“We get calls from all over the world from people wanting to attend our Florida State Sanctioned land based school in Hollywood, Florida, but most of them cannot afford to travel and stay for the 6 weeks it takes to complete our course. When we were contacted by a local software developer of e-Learning courses (Whiz Gaming) to create an online version of our Professional Poker Dealer course, it was a no brainer,” said Michael “The Grinder” Mizrachi, professional poker player and co-founder of the Mizrachi Dealer Academy.
Online schooling offers a variety of benefits for individuals and is becoming increasingly popular.
Regardless of where an individual lives, a major advantage of online courses, rather than attending a physical school is affordability and flexibility.
A casino or poker room looking to hire professional poker dealers generally pay dealers minimum wage. However, according to an article in Hcareers-com, a dealer’s total salary earned annually averages $32,000 to $58,000 a year, which may include benefits such as disability, health insurance, and pension, along with tips that account for roughly 50 to 80 percent of that salary.
Robert Mizrachi, President and co-founder of the Mizrachi Dealer Academy said “Both my brother and I have had great success as professional poker players, because we were professional poker dealers before. We feel that this online course will contribute to the growth of the Poker industry and it makes us proud to be able to contribute.”
To become employable, applicants without prior experience are typically required to complete a 4-6 week training program at a land based dealing school. The Mizrachi Dealer Academy online course makes it convenient for anyone, from anywhere to be trained as a professional poker dealer.
Dennis Nadeau, CEO of Whiz Gaming stated, “We’re excited to partner with one of the most recognized faces in the world of poker. This opens up a tremendous opportunity for those seeking a career in the growing casino industry, for people who need a cost effective and flexible option that an online course offers.”
World Famous Poker Player Brothers Launch First Ever Sanctioned Online Poker Dealer School - PR-com

Winamax’s technical team always works to develop more innovative features on top of its platform – that a team of experts developed from scratch. Mastering both the technical and marketing sides of online poker, the startup is already the number 1 platform dedicated to online poker.
The team is made of 80 people, divided among the Tech, Customer Relation and Marketing & Communications department. There offices are located in Paris, 7th arrondissement.
At the core of Winamax’s business and philosophy: playing
Playing is a key-value for a company dedicated to poker, that’s why all games are important in the office. In addition to a cafeteria and sports room, Winamax’s offices have a dedicated area where employees can cool off, counting a great number of board games. On a regular basis, the team gathers for partying: the annual concert night, summer barbecue or a Yearly Poker Tournament.
Winamax’s HR puts its standards very high in terms of shared ambition and work conditions. Building a sense of community is a strong asset in the company, making their employees faithful to the team. Therefore, part-time or remote work is not encouraged in the company.
This feeling of community translates for instance in the choice of posters hanging on the walls: photographs by Grégoire Camuzet especially created for Winamax. The photographer took Winamax Pro Team as models for his remake of famous movie posters: Gaëlle Baumann is Black Mamba from Kill Bill, Davidi Kitai is Raoul Duke, from Las Vegas Parano.
Winamax is recruiting at the Job Fair!
Winamax’s current leader position is the consequence of a capacity of producing very quick results resulting from strong task forces’ work. This is a guarantee for clients to get a renewed offer of services and for employees to always get exciting new projects.
The Paris office is looking to recruit profiles capable of accompanying the startup in developing the future features of the platform, using a variety of technologies such as JavaScript/HTML5, AS3/Flex, iOS and PHP. The applicants need to be experts in their fields yet not forget to be humble. Being proactive and dynamic and know how to share and collaborate are also key qualities applicants should have to work at Winamax.
Work hard, play harder: inside the offices of online poker leader Winamax

I was thinking about getting leak buster since the new version looks really good. The trial isn't that great, but has anyone used the new version 4 yet?

Online gambling has received some real flak over the years. Of course, the perils of becoming addicted to gambling are clear for all to see, but the same is true of a whole host of other vices. The phrase “all things in moderation” comes to mind as Young Academic has recently discovered – poker as a pastime can actually have a positive effect on the student psyche.
Now, let’s be clear. As the national student news website, Young Academic is in no way advocating gambling as a recommended staple of student life – but it has recently been suggested that similarly to chess, poker can help with cognitive skills and pragmatism; traits that can surely only help boost your grey matter and help your studies.
Indeed, poker is a game that can also be enjoyed and a very cheap night with the girls or boys when the student loan or wages start to run worryingly low. The key is only spending what you can afford to lose, whether this is a quid or perhaps a fiver. There is no need to start gambling stupid money; this is where the problems tend to start. Set your limit and stick to it and online poker can become an enjoyable experience and something you can treat yourself to if you find yourself with few extra readies. We hear all the horror stories of people losing vast amounts of money but people often forget that it is actually pretty easy to turn that few quid into some serious wedge. Crucially though, we only recommend that you play online poker with ethical and respected providers such as 888 Poker and gamble as frugally as possible.
So, what about this concept of poker improving cognitive skills? Well, it is actually metacognition that could well be boosted by the regular playing of poker. In short, this is the practice of ‘thinking about thinking’ and formulating different strategies for certain scenarios or situations. These metacognitive skills are regarded to be good indicators or academic success and educational prowess. It has long been thought that chess helps to develop these very skills so it makes sense that the very same ethos can apply to a tactical and strategic game such as online poker.
Similarly, poker can improve one’s ability to be able to switch between tasks at will (so, if you partner or mother keep saying that you can’t multi-task – it could well be that poker helps you to combat this). So, when you change your hand or strategy mid-round and find yourself more able to do this – you know poker is having the desired effect on your cognitive skills. Many people think that this skill is becoming ever more important as the demands of technology on our attention increase.
It is important to reiterate that we are in no way suggesting that any students in the UK or indeed beyond start to make online poker a big part of their lives. Gambling is a dangerous concept when abused, but there is most certainly a case for it boosting your mental prowess when approached appropriately.
How Playing Online Poker Responsibly Could Boost Your Grey Matter |
• The first step is that of bets. Before you start playing online poker, you must insert the number of coins you wish to play or press a button provided for this purpose.
• When you bet, you simply press the give button to get your hands consisting of 5 cards.
• Keep your choice of cards, you must decide which cards you want to keep and those you want to exchange.
• New cards come and replace the ones you do not want to keep. If you got a pair, two pair, three of a kind, a straight, flush, full house, a four of a kind, a straight flush or royal flush, you win money.

Freerolls are tournaments that are free to enter. That's the good news. The bad news is that you usually can't win much money. They are still worth playing, however.
Freerolls help you lay the foundation for your bankroll. Many players have already illustrated that it is possible to move up in the game without having to spend a single penny.
Freerolls are a free opportunity to gain experience. It is very hard to gain the necessary experience of playing at the final table, simply because you very rarely get to see it. How often do you enter a tournament and how often do you see the final table in the end? Freerolls give you a cost free chance to train playing a final table.
Freerolls are fun. You're not risking a loss and a large variety of people enter these tournaments, some of whom are worth getting to know.
The fact that this type of tournament is free to enter also means it has a number of special features, you might even say peculiarities. This article explains what these peculiarities are and what strategy to use when entering a freeroll.
What are your opponents like?
Although there are players who take every type of poker very seriously, freerolls tend to predominantly attract the following two types of people:
The type of person that hasn't got a clue about poker.
The type of person that couldn't care less about the tournament.
The players either don't know what they're doing or just want to have a laugh. And once you've played a table full of these types of players, you'll know what this means: A good game of poker is another thing entirely.
Your bets and raises are not respected.
It's hard to guess what cards your opponents are holding.
Complex moves are generally "too complex" and useless.
A freeroll sometimes comes across as a kind of private poker event. Someone always blows a fuse somewhere along the line and throws all their chips into the pot without being able to say why.
Playing poker with a big hammer
If you aim to win a freeroll, then your opponents dictate the strategy you need to use: you have to play with a big hammer - rough and simple.
Only play good starting hands.
Make big raises and bet large. Bigger than in a normal game.
If you've got a good hand, then go on the attack.
If you have nothing, leave it. Don't bluff.
That's it basically. Wait for the good cards and then you're on your way. A detailed look reveals there are three distinct stages:
The early stage: The chip stacks are pretty high compared to the blinds. You have more than 25 big blinds worth of chips.
The late stage: The blinds have gone up considerably. Your chip stack amounts to less than 25 big blinds.
The final table: This is the decisive stage. You've reached the last table.
How do you play the early stage?
In the early stage of a freeroll you will not be able to thin the field of players by making a normal raise. And even with two aces you don't like the situation when four opponents see the flop with you. Therefore if you have a strong starting hand you should go all-in before the flop.
Before the Flop
Go all-in from any position if you're holding AA, KK, QQ or AK, even if someone has raised before you.
If you're sitting in middle or late position you should also go all-in with JJ or AQ, as long as no one has raised before you.
If you're holding smaller pairs from two sixes upwards in middle or late position you should raise from four (or more) big blinds, as long as there hasn't been a raise up till then.
In late position you can afford to see the flop even if you have speculative cards, as long as there hasn't been a raise. That means you are limping (only calling the big blind) with: two fives, fours, threes, twos, a suited ace and the so-called middle to high suited connectors. These are two sequential cards of the same suit, such as a seven and six or a queen and jack.
After the Flop
The central question after the flop is: Do you have anything? If not, then the round is over for you.
If you have two pairs or better, then you go all-in.
If you're holding a flush draw or open-ended straight draw (OESD), you should only go all-in if a number of opponents have already continued to put chips in the pot.
If you're holding a top pair, i.e. a pair made up of one of your starting cards and the highest community card, then you only go all-in if you have a maximum of two opponents. Proceed very carefully if you're playing against more than two opponents.
How do you play the late stage?
The late stage begins when you only have about 20-25 big blinds left in chips. The strategy you have to follow in this case is: raise or fold. So you either raise or fold preflop. And as soon as an opponent after or before you raises you should go all-in or fold, depending on the cards you have, of course. Just pressing the call button with the intention of looking at a flop or limping is strictly prohibited from now on.
Take a close look at the players with low chip stacks. You'll need decent cards to play against them, because they're just waiting for the opportunity to throw all their chips in.
Be sure not to challenge aggressive players who have more chips than you do. You'll need to have a strong hand to play them.
Before the Flop
Raise in any position if you're holding AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT or AK to about four big blinds. If anyone raises that, go all-in.
Also raise in middle or late position if you're holding a pair of nines. This also goes for KQ, AJ and AQ. If someone raises after you, you should go all-in if you're holding any of these hands, except the KQ and AJ - if you hold those two hands you should fold to the raise.
After the Flop
At this stage the round is decided on the flop at the latest. This is simply because the pot is so big, that you won't be able to back out once you've decided to continue playing.
If you've raised preflop and only h
Here are some strategies: What are your opponents, how to play the early stage, how to play the end stage, and what is our final stage.
These are some of the pick points that will help you to play free roll.

As we approach the one year anniversary of licensed online poker in the US (ok, we still have a couple months to go) there are still a lot of unanswered questions regarding how online poker will shake out, but we’ve also started see some cold hard truths.
Below, I’ve listed seven lessons we’ve learned during the first year of regulated US online poker.
1) Poker players always expect too much
The poker world of 2014 reminds me of Sherman from the American Pie movies; they’re full of bravado but they are simply shooting too high with their expectations.
Yes, online poker has been around for 15 years, and all sorts of advancements have been made in that time, but licensed online poker in the US is essentially a new beginning for Internet gaming providers.
The product may look the same and act the same, but it’s not the same, and we have to let the sites and the regulators experiment and work things out.
This is their electric car so to speak, and we have to expect that the first models that roll off the assembly line aren’t going to be perfect.
Demanding perfection is all fine and good, but you do have to give these companies a chance.
2) Regulated online poker brings money into local economies
In addition to the licensing fees and tax revenue online poker will generate, there are also other influxes of cash into the local economy via marketing efforts and even secondary and tertiary revenue streams.
A perfect example of this is PartyPoker’s deal with the New Jersey Devils and Philadelphia 76ers, but there are also the less public ad buys on websites and billboards and the hiring of employees in a wide range of fields.
It’s easy to quantify the actual online gaming revenue figures, but don’t discount the money paid to local (online) newspapers and businesses, or the ancillary jobs created, or the revenue streams from the gamblers themselves.
3) Legalizing online poker will not cause the universe to implode
After reading anti-gambling op-eds over the years, I had assumed that the 2012 Mayan prophecy was delayed because statehouses were slow to pass and rollout their online gambling.
But here we are, in February of 2014 (2014!) with three states offering online poker tables, and still no apocalypse? What gives?
Apparently online gambling isn’t going to end the universe. Kids still go to school, parents still go to work, and the streets are not lined with drugs, prostitution, and Internet gambling halls.
But fear not doomsday preppers, I’m sure in the year 2054, when the 52nd state, Guam, is looking to pass an online poker bill, the cybernetic head of Sheldon Adelson will still be prophesying horrors straight out of the end times if online poker is allowed to gain a foothold in the South Pacific.
4) Most people don’t care about online gambling
Some numbers:
There are roughly 8.7 million people living in New Jersey, and there are about 200,000 accounts at online gambling sites.
Let’s just assume that three times that number are sympathetic to online gambling for one reason or another, that still leaves over 7 million people who don’t gamble online and aren’t politically inclined to support it.
So where is the opposition?
Thus far, at least to my knowledge, there haven’t been any Occupy Borgata movements formed, or sit-ins in Trenton, so my initial hunch seems to have been correct all along:
Your average everyday citizen of New Jersey could care less if online gambling is legal or illegal.
Sure, there are avid supporters and rabid opponents, but by and large people just don’t care; a statement I can back up now that online poker is legal and the only people decrying it (what about the children!) are the same people that were railing against it before.
Everyone else is just going on with their lives.
5) There are still a lot of bugs to be worked out with regulated sites
From geolocation to payment processing, the online poker providers in the US market are learning that despite their experience in the industry, there are still a lot of wrinkles that need to be ironed out in a licensed market.
Working with regulators means entirely new procedures and rules (which vary from locale to locale) and entirely new problems in each place.
6) There are reasons to be pessimistic about the future of regulated online poker
It hasn’t been all sunshine and puppies so far, as the launch of licensed online poker has been beset by pitfalls ranging from technical glitches to the aforementioned payment processing issues to unenthusiastic traffic and revenue numbers.
It also seems like a lot of other states are now pumping the brakes on their own online gambling movements, preferring to let things play out in Nevada and New Jersey before making their own decisions on the matter.
7) But there are reasons to be optimistic as well
That being said, it’s hard to categorize New Jersey’s online gambling launch as anything but a success, and while I wouldn’t be quick to select up Nevada or Delaware as a poster child for “what is possible through online gambling,” there are still plenty of positive attributes to point out.
If I was a pro-online gambling advocate in some other state there are plenty of upsides that can be cited, and it appears that the industry is only going to grow stronger and smoother in the future.
Regulated US Online Poker Turns One - What Have We Learned?

Winamax is a Paris-based startup dedicated to online poker. Among its investors, the startup counts Marc Simoncini (Meetic), Alexandre Roos (Caramail), Christophe Schaming (Caramail), and Patrick Bruel (artist and poker world champion). The platform offers more than an online poker table: players can use a central chat, a Poker school, read articles and watch videos on competition’s news. Raising stars of the “Team Winamax” are here to answer players’ questions and give away pro tricks. The french-speaking community today counts more than 1,000,000 members.
Winamax’s technical team always works to develop more innovative features on top of its platform – that a team of experts developed from scratch. Mastering both the technical and marketing sides of online poker, the startup is already the number 1 platform dedicated to online poker.
The team is made of 80 people, divided among the Tech, Customer Relation and Marketing & Communications department. There offices are located in Paris, 7th arrondissement.
At the core of Winamax’s business and philosophy: playing
Playing is a key-value for a company dedicated to poker, that’s why all games are important in the office. In addition to a cafeteria and sports room, Winamax’s offices have a dedicated area where employees can cool off, counting a great number of board games. On a regular basis, the team gathers for partying: the annual concert night, summer barbecue or a Yearly Poker Tournament.
Winamax’s HR puts its standards very high in terms of shared ambition and work conditions. Building a sense of community is a strong asset in the company, making their employees faithful to the team. Therefore, part-time or remote work is not encouraged in the company.
This feeling of community translates for instance in the choice of posters hanging on the walls: photographs by Grégoire Camuzet especially created for Winamax. The photographer took Winamax Pro Team as models for his remake of famous movie posters: Gaëlle Baumann is Black Mamba from Kill Bill, Davidi Kitai is Raoul Duke, from Las Vegas Parano.
Winamax is recruiting at the Job Fair!
Winamax’s current leader position is the consequence of a capacity of producing very quick results resulting from strong task forces’ work. This is a guarantee for clients to get a renewed offer of services and for employees to always get exciting new projects.
The Paris office is looking to recruit profiles capable of accompanying the startup in developing the future features of the platform, using a variety of technologies such as JavaScript/HTML5, AS3/Flex, iOS and PHP. The applicants need to be experts in their fields yet not forget to be humble. Being proactive and dynamic and know how to share and collaborate are also key qualities applicants should have to work at Winamax.
Work hard, play harder: inside the offices of online poker leader Winamax

Im not up to date with this software so can't really suggest anything. What does the trial miss that the full contains? Maybe that can help decide if it's worth getting full.

The Texas Hold'em poker early positionindicates players seated in the three seats to the left of the dealer. This is the least preffered position in the game.
The Texas Hold'em poker middle positionrefferes to the players seated after early position players and before late position players.
The Texas Hold'em poker Late position are the dealer and the two players to his right. This is the most preffered position in Texas hold'em poker.
Why is it better to be in late position when playing Texas Hold'em poker?
The earlier your Texas hold'em poker position is, the larger risk you have when you callbefore the flop. This is because there is a bigger chance you will get raises from other players. If you know about the raises, as players in late position know, you have the option not to call, and can prevent the mistake made for early position.
In early position You sometimes call instead of fold . Let's say you are in early position and call $10. After you call, you see two more people raise. If you had known they were going to raise you probably would have folded and your $10 would have been saved. The same goes for the opposite option, when you fold instead of calling.
You know how many callers there are in late position. Sometimes playing a hand is determined by the number of callers on the table. When you are in early position you cannot know that number. Playing Texas Hold'em poker for a long time will give you the skill to recognize what the number of callers mean to your next play action.
You can have more information about the other player's starting hands with a later position, and you can better decide what to do with your hand according to the previous playing moves.
For worse hands, you can lower the number of unwanted bets made if you are in the right position of Texas Hold'em poker. This is because if you check first then your opponents will bet almost definitely because they will know you have a bad hand. But if they are in early position and they check, then you can also check their bet.
Texas hold'em poker position is most important for higher stake games. If you are playing Texas Hold'em poker games with no-limit or a large limit such as $100, the importance of the position is larger because every raise and bet is a lot of money. However, Play games of Texas Hold'em poker will also offer an advantage for early position.
It is better to be in a later position in Texas Hold'em poker, but more important is to know what are the advantages of a later position, so you can utilize the position better.

First of all it allows you to see which games you are making the most money at. It's also a great confidence booster. Having confidence will improve your game even more. Especially on days where the cards seem unfair over and over. Just knowing how much you are making overall can help get through those ugly runs of cards, without playing scared or going on tilt.
Calculating Win Rate
Simply keep a daily record of how much you won or lost for the day, after you are done playing. Along with how many hours you played. And then every week or so add up the wins/loses to one total. And do the same for the hours. Then keep that info and continue keeping daily records. Eventually you will have enough hours played to give accurate statistics for that game.
The best way to calculate is by the hour.
Total win (or loss) divided by total hours = hourly win rate.
Make sure to note whether it is a + or - number. The more hours you play the more accurate it will be. For online games 200+ hours is a good start for cash games or single table tournaments. But for multi-table tournaments much more is needed since the swings are bigger. In live games about 600 hrs at minimum is best, since you cannot play multiple tables.
Also, the easiest way to keep records is play one type of game and stakes at a time. This will improve your game also. Focusing on one game at a time will help dominate holdem faster. And definitely makes keeping records easier. For example, play two $100 no limit cash games. Instead of a $100 NL cash game and a $100 tournament at the same time (online).
Also do not combine records for a $50 and $100 NL game. Keep a running log for both. Then you will know which game is actually better in the long run.
I have often found the similar results (for myself) in two different games. Example 20/40 limits = $42 p/h and 75/150= $44 p/h. There are just better players at the bigger games in general, not always though. So you may be surprised to find a smaller game actually offering an equal or better hourly rate than it's big brother, and less risk.

For playing free roll you have to make some strong and powerful strategies that will help you win the game.
Here are some strategies: What are your opponents, how to play the early stage, how to play the end stage, and what is our final stage.
These are some of the pick points that will help you to play free roll.
Play a lot of freerolls and play them well.
Sit tight at the start.
Be prepared to accept losses.
Look out for the players sitting out.
Be aware of when the dynamics change.

I read all your post in this forum I think you are having great collections of strategies to win the poker game. Work hard will really work for you to play the game.

So you've reached a certain comfort level playing online at partypoker, but your future brother-in-law's bachelor party at The Borgata will be highlighted by a private table in the best poker room in A.C.
Here are 3 key things to keep in mind:
1) Listen to the dealer. They’re there to help make the table run smoothly and hopefully they’re good at their job! They will tell you when the blinds go up, when the antes come in, who’s turn it is to act and lots more little things that will make your life easier. Be polite to them.
2) Keep your chips stacked so that they make sense to you. You want to be able to tell how much you have in your stack without having to count out every single chip, each time. Don’t have a ‘dirty stack’. This is when you mix up the different denominations of chips, all together. It makes it hard for you to know how much you have and it’s also not fair to the rest of the table. And keep your largest chips out in front, no hiding them behind a stack of antes.
Have You Heard?
Our Sunday $50K Gtd is new and improved. The lemony freshness starts with a guaranteed 1st prize of $10,000 and the start time moved up 3 hours to 5pm ET!
3) Verbalize your actions before you make them. When first playing live, it is very easy to make mistakes with the chips. If you mean to raise but only throw one chip in and don’t actually SAY raise, the it will be ruled a call. Also, saying what you mean to do will stop you from making mistakes with the chips. If you say “raise to 1000” and accidentally throw in 10,000 in chips, you’re safe because it’s what you SAY that counts.
Playing poker live? Pro player Kara Scott has 3 tips for you | NJ-com

Texas hold'em poker position is a term that indicates the place of the player on the poker table. In no other game is the player's position as important as in Texas Hold'em poker positions. Basically, it is best to be in the late Texas hold'em poker position, so you can see the other player's bets and play actions, and it is least preferred to be in the early position, where you can only guess how to bet.
The Texas Hold'em poker early positionindicates players seated in the three seats to the left of the dealer. This is the least preffered position in the game.
The Texas Hold'em poker middle positionrefferes to the players seated after early position players and before late position players.
The Texas Hold'em poker Late position are the dealer and the two players to his right. This is the most preffered position in Texas hold'em poker.
Why is it better to be in late position when playing Texas Hold'em poker?
The earlier your Texas hold'em poker position is, the larger risk you have when you callbefore the flop. This is because there is a bigger chance you will get raises from other players. If you know about the raises, as players in late position know, you have the option not to call, and can prevent the mistake made for early position.
In early position You sometimes call instead of fold . Let's say you are in early position and call $10. After you call, you see two more people raise. If you had known they were going to raise you probably would have folded and your $10 would have been saved. The same goes for the opposite option, when you fold instead of calling.
You know how many callers there are in late position. Sometimes playing a hand is determined by the number of callers on the table. When you are in early position you cannot know that number. Playing Texas Hold'em poker for a long time will give you the skill to recognize what the number of callers mean to your next play action.
You can have more information about the other player's starting hands with a later position, and you can better decide what to do with your hand according to the previous playing moves.
For worse hands, you can lower the number of unwanted bets made if you are in the right position of Texas Hold'em poker. This is because if you check first then your opponents will bet almost definitely because they will know you have a bad hand. But if they are in early position and they check, then you can also check their bet.
Texas hold'em poker position is most important for higher stake games. If you are playing Texas Hold'em poker games with no-limit or a large limit such as $100, the importance of the position is larger because every raise and bet is a lot of money. However, Play games of Texas Hold'em poker will also offer an advantage for early position.
It is better to be in a later position in Texas Hold'em poker, but more important is to know what are the advantages of a later position, so you can utilize the position better.

1. Be sensible about what stakes you play
“This is probably the most important tip. You need to carefully think about how much you want to gamble at one time at the table. If you are prepared to lose $100 and you deposit that amount on a poker site, don’t sit there with the whole amount in play, because the chances are you will lose it pretty quickly. That’s the way that people get into problems with gambling. You think ‘I enjoyed that, I want to play some more’ and you don’t want to drop down to lower stakes, so you deposit another $100, which is more than you can afford.
If you are happy losing $100, play $2 or $5 games. That way, if things go well after a period of time you can move your way up, which is exactly what I did to begin with. The bottom line is don’t blow it all in one go.”
2. Don’t try to put your opponent on a specific hand
“It’s tempting to do this – think that the person you are playing has the ace to make the pair, or whatever – but it can seriously sidetrack and distract you, leading you down a path of bad decision making that ends with losing money.
You need to think about he range of hands he or she could have and try to play against that whole set of possibilities. Try to think about things in the broad sense.”
3. Be consistent with your bets
“Your bet sizing is a key aspect to your game, so you need to give it a lot of thought. For instance, if you find yourself in a situation where you have a lot of strong hands and a lot of potential bluffs, while your opponent is getting middle range, marginal hands, resist the temptation to make ginormous bets. Certainly don't go bigger than the size of the pot (which is called an ‘over bet’).
Be consistent. If you make similar size bets on strong hands and bluffs, you put your rival in a really difficult situation. He's got a marginal hand and he can't get a read on what you're holding. Therefore, he's much more likely to make mistakes.
Conversely, if you have a lot of marginal hands yourself which you think you can get a little bit of value out of, chose a small bet sizing that covers your whole range.”
4. Every bet counts – don't lose your head
“If you find yourself in a disadvantaged situation where you have a rash of weak or medium-strength hands and your opponent has stronger cards and decent bluffs, try to think backwards through the rounds to see if you have done anything that has led to you being in this difficult predicament. Sometimes that situation will just happen, in which case it is fine, but if it happens quite a lot you should consider checking stronger hands earlier in the round of betting, or not raising when you face a big bet.
By saving a few chips here and there you can reach more situations later on where you have strong hands to defend against your opponent.”
5. Learn from losing – channel your frustrations
"It can be bitterly frustrating to lose at poker, especially if you think it was down to bad luck rather than your mistakes. What you really need to do is channel that frustration into a desire to improve your game. The better you are the less the bad luck will affect you.
It's all about making the most of your good runs and limiting the bad ones. Research how to improve. There is a helpful site called pokerschoolonline.com, which is run by PokerStars and is free. It shows you videos where pros play while explaining their thought processes. There is a whole range of teaching levels, from very basic to much more advanced.
Good luck, and see you at a table soon!"

In an online poker tournament your blinds & or antes will continue to be posted whether you are able to log back on or not. In an online poker cash game you will automatically be timed out & no more blinds will be lost. However you will lose what you have in the pot already.
Typically you will be given extra time if your connection is lost. This is especially true if involved in a hand. The bigger online poker games often allow even more time than normal.
The solutions I have used were to use the most reliable internet provider in my area. Second I often have more than one internet provider. The secondary connection is ready to go whenever needed. You can keep the spare modem booted up and ready to simply change over. If using this method you should try testing it out before you need it.
Know when your Internet service provider will be shutting down for routine maintenance.
Team ixgames

The very worst things that can happen during an online poker game is to lose your internet connection or power.
In an online poker tournament your blinds & or antes will continue to be posted whether you are able to log back on or not. In an online poker cash game you will automatically be timed out & no more blinds will be lost. However you will lose what you have in the pot already.
Typically you will be given extra time if your connection is lost. This is especially true if involved in a hand. The bigger online poker games often allow even more time than normal.
The solutions I have used were to use the most reliable internet provider in my area. Second I often have more than one internet provider. The secondary connection is ready to go whenever needed. You can keep the spare modem booted up and ready to simply change over. If using this method you should try testing it out before you need it.
Know when your Internet service provider will be shutting down for routine maintenance.
Team ixgames

I Lost Internet Connection 3 Times. okay so recently i have been losing wifi connections at random times of the day If you're only losing wifi and not internet connection to your router.
One of the most eye-opening things I realized when I opened my first PokerTracker database with the hands I had imported was how much I was losing from the blinds. With the exception of those who play exclusively heads up or three-handed, everyone loses money from the blinds. It’s something I knew intuitively but when the database showed me what it really looked like in those big red numbers in a sea of black ones, I knew it was something I needed to work on.
I was pretty sure that defending my blinds more (in no-limit) wasn’t the best plan. In limit, things are different. You are nearly required to defend your big blind against a single raise heads up. 3.5-to-1 is just too good of a price to pass up. It’s simplifying things a bit since you can definitely pass up that price if you play poorly postflop and can’t find a way to make money with the hands you play when cards are on the table, but for good players, defense is a must. In no-limit, however, with the massive reverse-implied odds inherent in the game and the increased positional advantage as the streets progress and the bets get bigger, it could be correct to fold a hand as good as K-J offsuit or Q-J offsuit to a small raise in a heads-up pot. The single biggest mistake I see people make in no-limit out of the blinds is defending too much. This happens in both multiway and heads-up pots and I think, even though you’re getting a better immediate price, that it’s usually much worse to defend too wide in a multiway pot than a heads-up pot for two reasons. First, it’s bad enough playing out of position against one player. To have to play out of position against multiple players on all streets is a disaster. Second, the average winning hand curve isn’t linear as the number of people in the hand increases, it’s exponential. Instead of turning your 10-5 suited into a pair of fives against only the preflop raiser and winning, you have to make trip fives or a straight against two or three players. When you add in the amount of money you lose when you make your bottom or middle pair because of how hard it is to play them out of position, defending your blinds with a wide range in a multiway or even heads-up pot in no-limit is a losing proposition.
So, if we’ve decided that we need to defend our blinds with a pretty tight range in no-limit, we now need to decide how we defend them aggressively or passively. Obviously, there are many different circumstances that arise during the course of a poker game, but the one that I’m going to look at now, for simplicity’s sake is one raise and no calls until it is our action in the blinds. I think, just like there are two different blinds in no-limit, there are two separate answers to this question. I defend my small blind aggressively and my big blind passively. Out of the small blind I will reraise with most of the hands I’ll play when there has been a raise and no calls. I like to do this because I get to build a bigger pot with what is probably the best hand, to reduce the stack-to-pot ratio, making my hand easier to play postflop, and it has the added benefit of often making the hand heads-up when it could have been multiway. There are some disadvantages of course. You’ve made the effective stakes bigger when out of position, something you’d generally prefer to do when in position. You have also defined your range more, making it easier for your opponent to play against you.
Out of the big blind, I play a different strategy in heads-up pots. I call preflop with my entire continuing range. Perhaps it’s because I’m too lazy to come up with an unexploitable three-betting range out of the big blind when playing 200 blinds deep or more, or perhaps because it’s impossible to do so. Mostly, I do it because it allows me to call with a wider range, to check-raise the flop with a wider range when my opponent’s range is at its weakest, and it gets me more flop check-throughs than my opponents because of the fact that they know my check-raising range can include hands like overpairs as well as draws, top pair, etcetera.
I think this has been an effective and simple strategy for me defending my blinds. Since I no longer play online and can’t gather hard data on whether that is true or not, it’s difficult to know for sure. I have to rely on that old fashioned gut feeling and that’s something I can defend easily.
Poker Strategy With Gavin Griffin: Defending Your Soldiers - Poker News