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Asia Pacific will be the fastest-growing region for casino gaming spending over the coming five years according to the latest release of PwC’s (PricewaterhouseCoopers) global gaming outlook.

Gaming revenue in Asia-Pacific, the PwC report projected, will grow from US$34.3 billion (S$43.96 billion) last year to US$79.3 billion in 2015. It also estimated that revenues from the two integrated resorts here will jump from US$4.4 billion this year to US$7.2 billion in 2015.

“There is a strong argument that, since consumers will engage in illegal online gaming anyway, it is better to license and tax it than to allow the revenues to go to unlicensed operators.”

Despite the fact, online gambling is outlawed in Singapore, Casino gaming revenues in Asia Pacific surged by a remarkable 49.7 percent in 2010, boosted by a 57.8 percent increase in Macau and the rapid emergence of casino gaming in Singapore.

Gaming analyst Jonathan Galaviz felt that governments in the region should certainly seize the growth opportunities, noting that there is “tremendous growth in online gaming, especially in poker”.

Galaviz is also quoted here as saying, “It’s probably an appropriate time for governments to, at the minimum, seriously research the issue and get up to speed on the topic for thoughtful policy discussions,” said the chief economist of Galaviz & Co, a consulting firm for casinos.

But other analysts are not sharing the same opinion as Galaviz & Co. In fact, stating, “legalising online gambling will likely cause a significant social impact.” Casino Consultant and senior partner at Platform Asia Management Services, Mr. Felix Ling, stated, “Once you allow online gambling, you are indirectly encouraging more people to flock there.

Agreeing with Mr. Ling’s statements is one Dr Derek da Cunha. Dr. da Cuhna is author of Singapore Places its Bets, a book on the social and economic impact of the entry of casinos into Singapore. Saying for the record, “If the Government were to legalise online gaming, it would simply give respectability to this activity. A consequence of that would be to draw new or novice players who would not otherwise engage in online gaming.” He added that the social consequences would be “incalculable, especially when people who are supposed to be at work, use their computers or handheld mobile devices to start punting”.

But there is also the argument that could be posed that if it would be a social consequence then why is it that in Singapore, Resorts World Sentosa and the Marina Bay Sands that opened in
2010, within a full year’s operation, both of the new resorts in Singapore, revenues are expected to reach $4.4 billion in 2011 and grow to $7.2 billion by 2015. Are we to believe that online gambling is the bigger evil than the casinos already generating greater revenue for Singapore, a major destination in Asia?
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
In a perfect illistration of why kids shouldn't be allowed on reality talent competitions, 13-year-old Rachel Crow totally cracked under the pressure when she was eliminated from The X Factor last night. The elimination also sent judge Nicole Scherzinger into a tailspin, and reportedly she was a mess back stage and wound up having to be consoled by Crow herself.

Scherzinger had to cast the final vote. If she voted for Marcus Canty, he would be eliminated. If she voted for Crow, it would go into a "deadlock" situation and the audience votes would decide. Scherzinger voted for a deadlock and the audience votes revealed that Crow was eliminated, sending the teen crumbling to the floor, sobbing.

When the show's host asked Nicole to comment, the crowd booed her. Scherzinger began sobbing and apparently locked herself in her dressing room after the show, totally inconsolable.

However, Crow's career is not over. It looks like Disney honchos are hoping to score a meeting with the teen siigwigs are clamoring to sign the 13-year-old after her elimination last night ... and have already set up a meet-and-greet.

A rep for Disney says, "Now that she has been eliminated off X-Factor, a general meeting is planned with her and Disney Channel executives soon."
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Asia is poised to eclipse the United States as the world's biggest gaming market in 2013, powered by the region's growing economic prosperity and fondness for gambling, a report said Thursday.

The gaming sector will be driven by crown jewel Macau -- which has revenues larger than the whole of the US state of Nevada -- and newcomer Singapore, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) said in its annual outlook.

Revenue Asia is forecast to more than double from $34.3 billion in 2010 to $79.3 billion in 2015 -- representing compound growth of 18.3 percent annually, the PWC report said.

"With this projection, the Asia-Pacific region looks set to overtake the US in 2013 to become the largest region for casino gaming in the world," it said.

According to PWC, gaming revenues in the US -- which includes Las Vegas and the huge East Coast gaming centre of Atlantic City -- are tipped to grow just 5.0 percent annually to $73.3 billion from 2010 to 2015.

Globally, the gaming market is seen expanding 9.2 percent every year until 2015, with revenues rising to $182.8 billion, PWC said, adding that Asia will account for 43.4 percent of the total and the US making up 40.1 percent.

"Asia Pacific will be the fastest-growing region for casino gaming spending over the coming five years," said PWC.

The main driver of Asia's growth is Macau, the southern Chinese city that last year overtook the gambling state of Nevada -- which includes Las Vegas -- while Singapore is also attracting huge crowds since opening its first two casinos last year.

Thanks largely to those two centres, gaming income in Asia rose a stunning 49.7 percent year on year in 2010 to $34.28 billion.

In 2010, revenues globally grew 9.6 percent mostly thanks to the buoyant markets in Asia, which made up for the declines seen in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, PWC said.

"It belies the slump currently facing the industry in some of the major gaming markets as the turbulent global financial markets have curtailed consumer spending significantly," it said.

"However, Asia provides the bright spot in the global industry with huge growth potential.

"New major developments in locations such as Macau and Singapore have been very successful as they tap Asia's rising affluent and mobile middle classes in search of new entertainment."

The United States remains the world's biggest gaming market for now but the dramatic growth seen in Asia will see the region occupying the top spot within the next 24 months, PWC said.

"Going forward, Macau and Singapore will continue to fuel growth in Asia Pacific during the next few years, while other countries in the region may look to encourage growth in casino gaming to gain tourism and tax dollars."
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Ontario residents spend an estimated $400 million on unregulated online gambling every single year, a figure which the provincial government is hoping to get involved with.

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation hopes to begin phasing in online gambling as early as next year, starting with casino-style games like video poker and slots, along with the online sale of lottery tickets.

The province's official lottery agency has sent out requests for help setting-up and running online gaming, after examining the phenomenon in British Columbia, Quebec and some European countries.

Tony Bitoni, a spokesperson for the OLG, said the province has explored the merits and problems encountered with online gaming in other areas, in hopes of making a smooth transition here.

The corporation has decided to go with a phase-in approach, with other games planned to be launched later.

Currently online gaming is unregulated in Canada, but residents can gamble online through sites hosted offshore in other countries.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Online poker, bingo and casino games players in the USA have been waiting for years and hoping for legislation to be passed to make this industry legal. The prospects of this ever taking place seem to be getting slimmer all the time. At a recent summit convened for Digital Gaming and Lottery Policy 2011 (the DGLP Summit is designed to bring regulators, policymakers, gambling operators, lotteries and technology providers under one roof to address policy changes in the United States that could result in the regulation of new forms of electronic, interactive gambling), Ray Lesniak was the first to address 100± online gambling industry delegates.

Another very interesting point of view was expressed at the summit. This was from Lloyd Levine, a former State Legislator in California. He said that they were in a position whereby the internet gambling industry had actually by-passed the law. So, the business was out in front and the law would have to catch up. No-one was sure what would happen, (although we saw an extreme example on Black Friday), so the position still remains; that if States such as Nevada and New Jersey pass their own legislation; the DoJ may also take action against them, just like they did with PokerStars and Full Tilt.

He calls intrastate online gambling a “calculated benefit” – still a gamble for the state. Because it still does not change the fact that UIGEA is a Federal Law which prohibits financial transactions between banks and online gambling sites. And the DoJ considers ALL online gambling to be illegal – that has not changed. It is something that bears thinking about doesn’t it?
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Asked for her prediction about how expanded gambling will be perceived in Massachusetts 10 years from now, state Senate President Therese Murray, D-Plymouth, said residents won’t view it as “a big deal.”

“I think that they’ll be going to resort-type places or people will be coming into Massachusetts to stay at these resort-type places and gamble while they’re there,” she said during an interview on 95.9 WATD in Marshfield on Thursday.

“It’s not going to be slot parlors. These are destination places, and I don’t think it will be a big deal.”

The expanded gambling law signed by Gov. Deval Patrick last month did include a single slot parlor license to be competitively bid upon by developers, but the centerpiece of the bill is the legalization of up to three casinos across the state.

Casinos will be taxed at 25 percent of gross gambling revenue, while the slot parlor will be taxed at 49 percent. But before casinos can be built, the fights between backers and opponents promise to be fierce.

Critics say casinos offer a fertile environment for corruption and addiction, particularly in the areas immediately surrounding facilities. Backers say most Massachusetts residents already live within a couple of hours of a casino and are bringing addiction problems home with them, but none of the jobs or economic benefit that casinos carry.

“The money to both the towns who accept or pass a referendum to accept gaming and the revenue to the state will be significant,” Murray said. Then, alluding to efforts by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft to partner with casino mogul Steve Wynn to seek a license for a Foxboro casino, Murray added, “If Kraft is successful down in Foxboro – or Wynn, excuse me – they’re talking 10,000 permanent jobs.”

Murray also said changes to the state pension system adopted last month – including an increase in the minimum retirement age for most employees, a longer averaging period to calculate pensions, and a cost-of-living adjustment increase for state employees – would help protect the solvency of the pension system.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Apparently, a lot of people want to see Lindsay Lohan in her birthday suit, which is why her Playboy photo spread was leaked onto the Internet before the issue launched, sending Playboy execs scrambling.

Lohan, who was planning to unveil the cover on the December 15 episode of Ellen, had the misfortune of having her Marilyn Monroe-styled shoot leaked here.

The leak is a huge deal for Playboy, who invested a ton of money into the Lohan pictorial, paying Lohan herself a cool million.

Hugh Hefner himself tweeted, "Because of the interest & the Internet leak, we're releasing the Lindsay Lohan issue early."

Playboy had hoped the Lohan spread would sell like hotcakes. The company invested in thousands of extra copies of the magazine in anticipation of them flying off the stands - however, now that the pics have been leaked, everyone has seen Lohan in all her naked Marilyn Monroe-like glory... for free.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The revelation last week that one of Nevada’s most prominent casino owners, Las Vegas Sands Corp.’s Sheldon Adelson, is opposed to legalizing online poker sent a cross-country shock wave through the online poker community. The question asked most often: Will this hurt the chances that Congress will pass a bill?

Maybe a little. But what is more likely to kill the prospect of an online poker bill is the lack of a viable online poker bill.

Earlier this year, poker lobbyists identified the sweet spot on the congressional calendar for such legislation as anytime before the end of 2011, before all political considerations became entirely subsumed by the presidential election. (The Republican primary season starts with the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3.)

But then Sen. Jon Kyl, the Republicans’ No. 2 guy in the U.S. Senate and the pro-poker community’s No. 1 target lawmaker needed to strike a deal, got appointed to Sen. Harry Reid’s debt reduction supercommittee.

Then, Kyl shunned the idea of incorporating online poker into the government’s efforts to come up with $1.2 trillion in debt reductions, even though taxes on the new industry are expected to be a revenue-generator for the federal government.

Now, Kyl is shunning entreaties to say what he told Adelson about the prospects for legalizing online poker.

“I’m not going to talk about meetings I have with people,” Kyl said when approached by the Sun last week. “He’s a friend of mine. I met with him, period.”

Kyl has never been a fan of legalizing online poker. He crusaded against it for years before the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act was passed in 2006, and after that, was one of the most outspoken members of Congress pressuring the government to enforce it.

But this year, Kyl signaled a willingness to talk about the gaming regulation and enforcement. And since, he’s been the other half of the handshake with Harry Reid that needs to happen if poker stands a chance of clearing Congress.

Beyond that, there really isn’t another option this Congress. A House bill backed by Texas Rep. Joe Barton and Nevada Rep. Shelley Berkley ran aground almost before it could set sail. The reasons: some of the bill’s enforcement provisions and an unfortunate alliance between its chief backer, the Poker Players Alliance, and the online poker operators — Full Tilt, PokerStars, and Ultimate Poker — recently indicted in federal court on charges of money laundering to circumvent the federal online gaming ban.

(The PPA has vehemently and repeatedly disavowed the association, which is financial in nature.)

In fact, since it was introduced, Berkley — who remains a staunch advocate of legalizing online poker — hasn’t angled for her bill at all. But she’s not the only one who’s remaining strangely silent.

Since Adelson came to Washington to deliver his anti-online poker opinion to Kyl and Frank Fahrenkopf, president of the American Gaming Association, the usual suspects are staying suspiciously silent — in contrast to their usual boosterism of a poker bill — declining opportunities to comment on the record about the chances that online poker legislation will make it onto the calendar in the coming year.

For those listening carefully, that means maybe it won’t.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Richard “Skip” Bronson, chairman of U.S. Digital Gaming (U.S. Digital Gaming is a technology and marketing solution for Indian tribes for state lotteries and casinos that want to be in the online gaming business.), a “legally compliant gaming system” is sharing his thoughts and beliefs that as the “shrinking revenues” in various states continue, online gambling stands to reap a jackpot.

“It’s imminent. There’s no question,” he said. “The states are broke. They’re looking for revenue sources.” “It’s a business that needs to be regulated and taxed. His statement is that, the “illegal” European offshore operators have taken as much as 6 billion in revenue from the U.S.

As reported in the interview with data provided by PwC, Online Gaming’s largest markets are as follows; U.K., Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

“Skip” believes just as with the lotteries that began in New Hampshire in 1964, “the same thing will happen with online gaming.”

Billionaire businessman and 2929 Entertainment CEO Todd Wagner said, “it was likely online gambling would move in some form over to an online arena”. “Will it just be the same brick-and-mortar player than transition to this, or will there be room for others to come in because the business is different?” “It’s not just constructing a facility and construction permits and all the things that go with that world. Now we’re on an online world.”

Finally, Wagner says it here plain and simply, “We can have it untaxed and unregulated, or we can have it taxed and regulated.”
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Mitt Romney, Presidential candidate for the Republican party nomination in 2012, clearly has a gambling problem. This gambling problem first came to light during a television debate when he made an impromptu $10,000 bet.

During a time of job stresses all across the United States and Occupy Wall Street protesting the wealth disparity, Mitt Romney's problem came to light just three weeks prior to the first round of elections in Iowa. His problem may be in the fact that he offered the bet, but more importantly the size of the bet. The size is so large that most Americans will probably realize that Mitt Romney is on a different wave-length when it comes to money.

Even before this recent gaffe, Mitt Romney was slipping in the polls as Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, has been closing the polling gap between the two men. The gaffe occurred when another Presidential candidate, Texas Governor Rick Perry, claimed Mitt Romney had backed national healthcare reform in a passage in his book that was excised from the hardback version.

Mitt Romney, the man who brought healthcare reform to Massachusetts, denied that he supported the measure nationwide or that the passage had been in the paperback. He said, “Rick, I'll tell you what. $10,000 bucks? Ten thousand bet?” as he extended his hand in an attempt to seal the wager with a handshake.

Rick Perry refused the wager as responded, “I'm not in the betting business but I will show you the book.” Mitt Romney's wager was the first time in over 50 years of political debates that a wager has been offered on television in the United States.

Finally, for the record, Mitt Romney is the richest candidate, according to his financial disclosure, during his 2008 White House bid. His personal wealth is between $190 million and $250 million. However, the $42 million he spent on the 2008 failed presidential campaign would need to be deducted from those totals. This is nearly 10 times the amount of wealth of the next nearest Republican presidential candidate, Jon Huntsman at somewhere around $15 million.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
A Queenstown casino gambler has admitted stealing $4195 from his employer to support his addiction.

Carolito Surreal Ross pleaded guilty to five fraud charges and two theft charges in Queenstown District Court today (Monday) after taking money from the swanky accommodation resort Nugget Point.

Ross, 33, used his position as assistant manager to authorise eftpos refunds that went from Nugget Point’s account directly into his over several days in late October and early November.

Court papers reveal that Ross ran out of money while gambling at Lasseter’s Casino on October 30, so he returned to his workplace. He then took the eftpos merchant card – which gives refunds to guests – and transferred $500 into his bank account. Less than an hour later, he had repeated the process, giving himself another $500.

“After each of the transactions he returned to Lassester’s Wharf Casino to continue gambling,” court papers say.

The next day he returned to Nugget Point at 1.34am, where he used the merchant card to take $980. At 3pm that same day, he accessed the reception area and got into the safe, where he found $175.10. Ross took $175 and gambled with the cash.

He also took a further $80 from the safe later that day.

In the early hours of November 1 and 2, Ross used the merchant card to transfer $980 each time into his account.

When spoken to by police, he admitted his actions and explained that the merchant card only allows transactions of up to $1000 a day.

“He explained he had taken some drugs and his gambling was out of control.”

Ross has been suspended from his job pending the outcome of the charges.

Judge Dominic Flatley convicted Ross and remanded him for sentencing on January 30. He is likely to face a sentence of community or home detention.

Final warning for teen

A Queenstown teenager admitting drunken and disorderly offences has been told to sort his life out – otherwise he’ll end up in jail.

Seventeen-year-old Jabe Tyler today pleaded guilty to stealing bourbon from Betty’s Liquor on Rees Street, intentionally damaging a wall, a car and a window and later driving while disqualified.

The court heard that Tyler swiped two bottles of Jim Beam while a friend distracted the shop attendant on October 20. Police found Tyler at the Queenstown Holiday Park, where he admitted punching two holes in an exterior plaster cladding wall earlier that day because he was angry.

Ten days later Tyler was at a party in Goldfield Heights, where he punched a glass window at the house and then kicked a tail light on a parked car. Police found him and took him to hospital to treat deep cuts to his hands.

On November 8, Tyler was pulled up by police driving while disqualified.

With three prior convictions this year, Judge Flatley told Tyler: “It’s been a big year for offending.”

When the judge asked him why he drank underage, Tyler said: “I have no idea.”

Judge Flatley: “When are you going to grow up, Mr Tyler?

“You need to sit down and have a good think about where you go in the future. Otherwise you are going to drift around Queenstown, drinking the wrong things, meeting the wrong people and probably taking the wrong things.”
Judge Flatley sentenced Tyler to 175 hours’ community work, nine months’ supervision, ordered him to take a drug and alcohol assessment, disqualified him from driving for a further six months and ordered him to pay reparation.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Some collectors will pay anything to get their hands on a piece of their favorite star, even if that piece is a body part. John Lennon’s rotting decayed tooth recently went up for auction for some lucky deranged bidder and now Michael Jackson’s hair has sold for $11,000 to a gambling web site. Will they be displaying it on a wall somewhere? Of course not. They’ve come up with a far more disgusting use for it.

The hairball, pulled from a shower drain by what one can only assume was a mentally stable worker at the Carlyle hotel in the 1980’s, will be made into a roulette ball for the enjoyment of all gamblers. "The ball itself will be made to the highest professional standards, ensuring it will be eligible for use at any licensed casino's roulette table.”

"Indeed, considering Jackson dedicated his life to entertaining millions, the prospect of this very special ball captivating crowds at roulette tables seems like a fitting use for it,” they continued on their web site.

In related news, nothing is sacred.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Gov. Andrew Cuomo will soon introduce a constitutional amendment to allow casino table games, currently restricted to Indian-controlled sites, statewide. That will be the easy part.

The constitution prohibits gambling except through state lotteries. A change would grant legislators the freedom to approve Las Vegas-style casinos. “You could remove 10 to 15 words and that would do it,” said James Featherstonhaugh, president of the New York Gaming Association, which represents racinos.

Any change, however, needs to be approved in two consecutive legislative sessions and by public referendum. Casino backers expect the legislature to approve an amendment in 2012, but are bracing for a fight in 2013 over the enabling legislation.

Native American tribes are defending what they say is their exclusive right to offer casino gambling. Since video slots debuted at racetracks, tribes have been losing ground.

Racinos already have added computerized table games—think blackjack without the human dealer. The New York Gaming Association predicts that manned table games would create 5,600 jobs statewide. But computerized gaming threatens that growth. “These types of machines are spreading everywhere,” said I. Nelson Rose, a gambling industry consultant.
If Hillary survived, can't John Liu?

John Liu supporters are taking comfort in comparisons between the comptroller's fundraising fiasco and the one that Hillary Clinton endured during her 2008 presidential bid.

“They're saying, 'Take a look at Hillary. She survived. Now she's secretary of state,' ” one insider said.

Businessmen were at the center of both scandals. Ms. Clinton returned $850,000 bundled by Norman Hsu in 2007, after prosecutors alleged that he operated a Ponzi scheme and committed campaign-finance fraud. But Ms. Clinton's campaign, unlike Mr. Liu's, never faced a federal investigation.
Diane Savino's lesson plan

Democrat Diane Savino has some advice for 21-year-old Saint Jermaine Endeley, who announced last week that he plans to challenge the -Staten Island senator in 2012 as a pro-business Democrat. “Don't run to the right of someone in a Democratic primary,” she said.

Mr. Endeley, an NYU student and former Nassau Community College student body president, doesn't seem to be listening. He said that business has lost faith in Democrats and that his “5-5-5 agenda” would boost the economy.

“He's a nice kid,” Ms. Savino said. “I don't want to denigrate him.”
Integrity ball in A.G.'s court

Setbacks in U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's corruption prosecutions give Attorney General Eric Schneiderman an opening to be the state's top cop for public integrity.

Last week, Mr. Schneiderman and state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli unveiled indictments related to a nonprofit funded by state Sen. Shirley Huntley, the attorney general's former colleague in the Senate Democratic conference.

Insiders speculate that Mr. Schneiderman has a pipeline of public-integrity probes that could bear fruit in 2012.

Mr. Bharara dropped his case against a developer he had accused of bribing Sen. Carl Kruger, and saw Assemblyman William Boyland acquitted. Last week, his trial of Councilman Larry Seabrook ended in a hung jury.
In Cuomo we trust?

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's deal for a tax increase that he had vowed to oppose has some fiscal hawks worried about his other promises.

“I've been told by people in the administration that pension reform will be in the budget,” said Carol Kellermann, president of the Citizens Budget Commission. “On the other hand, they said they wouldn't extend the millionaire's tax.”
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If U.S. Rep. John Tierney didn’t believe in Murphy’s Law before the start of this election cycle, it’s a safe bet that he does now. One person who won’t be available to take that bet, however, is his brother-in-law, Daniel Eremian, who was convicted of racketeering last week for his involvement in an offshore gambling operation.

Tierney’s wife Patrice, Eremian’s sister, served one month in prison and five months of house arrest last year after pleading guilty to charges she aided in falsifying tax returns for her brother’s illegal gambling venture. During her testimony at Eremian’s trial last month, Patrice Tierney invoked spousal privilege, allowing her to avoid questions on just how much her husband knew about all this.

It’s just the latest in a string of events, including a less than helpful break with regards to redistricting, and the introduction of a formidable opponent for his Congressional seat—former state House Minority Leader Richard Tisei, a moderate republican—threatening to scuttle his bid to be elected for a ninth consecutive term.

Rep. Tierney’s district now includes Tewksbury, Billerica and parts of Andover, which voted heavily in favor of Republican Sen. Scott Brown last year.

His republican opponents have seized on the opportunity to damage John Tierney’s campaign in advance of next November's elections.

“After an unremarkable eight terms in Washington, Congressman Tierney already faced an uphill battle in his re-election bid next year, and that was before his district became more conservative,” said Nate Little, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Republican Party in a news release. “His family’s offshore gambling ring certainly raises questions about what Congressman Tierney knew and when, and he owes his constituents an explanation about this ongoing scandal.”

While Congressman Tierney’s campaign didn’t respond to several media requests for comment on Eremian’s conviction, during his successful 2010 re-election campaign he insisted he had no knowledge of his wife’s illegal activities. An article in the Boston Herald, on Nov. 9, however, alleged that John Tierney and his wife had dinner at the Antigua headquarters of the gambling enterprise run by Daniel and Robert Eremian.

Not to mention, Bill Hudak, the Tea Party-endorsed lawyer who unsuccessfully challenged John Tierney as the Republican nominee in 2010.

Add all these factors together, and Rep. Tierney is likely to be facing one of the toughest campaigns in his 14 years on Capitol Hill.

“As I campaigned around the district, (the Eremian affair) is something on voters’ minds,” Tisei told “I think it’s probably in his best interests to have a press conference and to answer any questions that are out there. He hasn’t talked about this at all. That’s the feedback I’ve been getting.”

Since unseating Republican Peter Torkildsen back in 1996, John Tierney has never failed to win at least 55 percent of the vote. That may be about to change, according to several Bay State political consultants.

“It will be a real race,” said Scott Ferson, a Boston-based Democratic consultant, on “By Massachusetts standards, Richard Tisei is about as good a candidate as Republicans can put up.”

Bill Hudak, the Tea Party-endorsed lawyer who unsuccessfully challenged John Tierney as the Republican nominee in 2010, is still in the race as well.

Coupled with the potency of Tisei as a candidate is the overwhelming right-leaning voting tendencies of the new areas of Rep. Tierney’s district. In 2010, Sen. Scott Brown won nearly 60 percent of the vote in the areas that are joining the Massachusetts sixth district. It is the GOP’s best chance to win a U.S. House seat in Massachusetts since 1994.

“This new district for John Tierney is going to be more challenging than it has been in the past, and Richard Tisei is going to be a tougher opponent than he’s had [been] in the past,” said Mary Anne Marsh, a longtime Democratic consultant in the state, on “This is going to be the most competitive race in Massachusetts.”

However, state Democrats know that in order to win re-election, John Tierney will have to successfully extricate himself from the sticky business of his in-laws.

Democratic Media consultant Dan Payne, who has worked for Tierney in the past, offered the following on

“It’s pretty clear that the in-laws are in some pretty bad business,” he said. “But does that reflect on John Tierney? I don’t think so.”

But what will the voters of the sixth Massachusetts district think?
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Alec Baldwin is being smart about his American Airlines debacle by making fun of it. Baldwin, who was booted of an American Airlines flight after he refused to stop playing the scrabble game, "Words with Friends," appeared on Saturday Night Live last night. He portrayed the pilot of the flight, and referred to passenger Baldwin to as an "American treasure."

In the character of the pilot, Alec explained why passenger Baldwin would slam the lavatory door by exclaiming that "Words with Friends" can be "frustrating."

Meanwhile the American Airlines’ Flight Attendants Union is hoping to get him on a no-fly list and also remove his show, 30 Rock, from airing on any of their planes.

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During the incident, Alec had tweeted about his distain for the airline, complaining that he would never again fly on American Airlines, "where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950's find jobs as flight attendants." Well, Alec, looks like you may have your wish.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Owners of online casinos claim that demand for the service has increased because not all poker fans can visit real casinos that often. Online games are affordable without leaving the house and a player can start playing with minimal cash. The only requirement for playing online games is having access to the internet.

“It is like a drug. When I play online casino I do not feel the time passing,” said Nikoloz, 23, who plays online casino when he is at work, at home, with his friends, anytime and anywhere.

“The popularity of online games is increasing. Internet access is growing; the number of internet users is increasing at the same time. Many locals prefer online games to visiting a real casino. Georgians are very reckless,” said Nazim Izmailov, Executive Director of Europe-bet.

Launching an online casino business is easier in Georgia than getting an international license, one of the rapidly developing online casino’s owners told The FINANCIAL. Georgian legislation requires a five million GEL license for casino registration. This fee allows you to run a real casino which is obligatory for running an online casino.

“Online games are a very fast growing market. These games are becoming very popular in Georgia,” said Oto Shalikashvili, CMO of Adjarabet. “We have 30,000 likes on facebook. Out of this number we have 95 percent daily involvement. That means that the majority of the people who like us on facebook are our clients. We have over hundreds of thousands of active players who play at least once a month,” he added.

“The development of social networks has supported the popularity of online games. People like to compete with each other. Georgians are very excitable and erudite. So they play well-crafted, intellectual games. Poker is a game of skill and not a game of luck. Therefore it is the most popular online game in Georgia,” Shalikashvili added.

The increase in gambling has caused the entry of new players on the market. Lariwin has been operating in Georgia since September 2011. “Gambling has a wide range of users in Georgia. Most people who are already eighteen years old begin to play online games. This new generation adds to the older players in the country and that increases the total number of gambling players,” said Bacho Gviniashvili, Director of Lariwin. “International research shows that this increase will continue till 2016. I would say that higher growth is expected in Georgia than abroad. If for example the number of players increases by eight percent in the world, it increases two times more here. Economical opportunities in Georgia are much higher now than in previous years as well,” said Gviniashvili.

“To start with we brought online casino and poker to the market. Then as demand increased we added a new product - totalizator. We are oriented on high quality and the newest games. These are intellectually high-level games. We create a product that gives us profit,” he added.

Turnover and financial issues are confidential, but Gviniashvili admits that this business is very profitable in Georgia. “Georgians are very excitable and that is why this business is becoming profitable here. Different products have been created by the rise in this sort of gambling, a lot of advertisements and specialized TV shows perfectly demonstrate the profitability of the gambling business in Georgia. While there is demand there will be supply and this business will be profitable for suppliers as well,” he added.

Gambling is not only profitable for the company, but for players as well. “For example online poker can be considered a regular source of income. The amount of potential income is unlimited. What’s unique about the game of poker is that one does not need to be lucky, the key is in the player’s own strategy and discipline,” said Shalikashvili.

“Players will not lose a significant amount of money. We want our clients to have fun whilst playing and not to lose. We want them to win. Our interest is in lots of people playing online games. This is linked to our financial interests as well. From every shuffle we get a percentage because we have managed the play. So we need to have as many players as possible. The more players that play the more profit the company has,” said Gviniashvili.

Besides the fact that gambling is a profitable business in Georgia, Italian online casino Camelut left the Georgian market because of bankruptcy just two years ago. The FINANCIAL was told that Camelut had financial problems, but Fulvio Fabiani, Technical Director, cited other reasons. “The financial problems were not caused by the Georgian market experiencing difficulties. The real reason was that one of the owner’s sons took the whole amount of money and left Georgia,” said Fabiani.

“Every market in every country is ready for this type of product. The only necessity is to suit the taste of local players. In addition, it is necessary to properly interface with the payment system used in the country. This is a very profitable business. What’s important is to put investments in to advertisements and find a simple system of payments for the players,” he added.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Another year is almost history but there is a Christmas to celebrate and online casinos are getting into the spirit with some great promotions. Leading Online casino portal, ixgames, has consolidated a number of the best promos in a list and have found the Top 5 Christmas Advent Calendars at online casinos.

"Every kid who has ever celebrated Christmas has had to deal with the excitement a new days brings when it was time to open up another little door in the calendar and to munch the chocolate," said Ryan D, Editor at Online Gambling Insider. "The online casinos have replaced the chocolates with casino promotions in their own adult Christmas Advent Calendars!"

Calendar 1: Vegas Casino Online

Calendar 2: Jackpot City Casino

Calendar 3: Sun Palace Casino

Calendar 4: Europa Casino
Daily holiday rewards of up to €25 until January 1st at Europa Casino.

Calendar 5: 32Red Casino

Read more about these and other great Online Casino Christmas promotions.

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About ixgames
ixgames is an independent gambling guide that prides itself in delivering unique services to the online gambling community. They offer online gambling enthusiasts with up to date information, and perform in-depth online casino reviews. The portal has been in operation for 8 years.

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Conferences involving the online gambling industry are regularly attended by operators and technicians and some times there are events for the affiliate members of the industry. One such amazing opportunity for affiliates is the 2012 London Affiliate Conference. Over 2,500 people attended the London Affiliate Conference last year and will return this year for the sixth consecutive time to Old Billingsgate Market in January for three days.

During January 26th through 29th a lot will happen including exhibitions networking opportunities and trade conferencing. Panel discussions presentations and all the information that goes with the territory will happen in London, a city the some consider the hub of onine gambling in the European jurisdiction. Updates and current knowledge will enable affiliates to remain on the cutting edge of the gaming industry.
Affiliates, affiliate managers, operators and in depth discussion from relevant participants in the field will encourage the exchange of ideas and techniques among those in the ever expanding online gambling industry. Networking is part of the parcel with informal communications coming after a refreshment or two at some of the great parties in a relaxed environment.

Noted guest speakers include; Director & Head of Search Engine Optimization at Bronco Ltd., Dave Naylor, SEO Consultant at the world’s leading Ayima Search Marketing, Jane Copland and Industry Head Export at Google Israel, Nir Korczak.
The affiliate conference in completely free for all affiliates who plan to attend just as in years past, this conference will go down as a must attend opportunity. There is also an afternoon purely dedicated to having fun, informal networking and a bit of healthy competition with bowling, speed networking, ping pong, pool etc. Organized to give all delegates arriving early for the London Affiliate Conference the opportunity to get the most out of their stay, this conference sounds like a real gas that every affiliate must find the time for.
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8. Rep. Joe Barton
Barton, a Republican from Texas, has proposed federal legislation that would lead to the licensing and regulation of online poker. Barton is an influential House Republican. And as chairman emeritus of the House Commerce and Energy Committee, he has enough juice to get Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-Calif.) to hold subcommittee hearings and markup hearings, and enough juice to get Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) to hold a vote on the bill. But the big question is whether (and this is assuming the bill passes in committee), Barton has a enough juice to get House Speaker John Boehner to schedule a vote by the full House of Representatives. Barton told the Digital Policy and Gaming Summit delegates last week that he believed he had the votes to pass his bill. But he didn't know if Boehner would schedule it. And part of whether Boehner would schedule it was dependent on the Senate.

7. House Speaker John Boehner
Now we get to Boehner. Boehner is the leader of the Republicans in the House of Representatives. He's also worried about making sure Republicans get re-elected in 2012 so they maintain control of the House. In the context of the election, it's hard to see Boehner forcing Republicans to vote on online poker. Barton might be right that many Republicans support his measure. But during an election year, it's hard to see how Republicans will go on the record as "pro gambling" when they need socially conservative voters to turn out and help them stay in office. And will Boehner be willing to force Republicans to make a vote during an election year that their base won't like? I doubt it.

6. Sen. Jon Kyl
The conventional wisdom in political circles is it doesn't matter what happens in the House regarding online poker legislation. If an online poker measure is going to pass, it's going to come from the Senate, and it will have to be attached to must-pass legislation because it can't win a stand-alone vote in the Senate. The person who can stop all of that from happening is Kyl. The Republican from Arizona was one of the key architects of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA). And under Senate rules, individual Senators can easily hold up or derail legislation. So why would Kyl, who hates online gaming, be for regulating online poker?

The arguments from lobbyists goes something like this:

1. Kyl views prohibiting online gambling as a legacy issue.
2. The UIGEA isn't doing the job well enough. Americans are still gambling online.
3. In an effort to strengthen the legal prohibitions against other forms gambling, Kyl would be willing accept licensed and regulated online poker.
4. Online poker could also help some of the Native American tribes in Arizona.

These arguments sound plausible. But I have a hard time buying them. For Kyl, fighting online gaming is both a moral and a law enforcement issue. The DOJ had no problem cracking down on PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker this year. And then there's the very real argument that poker is a "gateway" game, and that if Congress regulates online poker now, in three years, Congress will regulate all online gaming and Kyl won't be able to do anything about it (Kyl retires at the end of next year).

5. Sen. Harry Reid
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to pass online poker legislation. He represents the state of Nevada. The big casinos companies in Nevada (except for Las Vegas Sands) want online poker. Therefore, Reid wants online poker.

Reid knows he can't pass online poker legislation through the regular process, so he has to find a bill he can attach it to. But he won't attach it to must-pass legislation unless he knows he can get the bill through with the poker provisions. There are a limited number of vehicles each year to do this. And if he can't get Kyl to support him on this, online poker legislation is going nowhere next year. Election year politics also complicate the equation next year. Democrats and Republicans alike might not appreciate being forced to vote for a pro-gambling issue during an election year.

4. Iowa
They won't be talking about online poker during the presidential caucuses. But the state legislature might take up the issue in 2012. From a budget standpoint, Iowa is in the black, so they're not looking to online poker for revenue reasons. This is a matter of regulating gambling in Iowa.

State Sen. Jeff Danielson is hopeful that his fellow Iowa legislators will pass online poker legislation next year. But Caesars has yet to weigh in on the debate, and they could kill it. Caesars is a big operator in Iowa, they've lobbied hard to kill online gaming legislation at the state level.

Danielson says he hasn't heard from Caesars so far in Iowa. Apparently, they're more concerned with a regulation that requires them to offer dog racing in order to have a gaming license. Maybe there's room to nix the dog racing requirement in return for not opposing online poker. Buy my guess is Caesars lobbies hard to beat the online poker bill -- and they win.

3. New Jersey
State Sen. Ray Lesniak says he's fixed every element of his online gambling bill to meet Gov. Chris Christie's requirements (Christie vetoed it earlier this year), except for the one that requires a voter referendum. He's hoping to convince Christie that there doesn't need to be a referendum. But if he can't do that, he'll put it on the ballot for November of next year and let the voters decide. The one thing he's trying to avoid is the voters saying no, and the federal government saying yes a year later. If the voters approve it, Atlantic City casinos could begin offering online gaming in 2013.

2. Nevada
In February, Nevada will begin accepting applications for online gaming licenses. By Nevada law, the licenses won't mean anything until the federal government explicitly tells Nevada that online poker -- intrastate or interstate -- is OK. The big question here, and this is what makes it such a good story, is whether N
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Recently the Danish Gambling Authority announced it will be delaying the full implementation of its new gambling framework until the first of February 2012. Although the market will open as planned January first 2012 the executive orders regarding online betting, land betting and online casinos will suffer the delay.

Technical issues were responsible for the announcement with the Danish Gambling Authority saying the reason are because of the submission to the European Commission on alterations to requirements for the physical location of the gaming system and the implementation of a digital signature. The DanID which operates user verification and digital signature specialist NemID, has given the DGA a set back because the modules employed for players to login to websites and player identification will not be ready by the original launch date of January 1, 2012 for operators that are from countries other than Denmark.

Measures are in place to keep everything else on track for the rolling out of the new rules which are considered by many as the most fair and comprehensive in the European Union. In keeping with timing of the launch the Authority stated that online and land based betting and online casino license holders’ verification and login procedures will be regulated with additional terms until the relevant modules are in place.

Operators will require a validated identity of registered players as an alternative to the digital signature that will eventually become available through verification and digital signature specialist NemID. Players may have to provide a drivers license or possibly a passport as an alternative forms of identification in order to register and log on to online gambling web sites. There have been very few problems in the process of opening up of the online wagering business in Denmark compared to other E.U. nations that are trying to find viable solutions to the liberalization of the industry. The European Commission is working on a unified approach so that operators in other E.U. countries will have a level playing field in which to offer their services.
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