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Manne wrote:

Mariah Yeater, pictured above, is the woman claiming to be the mother of Justin Beiber's 3-month-old love child.

Yeater claims she took Bieber's virginity when she was 20 and he was 17, putting her in danger of statutory rape charges. She claims that she deflowered Bieber in a bathroom after one of his concerts last year and that the encounter was a brief but romantic 30 seconds. She claims that Bieber didn't use a condom because it was his first time and he wanted to feel everything.

However, Beiber's team are vehemently denying Yeater's admissions. And to make matters worse, crazed Bieber fans are going all postal on Yeater, even sending her death threats. Following the news that Yeater had filed a paternity suit against Bieber, an army of fans who call themselves "Beliebers" stormed the Internet to threaten her life.

Lol really
Join: 2011/11/06 Messages: 12
Manne wrote:

Lindsay Lohan was in court again today for violating her probation – again.

And once again, celebrity justice reared its ugly head. Although the judge handed down a sentence of 30 days, according to officials from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, Lohan will almost certainly get out of jail in a matter of minutes.

Due to California's overcrowded jails, misdemeanor inmates only serve 20% of the actual sentence because of overcrowding. And TMZ reports that now it seems inmates are immediately released after being booked.

One official told the gossip site, "She'll be out without even having to change her clothes."

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Judge Stephanie Sautner put Lindsay a tight schedule to complete the rest of her probation.

By December 14, Lindsay must have completed 12 days at the morgue and 4 psychotherapy sessions. By January 17, another 12 days at morgue and 4 psychotherapy sessions. If the terms of her probation are not completed by March 29, Lohan will go to jail for 270 days.

Lohan knows she got off easy, walking out of court muttering, "Thank God."

Pretty standard imo
Join: 2011/11/06 Messages: 12
Manne wrote:

Michael Lohan finally has his picture in the paper… but not because he's famous. Lohan was busted around 1 a.m. ET last night after getting into a huge fight with his on-again-off-again girlfriend, Kate Major.

After getting in a huge fight with Major, Michael was hauled off by the popo but then complained of chest pains so he was checked out at a nearby hospital. Predictably, Lohan was given a clean bill of health, but after the doc cleared him, he tried to slip out the back, which is when an officer arrested him and took him to the pokey for alleged domestic violence.

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In her complaint against, Major alledges that Lohan came over to her Tampa apartment last night and ironically began to yell at her about an upcoming domestic violence court hearing. Major claims Lohan pushed her multiple times told her he would slit both his wrist and her wrist. He also threatened to throw her off the balcony.

Kate Major adds that her sexy ex Michael threw a TV remote control at her, but he missed, so he smashed her cell phone instead.

Hoopity haaaa haaaa lol
Join: 2011/11/06 Messages: 12
Manne wrote:

The case against Michael Jackson's former doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, is wrapping up, with the defense on the verge of resting their case.

The manslaughter trial is now heading into closing arguments territory. Closing arguments are scheduled to begin Thursday morning,

Murray was on-hand when Jackson died after had being administered propofol, along with two anti-anxiety benzodiazepines: lorazepam and midazolam. On February 8, 2010, Murray pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter, and was released after posting a US$75,000 bail. His trial started on September 27, 2011.

It's also worth pointing out — jurors notoriously hate coming back to court on Monday if they can help it … which means there's a 99.9999% chance they'll come up with a verdict by Friday, presuming closing arguments don't drag on.

The prosecution rested its case over a week ago. If convicted of felony involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to the maximum — 4 years in state prison — it is likely that Murray will not spend any time prison.

After a new law in California went into effect on October 1, jail overcrowding will likely give a lot of first-time, non-violent offenders a "get out of jail free card." Therefore, people convicted of non-violent felonies cannot be sent to State prison. Instead, non-violent felons serve their time in county jail and since involuntary manslaughter is a non-violent felony, if Murray is convicted he'd go to L.A. County Jail or better yet, house arrest.

Thank god 😡
Join: 2011/11/06 Messages: 12
Industry complaints have once again led German law-makers to revise online gambling regulations. In this regard in this country, the wheels of Government are grinding very slowly, and regulations are barely coming about that are acceptable to any operators or the EU. This country appears to be posing a huge problem for the industry, in that virtually every time they present a reform, the European Commission objects to the changes as not being in line with EU policy.

Just last week however, 15 of the 16 Federal German states agreed to reduce a proposed 16.6% tax for online gambling turnover, down to 5%. That is one heck of a big leap in only a week! In addition to the reduction to tax, the states also announced that they would allow an initial twenty licenses to be granted, which is another massive about-face, over the original seven promised.

However, these changes are moot when you consider that they do not apply to either online casino or poker games – this form of gambling online would still be banned in Germany according to the new regulations. It makes one ask, what is the point of even bothering? The only State actually taking a serious look at the online gambling industry in a licensing capacity is Schleswig Holstein, which made a decision months ago for a 20% gross profits tax. Although at a higher rate than turnover tax, online gambling operators see it as being far more favorable. reacted, saying that slow steps in the right direction are taking place, but at what cost? Betfair is critical, calling the changes incompatible with EU law, and the Remote Gambling Association calls it both disappointing and severely limiting. The European Commission is also concerned, but has not reacted to the latest proposals as of yet. Whether things will ever change for the better – only remains to be seen in time.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
“If you’ve got a bill they are all for, who can be against it?”

These words were said by Joe Barton when questioned regarding his online gambling bill, during the recent House sub-committee meeting on this matter. However the feeling is that even despite federal Regulation for this industry there will be some serious flies in the ointment.

The top lobbyists for the e-gaming industry in the USA have suggested that the biggest states in the US will opt out of any federal legislation to do with regulating online gambling. Despite the fact that this is a huge threat for a united front with regards to online gambling laws, and the overturning of UIGEA, it is not going to be smooth sailing all the way. There is far too much money, but not only money – control over revenue and people – involved in this industry.

In 2009 (May) Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), introduced 3 bills into Congress, admittedly with some help from his friends. These bills were intended to regulate, tax and legalize, online gambling in the USA. This means allow US licensed operators to offer gambling games such as poker, casino games, lotteries, parimutuel racing and bingo, – Franks Bill did not include sports-betting. The bill also intended that wagers could be accepted from punters in every US state, unless the Governor notified their intention to opt out of the Act – should it be promulgated. The Governor would be given 90 days to opt out, after the bills were written into law.

Certain US State Governors are already opposing the bills, based on the fact that they are so short-sighted to stupidly believe that offering online poker would threaten their lottery sales. A good many stupid decisions to opt out of the Act might be made by the very same governor(s). The answer to Joe Barton’s rhetorical question could therefore be – who indeed? We shall just have to wait and see.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
After investigating a response to a complaint regarding new Danish online gambling tax laws, EU regulators have given approval for the country to go-ahead and promulgate the law. The complaint was from land gambling operators as the tax laws applied on online gaming were far lower than in the land industry. The industry is calling this a ‘landmark’ decision. In effect it clears all EU member states to apply lower taxes for online operators.

Denmark applies some of the heaviest taxes in the EU; they want a hefty share of a 20% flat rate on gross revenues from the online industry. This rate is positively a give-away when taken in consideration to the taxes land based gambling venues pay. This is a mahoosive 75%! It’s not surprising that the news brought about a complaint! The complaint was; that such a low tax rate constitutes state aid.

The rationale behind lower taxes for licensed online gambling concerns is the age-old argument (well as old as the internet), that licensed sites, still had to compete for business gains other EU operations. Online gambling in the European Union is gaming without borders, although operators from other countries were not allowed to offer gaming within Denmark, there is no true way to enforce or police this, and other online casinos are only a ‘mouse-click’ away.

With regards new Danish gambling laws, online operators are now allowed to offer, real money poker, casino games, sports-betting and bingo, but not the lottery. The Government maintains its monopoly over this. Betfair were in full support of the EU decision and said they would be applying for a Danish license. They also commented that the new regulation makes a great example of what modern-day European gambling legislation should be. This is just another example of how the EU believes that there are positive effects to be found in the liberalization of this industry.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The world has been literally up in arms after Justin Bieber was accused of impregnating Mariah Yeater at one of his L.A. concerts. Now, Bieber wants to set the record straight. The teen idol will get paternity test to prove his is not the father of Yeater's 3-month-old daughter – then he plans to sue the crap out of her.

Yeater, who was voted "most dramatic" in high school, had claimed that she had a "brief" encounter with Bieber at his concert and he took her into a restroom, where, she claims, she took his virginity.

Justin's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, contacted Yeater's attorneys Friday to tell them that Beiber will take a paternity test and once he's proven not to be the father, he's taking Yeater to court. TMZ reports told Yeater's lawyers appeared "nervous" when they heard the news.

So far, no word from Yeater's "camp."

Apparently, Bieber's team wants to send a strong message to Bieber fans – not to make bogus claims against the Beibs.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The argument over the legalisation and regulation of online gaming has even made it to Iowa

The controversy surrounding the legality of online gaming in the United States has moved to the unlikeliest of places. Iowa in the USA has found itself the newest battlefield in the race to legalise online gaming. A new report has revealed that despite the fact that online gaming remains illegal a large number of Iowans continue to place online bets and play games of chance on the internet. A huge 5% of adults admitted to having gambled on the internet with 2% having done so in the past twelve months. The report comes from researchers at the Centre for Social and Behavioural Research at the University of Northern Iowa. Even youth polled admitted to having gambled online for money or possessions the survey says.

The report has certainly rattled some cages with the state senator Jeff Danielson who is chairman of the Iowa Senate State Government Committee said that it is about time legislators started seriously considering legislation allowing online gaming; “I believe the technology has gotten ahead of our laws, and if you want to avoid the downsides of some of the economic and social aspects, then you need a thoughtful approach… Right now there are billions of dollars leaking out of the U.S. economy and Iowa’s economy to far-away places where we have no idea what the money is being used for.”

The gambling industry is well aware that millions of Americans flout their own laws in order to gamble online and are pushing hard for legislation to allow regulated online gaming in the country as the only way to ensure that Americans are being treated fairly and that their money is safe.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Ellis Park in Henderson has gained the approval of the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission to become the second Kentucky racetrack to move ahead with expanded gambling.

However, the motivation of the track that many people think is in Evansville, Ind., because it is located on the north side of the Ohio River, differs from the appeal the new form of gambling had for Kentucky Downs, located just a short distance from the Kentucky-Tennessee line in Franklin.

The primary appeal of the "Instant Racing" machines at Kentucky Downs is Tennessee's ban on horse racing and most other forms of gambling with the exception of the state lottery. Owners of the struggling race track hoped residents of Tennessee would flock to the "Instant Racing" machines in hopes of striking it rich, and to date, they have done just that. Business at the track located just a short distance from Interstate 65 is booming.

The situation at Ellis Park is much different. That track is located just a short distance from a large casino on the banks of the Ohio River in downtown Evansville that offers gamblers a lot more choices on how to wager their money than just "Instant Racing." We may be wrong, but frankly we don't see how the video racing game at Ellis Park is going to draw many gamblers away from the casino.

A lawsuit filed by the Family Foundation of Kentucky contends that the "Instant Racing" terminals constitute an illegal expansion of the gambling in the state.

While a circuit court ruling upheld the video games at Kentucky Downs, that ruling now is before the Kentucky Court of Appeals and is destined to go all the way to the Kentucky Supreme Court regardless of how the appeals court rules. Our own view is that expanded gambling requires voter approval of a state constitutional amendment and the Kentucky General Assembly has to date refused to even place the question on the ballot.

Until such a ruling is made, it is risky for the two tracks to invest heavily on the new form of gambling. However, that's a risk the two tracks apparently are willing to taking, and since it is their money and not ours, that's their business.

Kentucky New Era

Hopkinsville, Ky.

A fact of modern life: You accept a certain degree of risk when you get into a car and drive on a public road. Even the safest, most attentive driver can be hurt or killed because of another driver's actions.

The same is true for people who rely solely on an old-fashioned horse and buggy for their travel.

In Christian County, we know about the problem of deaths and injuries resulting from highway accidents involving horse-drawn buggies and motorized vehicles.

This is a Kentucky problem that is attracting national attention because authorities in Graves and Grayson counties have recently prosecuted Amish men who refused to put an orange-red triangle on the rear of their buggies. The triangle is a state-mandated emblem to signify a slow-moving vehicle.

Eight men served short jail sentences for refusing to pay fines in Graves County. At least three men have been charged in Grayson County.

Some of Kentucky's Amish residents do not want to use the brightly colored triangle because it violates their religious beliefs. The Amish and members of the Mennonite faith are Christians who adhere to an agrarian lifestyle that generally does not include modern devices.

Practices vary from sect to sect, and some communities are stricter than others in use of technology and motorized equipment such as automobiles and telephones.

We respect strongly held religious beliefs, and we do not doubt the sincerity of Amish who want to maintain their principles.

But when those beliefs put the larger community at risk, we cannot go along with their reasoning.

Even the strictest Amish community should concede that public roads are maintained and used mainly for motorized vehicles. Authorities should enforce this regulation for the safety of the Amish - especially their children who have no choice about how they travel - and for the drivers of cars and trucks who also risk injury in accidents.


Lexington, Ky.

Could greed be getting a bad name in Frankfort?

A bipartisan move is afoot to undo a bit of nest-feathering that lawmakers bestowed upon themselves in the closing hours of the 2005 session.

In the 11th-hour skullduggery, lawmakers, who already had pretty cushy pensions, decreed they could count years spent in other state jobs when calculating their legislative pensions.

This enabled members of the General Assembly to hop into a full-time state job for a few years - in the administration, the judiciary or a statewide office - and qualify for annual pensions well in excess of $100,000.

What makes it even more galling is that lawmakers sweetened their pensions after underfunding public employees' pensions for years.

Not only does the unfunded liability in the retirement systems for state employees and teachers amount to $26 billion, the pension funds also have been returning less than expected on investments, which has the effect of further swelling the unfunded liability.

It's hardly surprising, given the lackluster performance of the stock market over the last decade that the pension funds are underperforming. And there's little reason to think they'll return to consistently earning a 7.5 percent return anytime soon.

The issue of lawmaker pensions came up as a sidelight to an interim committee meeting at which legislators received a report about the underperformance of the pension funds.

The rest of the Legislature should join them in undoing this greedy bit of self-serving legislation. It would demonstrate good faith while lawmakers continue to work to put state finances and state retirement plans on sounder footing.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Eight new games for mobile on Android Air have just been released by the giant of the gaming software industry, Microgaming. Even more thrilling is that there are plans to launch at least another 20 games before we reach the end of this year which is now only just around the corner.

Microgaming is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and this development is anticipated to have a significant impact on the mobile gaming industry.
What Is Android Air?

For those unfamiliar with Android Air, it is an Adobe Air based application and allows developers to utilise web development tools to build applications for handheld devices and tablets that run on Android.

Accessing the games has been made simple as the new games are automatically added and players can choose these updates. Additionally, the lobby, banking options and registration process are reportedly very user friendly.

However, Microgaming, once again proving why it is the world leader when it comes to online and mobile gaming, has gone a step further. It has also reconstructed the supporting software so that it links directly with the gaming server and tools such as Bonus Balance, Player Grouping, Player Communication Manager and VPB, an online Virtual Pitboss are still available.
More Smartphones, More Gambling

Microgaming is making the most of capitalising on the prolification of mobile based gaming in the past 12 months, which has been largely spurred on by the use of more and more smartphones in developing countries.

Without a doubt, Microgaming can now boast one of the most diverse portfolios of gaming assets among its competitors and the release of the next 20 games is highly anticipated.
Mobile Gambling with Microgaming

All Slots Mobile is one of many Microgaming mobile casinos where you can find the latest innovations and quality games.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
President and CEO of the American Gaming Association Frank Fahrenkopf has urged Congress to approve legislation in the US.

Making a statement on the eve of the World Series of Poker Main Event Final Table, Fahrenkopf urged Congress to "act to approve legislation allowing states to license and regulate online poker so Americans who play online poker can do so safely with responsible, law-abiding operators."

Fahrenkopf commented on the popularity of the poker event and said that millions of Americans are expected to tune in to watch. He added: "Unfortunately, when these same Americans - plus many more - log on to play poker online, they face a wild west atmosphere with little or no regulation and where law enforcement has limited ability to protect them.

“Congress must act to approve legislation allowing states to license and regulate online poker so Americans who play online poker can do so safely with responsible, law-abiding operators.

"Establishing federal guidelines to allow state-licensed and regulated online poker would also effectively keep minors from gambling online, prevent fraud and money laundering, address problem gambling and ensure players aren't being cheated. American consumers deserve to be protected. Licensing and regulation of online poker in the US is the only way to do it."
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Australian online betting companies have called for the relaxation of online gambling laws, claiming the regulations restrict them from competing with offshore companies.

In its submission to the Federal Government’s review of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (IGA), online betting company Sportsbet claimed the regulations should be amended to allow Australian-based websites to offer “in-the-run” betting, which refers to the placing of bets once an even has commenced.

“Betting after an event has commenced is available over the phone and in retail outlets in Australia,” the submission reads.

“With Australian-based websites prohibited from offering betting in the run in online, Australians are choosing to place bets in the run online through unregulated overseas websites.”

The company claims the issue is separate from that of the broader online gaming debate, and that it is simply an issue of platform neutrality as this form of betting already exists over the phone and in TAB retail outlets.

“Sportsbet urges government to address this issue as a matter of urgency and allow betting in the run online with Australian registered wagering operators.

“This would achieve the stated goal of platform neutrality, remove a major disadvantage to licensed Australian online wagering operators and allow Australian consumers to bet in the run safely.”

Fellow online wagering firm, Betfair, has joined Sportsbet in the push for the removal of the restrictions around online in-play betting online as well as online interactive games.

“This approach would ensure that the issues surrounding problem gambling and integrity in sporting contests can be managed more effectively from within Australia,” Betfair’s submission reads. “Further, Australian consumers of these services would be afforded enhanced consumer protection, tax revenues would remain in Australia and can be used to fund problem gambling programs and research projects and Australian operators will be able to compete with offshore gambling operators on an even playing field.”

“One key reason that the IGA is presently ineffective is that it failed to regulate services, and instead focused on the methods by which those services are delivered (e.g. telephone, internet) and therefore became antiquated on a rapid basis.”

According to Sportsbet the prohibition of Australian-based websites offering online gaming is ineffective in reducing problem gambling as Australian continue to spend in the order of $1 billion annually on online gaming through unregulated offshore sites.

Also weighing in on the topic with its submission was Tabcorp, which was in agreement with its competitors and stated online gambling must be deregulated so Australian are not forced to bet with offshore operators.

“This will also enable domestic operators to compete on a level playing field where player protection standards can be assured.”

Tabcorp also claimed a national code of conduct for wagering and sports betting should be established to cover elements of the industry including marketing, credit betting, the offering of financial inducements to open an account and to convey messages of responsible gambling, self-exclusion and compliance with the code.

The call comes at a time when the focus on problem gambling has been fixed on implementing controls on poker machines to eliminate problem gambling.

The Federal Government has continued the upward battle to implement its mandatory pre-commitment scheme with all states, except Tasmania, complaining that it should remain optional.

The scheme would require patrons to nominate their maximum losses before they started playing the pokies.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Most of the major damage of the Black Friday indictments has been felt in the poker world, it's also true that several of the indicted individuals were associated with banks and payment processors who were also affected by the US government crackdown on the online poker industry. Last week, one bank that was deeply involved in the allegedly illegal activities felt the full impact of their association with the targeted poker sites.

SunFirst Bank, a Utah-based bank that had a prominent officer indicted on Black Friday, was shut down by state regulators late last week. The shutdown comes months after the bank's Vice Chairman, John Campos, was indicted for processing transactions for PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker.

It appears that Campos' willingness to get the bank involved in activities which were likely illegal -- and certainly an attempt to avoid attention from federal authorities -- may have had something to do with the financial difficulties facing the bank. According to a report at, SunFirst Bank lost $2.7 million over the first six months of 2011.

Reportedly, Campos began allowing the poker sites to process transactions through the bank after a request by businessman Chad Elie. Both Campos and Elie were arrested within hours of the indictments being made on April 15. Both were released on bail -- $25,000 for Campos, and $250,000 for Elie.

The Black Friday indictments were made primarily due to attempts by major poker sites to work around the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), which sought to prevent financial transactions between online gambling companies and banks based in the United States. The sites were using banks such as SunFirst to process player deposits and withdrawals, often disguising deposits as purchases of items such as golf equipment or other products.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Amid the media frenzy, Kim Kardashian flew to Minnesota to see her estranged husband, Kris Humphries, in a last-ditch effort to try and make her marriage work.

Hounded by photographers, Kim cancelled all her work plans and went to see Kris where they engaged in a four-hour meeting with their pastor, Pastor Joel Johnson.

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TMZ reports that reconciliation between the two KKs are "up in the air" as the meeting with the pastor went well and they were able to get a lot of issues out on the table. However, the stress of a marriage so in the public eye is taking its toll, plus, they sort rushed into it.

Sources say Kris was "ecstatic" Kim flew to Minnesota to see him.

Reportedly, she's willing to keep talking with Kris to see whether they can sort out their differences.

As we previously reported, if they indeed go through with a divorce, Kim will have to pay Kris $2 million to keep her massive engagement ring.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Here’s one woman who can really work the system with little or no effort as Lindsay Lohan proved today as she was released from jail early this morning almost 4.5 hours after having checked in at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Los Angeles. Whew!

After facing a 30-day sentence for violating parole on charges of a $2,500 necklace theft caper, the actress was released due to overcrowding in the Lynwood, CA facility. According to Judge Stephanie Sautner, she’s still not free of her community service work which includes spending 12 days a month helping out in the local morgue and continue her scheduled therapy sessions.

If she can follow through with her court ordered obligations then she’ll be just find but there lies the challenge. In an October 14th message she posted on her Who Say website, she claims that she does not to be made an example of anymore. “I am working hard at fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself,” she wrote. She also urged her fans to ignore reports that have no truth to them.

Can the 25-year-old keep it together long enough to get her career back on track? We dare you Lindsay.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If you’re a seasoned online gambler you probably remember when Real Time Gaming Casinos first entered the online gambling industry. Small in size compared to the older more well known online casino software companies like Microgaming and Playtech, there didn’t seem to be much of a chance for this newer brand of online casino games to make it in this very competitive online gaming industry. Their games were strange, and the graphics were cartoon like with no realistic features, and the selection of casino style games were minimal to say the least, with only about 60 total games including slots, table games and few video poker games, this new company called Real Time Gaming was thought to be just another new brand of casino software that would come and go in the middle of the night.

However, here we are a good eight or so years later and that small group of online casinos promoting the RTG brand of casino games has done more than just lasted through the night, they have almost taken over the night! RTG casinos have grown immensely since those first few months when they had nothing of substance to offer an online gambler to become one of the biggest software providers for online casinos. Their casino games are highly popular and growing, well respected and completely recommended by millions of online gamblers. One of their best features is their exclusive “Random Jackpot” slot games. These video slot games are a slot lovers dream come true, they are not as hard to win on as the normal “progressive jackpots” were you have to hit a certain combination of slot symbols at maximum bet to win the jackpot, these random jackpots can be won by anyone at anytime! Players can wager as little as 1 penny per line bet and still win a random jackpot, you don’t even have to have a winning spin to hit a random jackpot! I have seen many online gamblers talking at gambling forums about their big random jackpot hit and couldn’t believe they won when they didn’t even hit a winning spin. That is why these video slot machines are so popular and exciting to play, each and every spin is a potential jackpot hit. Now the jackpots usually range from $1000 to $20,000 and are hit almost every single day, not like the progressive jackpots found at other online casino brands where the jackpots are much higher, usually in the hundreds of thousands to millions but are hit much less, usually once every few months.

Besides the random jackpots slots, they also offer classic slot games and bonus round video slots all ranging in coin size from 1 penny to $5 per line bet. Table game and video poker games are still available, and even though there are more offered than in the beginning, there is still a lack of variety compared to the bigger brand of online casino software brands. However, if slots are your favorite casino games, the RTG casinos are your best bet for winning and excitement.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Melbourne, Australia, November 08, 2011 --( Quality Hospitality International (QHI) today announced the launch of its new, certified RSG online course. The introduction of this new course will allow Victorians to receive their RSG certificate through an online service. The course, developed by QHI, is approved for online delivery by the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation.

QHI provides a number of online short courses focused on the hospitality industry. The Responsible Service of Gambling certificate you receive upon completion of the course is only available online through two companies, of which QHI is one. The application process to offer online certification is stringent, and QHI worked diligently to produce a curriculum that more than met the standards set by the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation.

Those interested in employment in the gambling industry must have an RSG certificate. The online course requires only 2-4 hours for completion, and with QHI the certificate is available for immediate printing. This course is ideal for current Victoria residents interested in a career change or long term tourists who are seeking employment during their stay and who have a Special Employee License. People who pursue this certification learn about problem gambling and what games not to play with this RSG course.

“We take our position as a leader in gambling and alcohol education seriously,” said Ross Gregory, Director of QHI. “While gambling and alcohol are part of the social scene, it is our job to ensure that both employees and customers know the limits and enjoy responsibly,” Ross continued.

QHI is the preferred training provider for Responsible Alcohol Victoria, Victorian Commission of Gambling Regulation, Department of Gaming, Racing and Liquor in Western Australia, Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing Queensland, and Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner South Australia.

About QHI
QHI seeks to be the top choice for online hospitality training in Australia. To that end, they started by delivering RSA & Food handlers training to backpackers online, so the courses and accreditation to work in Australia could be completed before they left home. Over time, the business has grown to deliver a multitude of online courses to the Australian public as well as the tourist market.

QHI is a Registered Training Organisation, specialising in hospitality short courses delivered online, via correspondence and in the classroom. Current online course offerings include: Responsible Service of Alcohol SITHFAB009A, Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures SITXOHS002A and Responsible Service of Gambling SITHGAM006A. All courses are Nationally Accredited. There are separate RSG courses for Queensland and Victoria and we are accredited with the OLGR Queensland and the VCGR in Victoria. For all of your hospitality training needs choose Quality Hospitality International.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
One of the complaints from the Occupy movement protesters is that gambling by the banking sector is what created the economic crisis gripping the globe. And they're partially correct in placing blame at the feet of bankers who recklessly played the markets like a game of Monopoly. But risk is an inherent part of business, politics and life -- and demonizing the private sector for taking chances without presenting viable alternatives is nonsensical. Ironically, one of the surest bets for the super committee in Washington currently looking for ways to cut spending and balance the federal budget involves opening the United States to regulated, safe and legal gambling. It's time for Washington lawmakers to pass the bill that taxes online gambling revenues and makes it legal.

Just a few years ago, conservative Republicans in control of the White House and Congress moved to block online gambling in order to appease the religious right and their concern that gambling is a sin akin to drinking and smoking. But the far right's worry should be no concern for governments. Drinking and smoking are already legal, and so are many other societal behaviors that the far right and far left try to control. America is founded on the principal that if you don't like it, then don't do it -- but don't stop someone else from enjoying it.

A Congressional joint committee on taxation found that the online gambling industry could bring in $42 billion to the federal government over 10 years. That's a new and big source of revenue at a time when Medicare and Defense spending are facing massive cuts over the next several years. Sooner or later, Washington politicians will give-in and realize that internet gambling tax revenue is too good to pass up.

The federal legalization of Internet gambling is inevitable for a number of reasons:

The U.S. is missing out on a growing revenue source: As lawmakers struggle to clamp down on American free choice, the rest of the world is experiencing explosive growth in online gambling. Worldwide, the industry is worth $30 billion annually, of which $4 billion comes from America in spite of a government ban. It's staggering to watch that kind of money flow overseas while the U.S. spends money on anti-gambling enforcement.

Prohibition is useless: Speaking of law enforcement, it's a huge mistake to believe that prohibition works now any better than it did a hundred years ago. There are too many grey areas and dark alleys on the web to allow effective monitoring and enforcement. The government would do better to focus its enforcement energy and dollars on real crimes at the U.S. border.

Jobs, jobs, jobs: Federal regulation could stimulate the creation of 30,000 American jobs. Given the national unemployment rate is 9% this should be a no-brainer.

Gaming is a growing industry: There was a time not long ago when Las Vegas and Atlantic City were the only places in the nation to gamble legally, but Indian casinos, video gambling, slot machines, lotteries and more are popping up across the country. Florida, Illinois, Minnesota and New Hampshire are just a few of the states currently discussing the issue. It's time for the federal government to catch up.

Free choice: America learned long ago that it can't restrict consumers' free will. This is America, not the Middle East. Regulation and education are the best ways to clean up perceived vice industries.

Consumer protection: the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement and Protection Act (UIGEA) of 2006 -- the most significant piece of federal legislation restricting online gambling -- effectively eliminates all protections for the 10 million Americans estimated to currently gamble online. While many states enact legislation to allow some forms of gambling and protect consumers, Washington ignores the problem.

Industry support is finally here: the American Gaming Association, the trade organization for the industry, has long opposed online poker but recently reversed direction and now openly supports regulation of online gambling. Industry support is critical in making any regulation successful, and the welcome mat put out by the industry is a game changer.

In April, a crackdown by the Department of Justice on online gambling companies sent shock waves through the industry. The Obama Administration's aggressive enforcement surprised many pro-capitalism allies. With recent bills in support of online gambling by Rep. John Campbell (R-CA) and Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), GOP opposition has softened. The roadblock to regulating Internet gambling is the Obama Administration. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), a longtime proponent of regulating online gambling and Obama supporter, recently went so far to say that President Obama was "protecting the public from the scourge of inside straights."

At a time when both parties seem to make sport out of creating gridlock in Congress, President Obama ought to join the bipartisan support for regulating Internet gambling. The famously risk-averse president should double down on a sure bet.

The author is a former spokesman for Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI).
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Last night was a big evening for many stars who came together in Belfast for the 2011 MTV Europe Music Awards but it was a tad more electrifying for former Heroes star Hayden Panettiere who while presenting the award in the Best Song category was greeted by a wild streaker who wasn’t afraid to show his stuff.

The two big winners for the evening were Lady Gaga, who walked away with four awards including Best Song and Video– Born This Way, Best Female Performer as well a nod for having the best fans. The little guy who is currently facing Baby Mama issues, Justin Beiber also walked away victorious with a Best Male Star win and a Best Pop Star award.

Just as Hayden was going to announce the Best Song award, this guy ran out on stage fully naked waving to the audience and running circles around the actress and even stopping to have a conversation with her. Hayden seemed truly shocked seemed to take it all in stride and even invited the guy out for a pint after the show.

At the start sources claimed that the streaker somehow managed to sneak in backstage to surprise Hayden but according to Nine MSN, the guy was actor David Monaghan who responded to some sort of ad on Facebook looking for a streaker.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893