05 JUN 17:00
Match Winner 2 Way The Brestomans
Learn how to earn money from esports betting https://www.esportsonlinebets.com/
Luminosity vs Mindfreak COD CWL Pro League
06 JUN 00:00
Match Winner 2 Way Luminosity
Good luck

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive AVANGAR - ALTERNATE aTTaX Full time resultPICK: Alternate

Do you guys know some good places to read about egaming? To better understand the whole environment and how the bidding on events like these works.
Also personally recommend you to watch the tournaments live on twitch.tv or watch some streamers playing the game you are interested in. It will help to understand more from the practices scene not just basics on the paper.

Hi, Pinnacle betting sources really helpful pinnacle.com/en/esports?...564-472473099.1546454398
Also personally recommend you to watch the tournaments live on twitch.tv or watch some streamers playing the game you are interested in. It will help to understand more from the practices scene not just basics on the paper.


What experience do you have with esports betting ? I honestly see a great resemblance to football. Especially large courses. Not that I would brag, but still. After the break, the first two picik and both hit. Match 1 odd 4.6 (wisla vs mibr / csgo ) and Match 2 (t1 - afreeca / lol) odd 7.0! π

What experience do you have with esports betting ? I honestly see a great resemblance to football. Especially large courses. Not that I would brag, but still. After the break, the first two picik and both hit. Match 1 odd 4.6 (wisla vs mibr / csgo ) and Match 2 (t1 - afreeca / lol) odd 7.0! π

My experience playing esport is a bit strange because on the one hand I like it and I am passionate about it, but on the other hand it stresses me out and makes me angry.

Angry for what?

Let me ask you, what do these numbers in the screenshot mean? I've highlighted them with a box.
Sorry for the stupid question. If you don't mind answering, please do.

I looked in this branch of the game https://www.betblog.com/e-sport/
Let me ask you, what do these numbers in the screenshot mean? I've highlighted them with a box.
Sorry for the stupid question. If you don't mind answering, please do.

The amount of stake they won or lost

Saints Squad vs MEGA LADA DOTA2 ProDota Cup
04 JUN 17:00
Match Winner 2 Way MEGA-LADA
London eSports vs Unchained DOTA2 ProDota Cup
04 JUN 20:30
Match Winner 2 Way London eSports