Unfortunately the gambling industry is full of wise guys who consider the industry fertile ground for scammers and thieves. The good players far outweigh the bad though and with the strong police efforts many of the crooks don’t get away with their crimes for very long.
Recent news about a few of these bad actors has surfaced regarding Japanese high stakes poker player Masaaki Kagawa who has been arrested on suspicion of running a malware scam. Masaaki Kagawa, is one of nine people to be arrested by the Chiba Prefectural Police, in Japan.
It has been suggested that Kagawa and his group distributed spam that included e-mails containing links to download Androis.Enesoluty. This web site contained a Trojan horse that stole information from Android mobile devices and send it to a remote server. It was thought the malware was used to collate around 37m e-mail addresses from around 810,000 address books. The e-mail addresses were used to direct people to a bogus online dating service called Sakura, which cost to be part of.
Kagawa was part of the Super High Roller Reload event in Monte Carlo back in 2012 that involved €98,500 No-Limit Hold’em. The 38 players in the game was divided into two distinct divisions, the whales and the professionals. Kagawa considered a whale, but it appears that Kagawa’s money came by less than ethical means. Press reports believe the gang had earned about $3.9m through the e mail scams.
The fifty year old poker player’s winnings spiked in 2012 with his total winnings coming in at $1,621,971. There were eight others involved in the internet scam including other people associated with Kagawa’s company Koei Planning.
The Japan Daily Press reported, “The mobile malware was just a step towards his real scheme, which was to send out spam about his dating site and get people to sign up over there and not really get any service,” Vikram Thakur, principal research manager at Symantec Security Response the company that discovered the malware program commented.
High Stakes Online Poker Player Kagawa Arrested in Japan

The current session of the California General Assembly is set to dissolve on September 6, which means that any regulation hoping to pass should have already been approved by the committee and on the floor for a vote. At the moment, three bills on the subject of online poker regulation have been proposed or are in the committee, namely, SB 51, Senator Roderick Wright’s “Internet Gambling Consumer Protection and Public-Private Partnership Act of 2013,” SB 678, State Senator Lou Correa’s “Authorization and Regulation of Internet Poker and Consumer Protection Act of 2013,” and a draft bill from the California Indian tribes.
None of the bills are past the committee stage, which is just the beginning of the process. Barring a special session, these bills must then be reintroduced in the General Assembly come 2014.
The usual infighting is the major cause of the hold-up. Online poker legislation has been an ongoing bone of contention in the Golden State, with the California poker rooms, horse racing tracks, and powerful Indian gaming lobby unable to work out a plan that serves the interests of all parties. The highest point of the infighting was reached in May when the Indian tribes put together the previously mentioned bill in an attempt to circumvent the discussion stalemate between the warring parties.
If such a bill were to pass, California would become the crown jewel of US online poker. It has the largest population, of more than 38 million people, and its potential market dwarfs all the other states that have already passed legislation for online gaming (New Jersey, Nevada, and Delaware). And if one of these states were to partner with California for an interstate compact, revenues for all involved would skyrocket. However, the Californian poker scene will only move forward when its warring factions strike an agreement.
Hold Ups for Legal Online Poker in California

Recently, in a revealing interview with pokerlistings the 39-year-old provided an interesting insight into the frustration he has experienced on his online poker roller-coaster ride, explaining:
“..I’ve been doing a lot of losing lately and I’ve been frustrated. I feel like I am missing something. Maybe I’m outdated. I used to be the biggest winner on Omaha HiLo while in the last six months I’m the biggest loser on Omaha HiLo..I am kind of questioning myself. I think every competitive player has to question himself at some point and ask ‘has the game surpassed me? Am I rusty? Am I not good enough in this game anymore?”
In the midst of his 2011 upswing, Gus managed to make some major adjustments to his game in order to gain a competitive edge over his opponent, explaining at the time:
“My focus is a little better, and I stopped playing too loose in some situations..I don’t mind playing a big pot, but all within reason. I don’t have $200 million to play coin flips for a million at a time and neither does anyone else. I shy away from the insane deep-stacked games.”
Nevertheless, this time around the solutions to his latest online dilemma seem a little more elusive, with Gus commenting; “So, I wonder: what happened in the mean time? I know I haven’t been running good but, at the same time, I don’t think I have been running THAT bad.”
Despite his huge losses online, however, Gus Hansen maintains that on balance he is still doing rather well across all his gambling ventures, comparing his career as a carousel in which you lose on one round and win on another. Explaining how the large swings affect his overall approach to the game, Gus Hansen simply states:
“I sleep better after a big win than after a big loss, I think that’s no secret..[however] I’m kind of used to the big swings. Of course it’s more fun to win than to lose but then it’s kind of part of what I do.
Gus Hansen Mulls His Huge Online Poker Swings

The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, which operates one of the most successful casinos in the state, crafted amendments that emerged this week to legalize online poker. It would limit licenses to card clubs and American Indian tribes that already offer gambling in the state.
In a statement, San Manuel chairwoman Carla Rodriguez signaled that the tribe expects that its proposal will be greeted with skepticism by some tribes and other gambling interests.
“We look forward to working with all interested parties on this effort,” Rodriguez said.
A 2006 federal law prohibits Internet gambling. Federal officials, though, have allowed states to legalize games for their residents. Three states -- Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey — have licensed online poker and the first legal game debuted earlier this year in Nevada.
But in California, the country’s largest potential Internet poker market, there have been hundreds of hours of private meetings and informational hearings yet not a single committee vote on any proposal. Past online gambling legislation has stalled amid deep disagreements among tribes and other influential players in the gaming industry.
Earlier this month, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said he did not think an online gambling bill would advance before lawmakers adjourn for the year Sept. 13.
“Maybe in 2014,” Steinberg told reporters.
State Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, is the author of the San Manuel tribe’s proposal. Correa is a longtime ally of the tribe and, in 2006 and 2007, carried legislation to ratify its casino-expansion compact with the state.
On Tuesday, Aug. 20, Correa’s office left open the possibility that the senator would try to move the San Manuel measure before the Legislature leaves town.
The bill, though, would have to go through the committee led by state Sen. Rod Wright, who re-introduced his own online gambling measure in December. Wright supports opening the state’s online poker market to more than just tribes and card clubs.
In addition, leaders of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians near Temecula, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians in the Coachella Valley, and the California Tribal Business Alliance, along with other tribes, have met to craft their own online poker plan. That measure is not expected to emerge until 2014.
Until last fall, the San Manuel band was part of a consortium of tribes with casinos and card clubs known as the California Online Poker Association. The group disbanded in October 2012.
The poker association and other supporters of legalized online gambling previously touted the potential revenue for the state.
That seems to have become less of an emphasis as California’s fiscal outlook has improved. This week’s legislation mentions revenue for the state and tribes, but also touts benefits such as protecting residents from unscrupulous offshore poker web sites and cutting off a potential source of money for terrorists.
Correa’s bill does not specify how much online poker licenses would cost or how much poker revenue the licensees would have to share with the state.
Senate Bill 678 does not specify how much licenses would cost or how much the state would receive. The legislative year ends Sept. 13.
ONLINE POKER: New bill emerges close to session

Specifically, the PPA tweeted, “Update CA: sources confirm that amended Correa bill will not be brought up b4 end of session. work on iPoker to continue over Fall recess.”
The Correa bill is Senate Bill 678, the “Authorization and Regulation of Internet Poker and Consumer Protection Act of 2013,” authored by State Senator Lou Correa. It would authorize internet poker as a legal game in the state of California, provide a licensing framework for operators, and layout all the rules and regulations for the game, among other things. As is the case in the three states that have already legalized online poker – Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey – the games would be restricted to players who are at least 21-years old and located within California state borders.
The news that intrastate online poker won’t happen in California this year comes just a day after Senator Correa amended SB 678 to make it an urgency statute. As an urgency statute, it must be ratified by two-thirds of the combined legislature, but would take effect immediately once the Governor signs it into law. Correa gave his reasoning for the urgency change right in the bill, writing, “In order to protect the interests of Californians who play Internet, poker games and to ensure that people play fair games, that the state realizes the revenues, and that suitable persons operate intrastate Internet poker games, it is necessary that this act take effect immediately.”
He also made the bill severable, meaning that if anything in the bill is “invalid,” that portion can just be cut from the bill while the rest of the legislation moves forward.
It has been a tough road for online poker in California, despite the fact that it is one of the most live poker-friendly states in the country. The problem is essentially that there are too many cooks in the kitchen. There are so many entities that have skin in the game, from card rooms to horse racing tracks to Native American tribes, that nobody can agree on who will be eligible for online poker licenses and how the kitty will be divided.
California would be the top prize in online poker in the United States, as it is by far the most populous state in the nation. With 38 million residents, it is head and shoulders above Texas, which is home to 26 million people. Add to that the multitudes of tourists that visit the state every day and you have a huge market for internet poker. It would be the must-have partner for any states looking to form online poker compacts to grow their player pools.
California Online Poker Bill Filed Away Until Next Year

Play2B provides a turnkey solution for setting up an online poker site and has over a dozen skins. It is regulated under the name Beproga Limited by the Maltese Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA).
It should be noted that the allegations are based on small samples of hand histories and that those samples are not random, but produced by players who feel that they have been cheated.
Play2B has responded with a statement that it is monitoring the 2+2 thread and that the five accounts which have been implicated in the cheating have been suspended:
Please be informed that we have followed the thread at 2+2 and we are taking all observations very seriously and it is currently being investigated. At the moment, the 5 suspicious accounts which are mentioned in the thread are currently suspended for investigation. We will get back to you as soon as this matter has been fully investigated.
The potential cheating was identified by players studying hand histories and seeing that some of the statistics of the alleged cheaters were extremely similar and had unusually high success rates. Poster “DruidFluid” collated hand histories from affected players and saw that the accused players had won:
… 626 of the 676 they raised pf, 90 of the 93 hands they bet turn, 56 out of 56 rivers that they bet, 117/122 hands that they 3b, 12/12 hands 4b
Even with a small sample size such statistics raise fears of so called “superusers” as identified in the UltimateBet cheating scandal that was also outed by players studying statistics.
The demise of PokerinVenice saw players given the option of transferring their balances to Tempura, a Play2B skin. The option came with a condition that before cashing out, players had to rake at least 75% of the balance transferred.
A similar offer was made to players with accounts at Gutshot Poker which was registered in the UK as being owned by Goalgaming Ltd. Goalgaming was owned by Italian Francesco Merighi, who is the founder and CEO of thePlay2B network.
Allegations of Cheating Surface on Play2B | Pokerfuse Online Poker News

In June, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson gained a lot of attention speaking out against online gambling: “We made billions of dollars last year. It is not a money issue with me. I think it is a train wreck. It’s really toxicity. It is a cancer waiting to happen.”
When asked about the dangers of internet gambling, Matt Showell replied: “If you put something in someone’s home and they have a problem with it, its going to be that much easier to take advantage of it.
“It’s patronizing for Sheldon Adelson to tell the country that you are not responsible enough, or that you don’t have the capability to handle something like this, when the reality is that the vast majority of people are playing for a 100 bucks or free.”
Additionally, Showell questions Sheldon Adelson’s credibility after he stated that poker is not a skill based game, but a matter of luck.
“My exposure to the industry has not put me in contact with an overwhelming number of people losing their houses, but rather quite the opposite.” concluded Showell. “There are a lot of people who are providing for their families and creating opportunities for themselves by working hard at online poker.”
Read more: Poker Leader Matt Showell Sees High Value In Online Gaming | Benzinga

The new design offers substantially upgraded support for multi-tabling. Tables will be fully resizable, action buttons will be larger and graphics will have more clarity.
Players will be able to use preferred seating and set options to auto-top up their stack if it falls below a pre-set size. The note taking facility will include color coding for players who like to categorize their regular opponents.
As a TV broadcasting company, Sky regularly airs online action from its site. This weekend, the Sky UKOPS online tournament series will run over four days, and event highlights will be broadcast on the Sky Poker TV Channel.
Sky blundered badly with a previous software release for mobiles—Sky Go. A full explanation of errors and mistakes was published on their own forum by Alun Webber, Managing Director of Product Design & Development. A refreshingly honest communication which bodes well for both the prospects of this launch being carried off without glitches, and for the level of customer service Sky customers can expect.
Recently Sky Poker was reprimanded by the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) which challenged a bonus advertisement that breached their rules. Other poker operators had to take rapid action as the advertisement followed a form that has become standard across the industry.
In April, Sky replaced their VIP system with one which awards automatic rakeback payments to high volume players.
The new VIP program, and now new software, signal a strong intention to take on their better known competitors. Combined with the emphasis on multi-tabling in the new software, this suggests that Sky has adopted a strategy of increasing player liquidity at the center of its poker room plans.
Sky Poker Redesign Goes into Beta Testing | Pokerfuse Online Poker News

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In the first update since the site debuted in April, players will find a variety of enhancements, including improved table and tournament features and the introduction of a rewards program.
The new table features include resizable tables, animated avatars, larger cards, a revamped sounds scheme and preset bet buttons and a host of other player-friendly improvements, many of which according to Poker Product Manager Chris Danek are aimed at making it easier for players to multi-table.
Tournaments players will notice the addition of tournament tickets, which provide entry into specific tournaments and tournament dollars called U-dollars (U$) which can be used to register for multi-table tournaments (MTTs) and sit-and-goes (SNGs). In addition, icons have been added to the tournament lobby that will allow players to easily distinguish different types of tournaments (e.g. satellites and 6-max tournaments).
However, there are still many commonly-requested features not in this version, including auto-topup and waitlists for cash games. Omaha games are also still unavailable. All are understood to be in the development pipeline.
Included in this update is the new loyalty program. The new VIP system, “Color Up”, allow players to accumulate points (U-points) based on the amount of poker they play and the level they achieve within the program. The U-points can be spent on merchandise now available in the store accessible through the client.
Ultimate Poker is currently only available to players physically located within the state of Nevada, although Ultimate Gaming is scheduled to make its debut in the state of New Jersey along with several other online gaming operators later this fall. Those within the borders of New Jersey will have access to traditional casino games as well as online poker.
Ultimate Poker Rolls Out Next Generation Poker Client | Pokerfuse Online Poker News

First came the surprise news that California Senator Lou Correa had updated his placeholder legislation – SB 678 – to include a complete proposal for the regulation of intrastate online poker in California. And, to the delight of many, Correa’s bill did not contain the same level of anti-compacting elements present in so many past proposals to regulate California online gambling.
And then those hopes were doused just as quickly as they arose when the Poker Player’s Alliance made it clear that Correa’s bill was effectively off the table for the 2013 session.
While Correa has yet to confirm the PPA’s assertion, it seems highly unlikely that the PPA would issue such a definitive statement on the issue without a high degree of confidence in their information.
Correa bill did not appear to bridge disagreements between factions
One major clue that the Correa bill was unlikely to gain the required traction in the short time remaining in California’s 2013 legislative schedule could be found in the general approach the bill took toward regulation.
California is home to a highly fragmented gambling industry with myriad perspectives on how online gambling should be handled. For any bill to have a real chance in the California Legislature, that bill would have to make a concerted attempt to bridge some of those gaps and to give all parties a reason to offer their support – or at least withhold their opposition.
It was the sense of most who read Correa’s bill that it simply wasn’t focused on that level of compromise.
Public opposition to quick passage may have hurt
A failure to accommodate all parties may have been at the heart of the demise of Correa’s bill. But it was also very clear from the word go that Correa’s attempt to push through such a significant piece of legislation in such a short period of time would be controversial at best.
For example, a blistering editorial in the Press-Enterprise warned that “neither legislators nor average Californians should mistake Internet gambling for a public interest concern; the real issue is jockeying over private profits.”
While the PE admitted that online gambling is likely to come to California eventually, the editorial stressed that there was simply “no need to rush” a bill during the waning days of the 2013 session.
California slipping behind other states on the issue
California has been considering providing residents with some way to play legal online poker for the better part of five years, with multiple bills floated by multiple backers. At this point in time, no less than three separate initiatives are in various stages of being brought toward a vote.
But as California continues to wrestle internally with the issue, a number of other states are making concrete progress. Nevada is obviously live, allowing residents to play online poker for real money in a regulated environment. Delaware and New Jersey are expected to join shortly.
In fact, it’s possible that California could end up in the third or even fourth wave of U.S. states to regulate online gambling; Massachusetts seems to be moving along at a much faster clip that California, and industry insiders consistently point to Illinois as a state that could launch regulated online gambling within the next few months – assuming the political stars align favorably.
But time still remains in the session for action
Having said all of the above, a few facts still remain: One, powerful forces in California are interested in seeing the state regulate online gambling. Two, there’s still a fair amount of time left in the session, which doesn’t formally conclude until the 13th of September.
That’s not to say action is probable. In the current political climate, it may not even be plausible. But until California lawmakers head home for the year on September 13th, anything remains possible.
California Online Poker Bill Running Out of Time for 2013

Those are the highlights of recent online poker player traffic numbers as compiled by industry independent tracking site PokerScout. Full Tilt showed an increase of 14% of players last week by offering the Build Your Bonus promotion that allows 37% rakeback built on top of the site's VIP program.
FTP now holds a commanding lead of second place behind sister site PokerStars, averaging 2,700 players in a seven-day span. Third place iPoker Network lost some ground, currently enjoying 2,300 cash game players in the same time period.
Meanwhile, the Revolution Gaming Network saw its cash action tumble 17% as a result of Red Star's defection. MPN welcomed Red Star with open arms and now looks to improve on its tenth place worldwide standing. At 1,180 players in a seven-day average, the former Microgaming Poker Network (MPN) is nearing the ninth place French market offering, Winamax.
Another noteworthy promo is the Winning Poker Network's The Beast. Due to expire at the end of this week for August, the kicked in cash of the promotion's one-year anniversary saw more players participate earlier this month. But interest has been waning of late.
Overall, the industry barely moved last week with only 0.2% growth. But the numbers in comparison to last year at this time show a decline of 12%, a rather troubling statistic.
Things to watch for in next week's report include whether or not the new software rollout at Ultimate Poker prompted more Nevada residents and tourists to log on and play at the nation's only regulated poker site. Also, we shall continue to keep an eye on MPN, as the influx of players from Red Star may propel the network even further forward.
Promos and Defections Influence Online Poker Player Traffic | PokerUpdate

888 – which runs online poker, casino, bingo and sports betting services primarily in the UK and Europe – was forced out of the US in 2006 after an online gambling crackdown, but the market has slowly opened up.
Regulatory difficulties have held up plans, which Mr Mattingley admitted was “frustrating”. However, he said a tie-up with Las Vegas hotel Caesars is expected to go live “imminently”, and that he hopes Delaware and New Jersey will follow in the next six months.
Mr Mattingley set out his plans as 888 revealed a 41pc rise in first-half profit before tax to $35.5m (£22.9m), as more players used its poker and casino games on smartphones and tablets.
“It really is new territory for them [the US regulators],” he said. “It’s been a long slow journey but it’s getting faster.
“There are now nine more states considering [legalising online poker]. California is beyond doubt the biggest prize, and between California, New York, New Jersey and Florida that’s 50pc of the potential market.”
Shares fell 1.3pc to 143.1p.
Þ Irish bookmaker Paddy Power unveiled a 12pc rise in first-half profit to €77m (£66m) yesterday but warned that a weak Australian dollar and new gambling taxes in the UK and Ireland will slow the group’s growth.
888 boss plans further online poker expansion in US - Telegraph

The world's most popular open source database is MySQL which is able to deal out real-time stats on one million tournaments a day to gamblers worldwide.
Tokutek, recently announced that SharkScope, the internet's largest poker tournament results database, has deployed the TokuDB™ performance engine to optimize their database performance. SharkScope can now track over one million tournaments a day and deliver the data to gamblers around the world in real time while simultaneously cutting its number of storage servers in half. Information is now delivered in under two seconds whereas before queries were inconsistent, taking up to 20 seconds.
Tokutek is a performance engine company that delivers 21st-Century capabilities to the leading open source data management platforms. Tokutek applies patented Fractal Tree™ Indexing to increase MySQL performance and MongoDB performance to decrease database size and minimize downtime. As a result, Tokutek allows the customer to build a new class of applications that can handle unprecedented amounts of incoming data and scale to handle the data of tomorrow. The company is headquartered in Lexington, MA, and has offices in New York, NY.
SharkScope was considering other options to get the performance required. They capital expense for additional servers to distribute the data, was prohibitive, and the company would eventually outgrow the new and additional servers.
Steve Mayes, the Chief Executive Officer at SharkScope comment on the solution, "TokuDB gave us faster search results, a much smaller database and fewer servers to manage," Mayes continued to explain, "Because of Tokutek, SharkScope can continue to add new subscribers for the foreseeable future."
Tokutek's patented Fractal Tree® indexing technology includes social networking applications, cloud enablement platforms, machine data and logfile processing, and e financial personalization.
Online Poker Data Supplier SharkScope Using Tokutek

Should the Labor Party under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd prevail, online poker players in Australia would be able to breathe a sigh of relief and the legality of Internet poker would likely remain in its current grey area. However, a win by Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party could result in an online gambling crackdown similar to what happened in the U.S. over two years ago when the government seized the domains of the major poker sites.
Abbott has promised a ban, calling online poker and gambling "a dark cave into which people can so easily retreat and there they are beyond help.” This Adelson-like thinking has a number of Aussies on edge, including 2005 WSOP Main Event winner Joe Hachem, who sent off a series of strongly-worded tweets that showed his obvious displeasure with the Liberal Party's stance.
Hachem denounced Abbott's views on online poker and gambling, tweeting, "I HATE ignorance in any form but esp. when coming from people in political power."
As pointed out by pokerasiapacific-com, online poker in Australia is without the benefit of lobbying organizations, political activism, or any funding that can fight attempts to shut it down. A ban on online gambling would allow the Liberal Party to appease the anti-gambling crowd who cite the need to wipe out the quite large numbers of problem gamblers in Australia.
But online poker is certainly not the reason for the dirge of compulsive gambling behavior among Australians. The culprit is the country's beloved "pokies," said to be the nemesis of four of every five gambling addicts throughout the country. That is the ignorance Hachem is referring to when he asks, "How can the liberals glaze over the fact that slot/poker machines contribute to 80% of gambling probs" in Australia?
Surveys show that online poker is not the problem. But it has not stopped the Liberal Party from creating a "Policy to Help Problem Gamblers" that aims to "investigate methods of strengthening the enforcement of the IGA [Interactive Gaming Act] and ensuring Australians are protected from online gambling operators.”
So the liberals aim to protect Australians who play poker and gamble online even though that is not where protection is needed. Recent poll results show the Liberal Party to hold a good-sized lead. Aussie online poker players may want to expedite cashout requests from their favorite online poker sites in advance of the September election.
Australia Election Worries Online Poker Players | PokerUpdate

Despite finishing in first place for a six-figure score, the triumph ranks 3rd on her overall list of poker money achievements, right behind her 2nd place finish in the 2011 World Series of Poker 5k for over $540k and , of course, her 38th place finish in the 2007 WSOP Main Event for over $237k.
The River Poker Series Main Event, a $2500 buy-in, is currently underway with two more starting day flights and a $2.5M guarantee.
Maria Ho Victorious At WinStar | Pokerfuse Online Poker News

According to those keeping track of the Challenge on Two Plus Two, the 3-table heads-up session lasted about 30 minutes and had Cates taking another $20,215 from Dwan over the course of 168 hands.
The chat logs posted seemed to indicate that perhaps there was some difficulty on the site itself which ended the session prematurely. Dwan mentions that he would try to get “back in a few hrs” which, if they are planning on getting through the aforementioned 4k hands in August, better happen soon with less than 48 hours remaining in the month.
The 20k won by Cates is but a drop in the bucket of what Dwan will need to overcome if he is to hold on to his extra $1.5 million as he is reportedly down by over $1.25M in the Challenge to date.
In addition to the amount of money won and lost at the tables during the challenge, if Dwan wins, Cates must pay him $500,000, and if Dwan loses, he will have to pay Cates $1.5 million.
Durrrr Challenge Briefly Resumes | Pokerfuse Online Poker News

It is possible, however, to be healthy while playing online poker. Kristy Arnett finds time for fitness no matter her schedule, whether playing live poker or conducting PokerStars.TV interviews from places like Barcelona.
Better Body for Better Poker is a new series of videos that Kristy offers exclusively to PokerStars Women. Even so, all online poker players can benefit from her tips, which range from creating a nutritious smoothie during a five-minute tournament break to keeping healthy snacks on hand while playing, as well as exercises that can be done to keep mind and body feeling good.
It's no secret that health and fitness are key factors in poker success, and Kristy shows that it is easier than most players tend to believe.
Green smoothies are all the rage in health circles these days. And you can make one in just a few minutes with the right ingredients on hand.
Mixing health and fitness with online poker - PokerStarsBlog-com

Interestingly, Maria Ho had just come directly from top women’s money earner Vanessa Selbst’s wedding in New York, which she said must have given her the extra luck she needed to win the tournament. Commenting on her close friend’s wedding, Maria Ho, said:
“I flew directly to WinStar the day after the ceremony, and now here I am. So, I guess it worked! Thanks, Vanessa!”
Maria Ho now boasts $1,441,972 in live career earnings and although the latest score is only her third biggest overall, it holds special significance for the Taiwanese-born pro as not only does it represents her first major tournament victory, but Ho is also sponsored by the WinStar Casino celebrity as a spokesperson. Reflecting on her remarkable achievement, Maria Ho said:
“It feels so great to finally close a tournament, and to win it here at WinStar, which is like a home to me, couldn’t be more perfect. I know a lot of players say ‘I felt it,’ which doesn’t always pan out, but going into Day 2, I really did feel it.”
The $5k buy-in River Poker Series was held at the WinStar Casino in Thackerville, Oklahoma, the second largest casino in the world, with the tournament attracting a small but tough field of pros to create a prize pool worth $300,000. By the time the final table of six had been reached Maria Ho then found herself squaring off against such talented opponents as Jared Jaffee and Alan Engel, before finally besting Kattamuri Sudwakarar heads-up to claim the title.
The final table payouts were as follows:
1st Maria Ho $101,220
2nd K Sudwakarar $75,000
3rd Alan Engel $50,250
4th Jared Jaffee $34,260
5th Mario Silvestri $23,550
6th Clinton Baker $15,720
Lady Luck Shines On Ho After Vanessa Selbst Marriage
The idea was first introduced by the chief executive officer and president of the AGA, Geoff Freeman, who sent an email to the board, suggesting that the movie be used as a catalyst to promote the association’s long standing view that the federal government should legalize and regulate a poker-only online gambling landscape.
“The plot of Runner Runner centers on illegal online poker and unscrupulous offshore operators, dramatically underscoring the risk American consumers face in a poorly-regulated market. The film underscores the AGA’s message to lawmakers about the urgent need for online poker regulations in the United States,” wrote Freeman in his email. “The AGA will leverage the certain coverage this film will receive to raise awareness about the need for proper regulation of online gaming. Tactics may include releasing research on the amount of illegal Internet gaming currently estimated to be taking place in the United States, driving theater-goers to the AGA website to learn more about properly regulated gaming.”
While industry analysts don’t believe the use of Runner Runner is likely to sway any opinions in any significant direction, some are saying that it probably wouldn’t harm the process for online poker proponents. As Dave Behr of Bluff Magazine says, “nothing else has worked” in bringing federal online poker to the US yet. He states that Californian poker bills are most likely to fail once more, there are no signs of legislative progress by the US Senate and everything else seems to be in limbo on a state level. While he calls the AGA method “unorthodox”, his reasoning is that the association may as well give it a shot.
AGA Turns to Hollywood to Promote Online Poker Message