that has been very popular in many other parts of the planet. The world of trending can show the patterns emerging in the online gambling industry and give the savvy investor a heads up when it’s time to buy or sell
Increased Online Sports Betting Trend in France

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teams that are qualified for world cup 2014 and some history about them.
12 JUN 2014 - 17:00 Local time
Arena de Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Brazil is the most successful national team in the history of the world cup, having won five FIFA World Cup titles and reaching the final in 2 other opportunities. Brazil is also one of the countries besides Argentina and Spain to win a FIFA World Cup away from its continent and its only The only nation to have taken part in every edition of the elite competition, Brazil have lifted the coveted Trophy on a record five occasions (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002), finished in second place twice (1950 and 1998) and taken the last spot on the podium at another two editions (1938 and 1978).
This team was dissolved in 1945 as Croatia became a constituent federal republic of SFR Yugoslavia. In between 1945 to 1990, Croatia did not field a separate team for competitive matches and Croatian players for the Yugoslavia national team. The modern Croatian team was formed in 1991, shortly before Croatians’Independence from Yugoslavia and by 1993 had gained membership in FIFA and UEFA.
13 JUN 2014 - 13:00 Local time
Estadio das Dunas
Mexico has qualified for fourteen world cups and has qualified consecutively since 1994. Mexico played France in the very first match of the first World Cup on July 13. Mexico have fallen in the round of 16 on their last five appearances in the finals, with Argentina halting their progress at both Germany 2006 and South Africa 2010. Only twice have the Mexicans made it to the quarters, both time on home soil in 1970 and 1986.
The Cameroon national team is also known in French as Les Lions Indomptables is the national team of Cameroon. It has qualified seven times for the FIFA World Cup. In World Cup 2010,the team was grouped with the Gapon, Togo, and Moroccan national football teams. The coach of Cameroon, Otto Pfister resigned. Frenchmen Paul Le Guen was appointed as the new coach after a draw against Morocco. Cameroon defeated the Atlas Lions of Morocco 2-0 in Fez in their last match of their campaign.
13 JUN 2014 - 16:00 Local time
Arena Fonte Nova
Spain became a member of FIFA in 1904, even though the Spanish football federation was first established in 1909. Spain debuted in 1920. Since then, the Spanish national team have participated in a total of thirteen of nineteen FIFA world cup. Spain are reigning world and European champions having won the World Cup 2010 and EURO 2012. They also the ranked 2 in the World Football Elo Ratings and number 1 in the FIFA World Ranking.
With legendary coach RinusMichels pulling the strings from the bench, Johan Cruyff, Johan Neeskens and Co won their way through to the final in 1974. This team is colloquially referred to as Het Nederlands Elftal (The Dutch Eleven) and Oranje. Like the country itself, the team is sometimes referred to as Holland. The Dutch hold the record for playing the most world cup finals without ever winning the final.
13 JUN 2014 - 18:00 Local time
Arena Pantanal
Chile appeared in eight World Cup Tournaments and were host of the 1962 FIFA World Cup where finished in the third place. The highest position the country has ever achieved in the World Cup.The forward player Alexis Sanchez and Eduardo Vargas and the attacking midfielders Matias Fernandez and Arturo Vidal are the leading men in a squad packed with talent and boasting viable alternatives in each position.
In last World Cup in the third round qualification drawn into a group, composed of Qatar,Iraq, and China. Australia finished first. Australia eventually saw progression through the 2010 FIFA World Cup after comfortably winning in the fourth round of qualification. Australia currently hold the world record for the largest win and the most goals scored by a player in an international matches.
14 JUN 2014 - 13:00 Local time
Belo Horizonte
Since the mid-1980s the Columbian national team has been a stronghold fighting the negative stereotypes towards the country's reputation. This has also made the sports very popular and made the national team a sign of nationalism, pride and passion for many Columbians worldwide. Columbia has played with a new talented golden generation since 2011 Copa America bringing its current rank within the top 10 for the first time since 2002. After a 16-year long wait, Columbia finally returned after qualifying to the FIFA World Cup 2014.
Greece is one of the most successful national teams in European football, being one of only nine national teams to have won the European championship. Greece is referred by the media and the Greeks in general simply as "Ethniki" which means National. The team is often called Galanolefki (Sky blue-white) due to its kit colours which are also the color of the Greek flag.
14 JUN 2014 - 16:00 Local time
Uruguay has won two FIFA World Cups, including the first ever World Cup in 1930 as hosts. Beating Argentina 4-2 in the final. In the years that followed the Uruguayans appeared only infrequently in the global showpiece. After falling to qualify for USA and France they return at Korea/Japan only to go out in the group phase and then lose out to Austr

Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is a international football competition. The current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues within the host nations over a period of about month. and last 2010 world cup Spain won the tournamen in south africa. and now who do you think will grab the championship? will it spain again? here are the
teams that are qualified for world cup 2014 and some history about them.
12 JUN 2014 - 17:00 Local time
Arena de Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Brazil is the most successful national team in the history of the world cup, having won five FIFA World Cup titles and reaching the final in 2 other opportunities. Brazil is also one of the countries besides Argentina and Spain to win a FIFA World Cup away from its continent and its only The only nation to have taken part in every edition of the elite competition, Brazil have lifted the coveted Trophy on a record five occasions (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002), finished in second place twice (1950 and 1998) and taken the last spot on the podium at another two editions (1938 and 1978).
This team was dissolved in 1945 as Croatia became a constituent federal republic of SFR Yugoslavia. In between 1945 to 1990, Croatia did not field a separate team for competitive matches and Croatian players for the Yugoslavia national team. The modern Croatian team was formed in 1991, shortly before Croatians’Independence from Yugoslavia and by 1993 had gained membership in FIFA and UEFA.
13 JUN 2014 - 13:00 Local time
Estadio das Dunas
Mexico has qualified for fourteen world cups and has qualified consecutively since 1994. Mexico played France in the very first match of the first World Cup on July 13. Mexico have fallen in the round of 16 on their last five appearances in the finals, with Argentina halting their progress at both Germany 2006 and South Africa 2010. Only twice have the Mexicans made it to the quarters, both time on home soil in 1970 and 1986.
The Cameroon national team is also known in French as Les Lions Indomptables is the national team of Cameroon. It has qualified seven times for the FIFA World Cup. In World Cup 2010,the team was grouped with the Gapon, Togo, and Moroccan national football teams. The coach of Cameroon, Otto Pfister resigned. Frenchmen Paul Le Guen was appointed as the new coach after a draw against Morocco. Cameroon defeated the Atlas Lions of Morocco 2-0 in Fez in their last match of their campaign.
13 JUN 2014 - 16:00 Local time
Arena Fonte Nova
Spain became a member of FIFA in 1904, even though the Spanish football federation was first established in 1909. Spain debuted in 1920. Since then, the Spanish national team have participated in a total of thirteen of nineteen FIFA world cup. Spain are reigning world and European champions having won the World Cup 2010 and EURO 2012. They also the ranked 2 in the World Football Elo Ratings and number 1 in the FIFA World Ranking.
With legendary coach RinusMichels pulling the strings from the bench, Johan Cruyff, Johan Neeskens and Co won their way through to the final in 1974. This team is colloquially referred to as Het Nederlands Elftal (The Dutch Eleven) and Oranje. Like the country itself, the team is sometimes referred to as Holland. The Dutch hold the record for playing the most world cup finals without ever winning the final.
13 JUN 2014 - 18:00 Local time
Arena Pantanal
Chile appeared in eight World Cup Tournaments and were host of the 1962 FIFA World Cup where finished in the third place. The highest position the country has ever achieved in the World Cup.The forward player Alexis Sanchez and Eduardo Vargas and the attacking midfielders Matias Fernandez and Arturo Vidal are the leading men in a squad packed with talent and boasting viable alternatives in each position.
In last World Cup in the third round qualification drawn into a group, composed of Qatar,Iraq, and China. Australia finished first. Australia eventually saw progression through the 2010 FIFA World Cup after comfortably winning in the fourth round of qualification. Australia currently hold the world record for the largest win and the most goals scored by a player in an international matches.
14 JUN 2014 - 13:00 Local time
Belo Horizonte
Since the mid-1980s the Columbian national team has been a stronghold fighting the negative stereotypes towards the country's reputation. This has also made the sports very popular and made the national team a sign of nationalism, pride and passion for many Columbians worldwide. Columbia has played with a new talented golden generation since 2011 Copa America bringing its current rank within the top 10 for the first time since 2002. After a 16-year long wait, Columbia finally returned after qualifying to the FIFA World Cup 2014.
Greece is one of the most successful national teams in European football, being one of only nine national teams to have won the European championship. Greece is referred by the media and the Greeks in general simply as "Ethniki" which means National. The team is often called Galanolefki (Sky blue-white) due to its kit colours which are also the color of the Greek flag.
14 JUN 2014 - 16:00 Local time
Uruguay has won two FIFA World Cups, including the first ever World Cup in 1930 as hosts. Beating Argentina 4-2 in the final. In the years that followed the Uruguayans appeared only infrequently in the global showpiece. After falling to qualify for USA and France they return at Korea/Japan only to go out in the group phase and then lose out to Austr
Estadio Beira-Rio
Porto Alegre
France was one of the four European teams that participated at the inaugural world cup in 1930 and have appeared in 13 FIFA World Cups, tied for fifth best. The national team is one of eight national teams to have won at least one FIFA World Cup title. France boast solidity and strength in depth at the back with a pair of top-drawer goalkeepers in Hugo Lloris and Steve Mandanda and a rearguard bolstered by the european experience of Eric Abidal, Laurent Koscielny and Raphael Varane.
The Honduras national football team also known as Los Catrachos. They are a rising team in CONCACAF an ascent that started with their third place finish in the 2001 Copa America. World Cup journey began with an automatic bye to the third round of the qualification because of their third place position in the FIFA World Ranking. The Honduras team qualified for the final round by finishing first in their third-round group. Which include Panama Canada and Cuba. Emilio Izaguirre was the find of the 2010/11 season for Celtic. He is helped by captain and goalkeeper Noel Valladares who despite a shy off the field personality.
15 JUN 2014 - 19:00 Local time
Maracanã - Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho
Rio De Janeiro
Argentina is one of the most successful national football teams in the world having won 2 World Cups in 1978 and 1986. Argentina have contested four FIFA World Cup Finals in all.The first of them at the inaugural tournament. Uruguay 1930 when they went down 4-2 to the host nation. Respective contributions from Mario Kempes and Diego Maradona inspired them to the biggest prize in football on home soil in 1978 and again at Mexico 1986, while their last showpiece appearance came at Italy 1990, when they were denied by an Andreas Brehme penalty. Since then they have been unable to progress beyond the quarter-finals.
The Bosnia-Herzegovina national football team have never appeared in the finals of the FIFA World Cup as an independent nation, however the national team have qualified for 2014 FIFA World Cup. With Bosnia-Herzegovina players capable of changing games in an instant,ranging from the likes of EdinDzeko and VedadIbisevic up front, through midfielders MiralemPjanic and ZvjezdanMisimovic, all the way back to defensive rock Emir Spahic and goalkeeper AsmirBegovic.
16 JUN 2014 - 13:00 Local time
Arena Fonte Nova
Germany is one of the most successful national teams in international competitions, having won a total of three world cups (1954, 1974, 1990) and three European championships. They also been runners-up three times in the European championships, four times in the world cup and have won a further four third places. The next generation appears immensely promising too. Former real Madrid starlet MesutOzil who now laces his boots at Arsenal was just 21 when he thrilled the crowds at the 2010 FIFA World Cup and is a gifted creative player with passing ability to match the best in the world.
In 2014 FIFA WorldCup Qualifying, Portugal finished second in the group behind the Russia and had to enter a playoff. In a home-and-away playoff series against Sweden. Portugal won both matches with 4-2 aggregate score to qualify for the 2014 world cup. The star player Cristiano Ronaldo is still very much Portugal’s go-to man though the peerless real Madrid star is supported by a very able cast. The central defensive pairing of Pepe and Bruno Alves is the cornerstone of a very solid rearguard that also features flying full backs Joao Pereira and Fabio Coentrao.
16 JUN 2014 - 13:00 Local time
Arena da Baixada
Football is the most popular sports in Nigeria. TheNigeria national football team also known as super eaglesor green eagles according to FIFA world rankings, Nigeria at 39th are currently the 5th best team in the Confederation of African Football. The highest ranking achieved by an African football team. Theyare the current Africa Cup of Nations Champions. They have won the Africa Cup of Nations a total of 3 times and have reached the FIFA world cup round of 16 twice. They have qualified for five of the last six World Cups, with their first appearance coming in the United States in 1994.
Iran national football team also known as Team Melli rank 1st in Asia and 37th in the world according to the May 2014 FIFA world rankings. Despite their presence within Asia, Iran have so far been unable to progress beyond the group phase at the FIFA world cup. They debut campaign with a point courtesy of a 1-1 draw against Scotland. But their 1st win came in the second appearance when a golden generation, boasting the likes of Ali Daei, Karim Bagheri and Mehdi Mahdavikia, came up with a memorable 2-1 defeat of USA, their last participation at Germany 2006 saw them head home with a point after a 1-1 draw against debutants Angola.
16 JUN 2014 - 19:00 Local time
Estadio das Dunas
The Ghana national team also known as the Black Stars. Black star is administered by the Ghana football association (GFA) the governing body for football in Ghana and the oldest football association in Africa founded in 1920 prior to 1957. The team played as the Gold Coast. Although the team did not qualify for the senior FIFA world cup until 2006, they had qualified for five straight Olympic Games football tournaments when the tournament was still a full senior national team competition. There are few better midfields in the world than Ghana's as the black star can call on veterans Michael Essien and SulleyMuntari as well as players hitting their prime like Andre Ayew, KwadwoAsamoah and Kevin-Prince Boateng.
The United States regularly competes

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