Oh--now i understand--i just really don't enjoy typing as much as i like playing poker..lol
Oh--now i understand--i just really don't enjoy typing as much as i like playing poker..lol
Oh--now i understand--i just really don't enjoy typing as much as i like playing poker..lol
I am logged in and can get on any other forum, no problem, but haven't been able to get on the password one for about a month. Any help greatly appreciated.
Well i dont know what to say other then i cant get the pw either u think all the members that were here before the new rule wouldnt have to go throw this but oh well live and learn i always say haha well hope to get into the game soon u all
Yeah and i have already 5 posts and cant see that area neither :/ if anyoen could pm me the password id apreciate a lot !
Yeah and i have already 5 posts and cant see that area neither :/ if anyoen could pm me the password id apreciate a lot !
this is def a step in right direction. i plan to return to playing ix events again after takin a few months off now that there will be less participants. good move Manne! I support ya'll.
Yeah and i have already 5 posts and cant see that area neither :/ if anyoen could pm me the password id apreciate a lot !
this is def a step in right direction. i plan to return to playing ix events again after takin a few months off now that there will be less participants. good move Manne! I support ya'll.
oh--now i understand--i just really don't enjoy typing as much as i like playing poker..lol
Yeah same here. lol
I am logged in and can get on any other forum, no problem, but haven't been able to get on the password one for about a month. Any help greatly appreciated.
Not sure how many posts you have to make to be active
Yeah and i have already 5 posts and cant see that area neither :/ if anyoen could pm me the password id apreciate a lot !
Happens same thing to me
How many post we have to get to get the passwords??
There are plenty of threads in the forum about posts etc... have a read!!
Yeah and i have already 5 posts and cant see that area neither :/ if anyoen could pm me the password id apreciate a lot !
Yeah and i have already 5 posts and cant see that area neither :/ if anyoen could pm me the password id apreciate a lot !
I am logged in and can get on any other forum, no problem, but haven't been able to get on the password one for about a month. Any help greatly appreciated.
I can't get on either, and I don't recall receiving an email. This is disappointing. I'm not sure what to do. Guess I should look around more.
Yeah same here. lol