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Could this girl take another blow after the drama that came from her recent very public split from wild child Jesse James and now Kat Von D has received news that her TLC show LA Ink has been cancelled, it's enough to almost want to make a girl pack her things up and start fresh somewhere new but lucky for her she still has her High Voltage Tattoo shop which means it’s back to basics for Kat.

Radar Online announced the news today that after four seasons of LA Ink, the TLC network who also cancelled the kid fest, Kate Plus 8, is also doing away with the tat friendly show. The reality series first aired back in 2007 and was a spinoff of Miami Ink, where Kat got her start and chronicled her move to LA where she opened her dream shop, High Voltage Tattoo.

The LA Ink star shared on Twitter how there had been too much focus on her personal life which for the last year involved her relationship with Sandra Bullock’s ex, Jesse James and their recent breakup. One has to wonder if that aspect of the show was a little too much for Kat who recently made headlines after walking off of the set of a Good Day LA interview when the interviewer touched on the subject.

It’s been a tough year for the 29-year old star but she’s still got her tattoo shop and as an entrepreneur, no doubt she’ll land on her feet. Now if she could only get rid of that Jesse James tattoo somehow….
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
VALETTA, Malta -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- Online gambling is growing rapidly in Spain. Therefore, the government is introducing a new law. This law will regulate the online gambling industry. With this online gambling law, the Spanish government will give a positive boost to the economy. Just for 2012, it will lead to an extra income of €137.5 million, a boost of 120.000 extra job opportunities and a reduction in gambling addiction.

Growing popularity of online gambling

In 2010 there were more than 370.000 online gamblers in Spain (AEDAPI). This represents an increase of 33% compared with 2009. Graphic 1 below illustrates the expected increase in Spanish online gambling players over the coming years. Because of this enormous growth in online gambling, the Spanish government wants to regulate the online gambling market.

€137.5 million extra income in 2012

The Spanish government will receive a boost in revenue by regulating the online gambling industry. Based on recent surveys and comparisons with other countries that already have a regulated online gambling industry, an estimation of the extra revenue for the Spanish government can be projected. Table 1 below illustrates that Spain will receive a minimum of € 137.5 million from taxes and licenses.

Estimated incomes 2012

Tax: €109.5 million
Licenses: €28 million
Total: €137.5 million

120.000 jobs created

For many years now, Spain has had a high unemployment rate. The implementation of the new gambling law can put an end to this by creating more jobs. Compared to the online gambling regulation in Ireland, where 12.000 new jobs are expected, an estimated 120.000 new jobs can be expected in Spain. This is derived from the proportional comparison of the populations of Ireland and Spain.

Reduction in gambling addiction

With the new gambling law, remote gaming providers are obligated to pay more attention to gambling addicts. Their website need to refer problem players to organizations specialized in problem gambling. When a person indicates that he/she has got a gambling problem, access to different gambling websites can be restricted. This cooperation will lead to less gambling addictions and improve current levels of assistance provided to problem gamblers.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Online poker was since a few years a global event. Like other European countries, Italy has many online poker websites as well as many different players involved in poker tournaments held online in the country. Online gambling in Italy is indeed regulated by the authorities and fans can legally play online, but it's very limited. But since last July, a new update was provided by the Italian regulation authority. Licensed operators can now offer online casino games but in regard to changes in online poker, these operators will have to wait until November. As for games like online slot machines, players should wait the first quarter of 2012.

There are many Italian players enrolling in online casinos if we look at the turnover that online gambling sector generated in 2011 (€ 10 billion) and for the year 2012 (nearly € 20 billion). In terms of tax, the Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato or AAMS, the equivalent of ARJEL in France, requires 20% of the profits of online casinos. On the Italian market, Playtech is the largest software developer of online games. The company was already present in the Italian market of online gambling since 2008 and poker had a special place with the iPoker network. From this month of November 2011, fans of online poker in the country of Berlusconi can play poker cash games which is the poker game mode offering the fastest way to make money.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
How do you pay for your high-profile wedding? Well, if you’re Kim Kardashian you’ll make sure to plug every possible product under the sun and even have the darn thing televised thanks to EOnline, who will be responsible for creating a Kardashian wedding special come October. “Thanks to all of our sponsors who helped make this special day possible and don’t forget your gift bags courtesy of….”

She is the queen of plugging products from tampons to booze. She is Kim Kardashian and she has mastered the art selling, which has helped her create a nifty $35 million fortune. Do you know that even her tweets are worth $25,000 each if she should choose to plug a product? Crazy, and you can count on her and her hubby-to-be NBA star Kris Humphries to cash in on their upcoming wedding extravaganza come Saturday.

What we do know so far is that there is obviously a deal in place to have the wedding televised with EOnline, meaning that the important day will be completely covered in a two-day special to air in October, she will also be plugging her new perfume LOVE where fans can buy a bottle for $100 to commemorate the event, People Magazine will be paying $500K for their wedding pictures. The list goes on and on guys.

The wedding will take place on Saturday in a $29 million estate in Montecito, California together with family and friends and if you think that she’s going to be flipping the bill, there are plenty of sponsors in line to make this event probably the most commercialized wedding in recent history.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The situation surrounding the revision of gambling laws in Germany considered to be Europe’s strongest Euro zone economy has taken another turn. Controversial and potentially damaging new legislation regarding gambling is being debated in Germany with a postponement being announced by the independently different Schleswig-Holstein state.
The current State Gambling Treaty, in Germany is to expire at the end of 2011 bringing into jeopardy the state run monopoly on lotteries and sports wagering. Minority political parties in Schleswig-Holstein have suggested and are imploring the German state’s ruling coalition to come to a unified online gambling agreement with Germany’s other 15 states.

The coalition has announced it will postpone a vote scheduled for August 24th on its draft gaming law. Schleswig-Holstein has a plan in place to request a 20% gross profits tax on all forms of online betting. This plan is favoured by online gambling operators over the alternative plan the other 15 states have which calls for a 16.67% turnover tax on sports betting alone. The European Commission has made noises that the alternative plan is incompatible with E.C. principals of free e-commerce within the European Union.

The signing of a new treaty is expected by Dec. 16, with the states having until Easter 2012 to ratify the deal. The possibility of this happening is starting to look to be in doubt, as analysts are speculating the other 15 German states may not be in a negotiating mood.
State election are scheduled for nine months form now and there is also suggestions coming that indicate the Schleswig-Holstein’s ruling coalition, consisting of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and Free Democratic Party (FDP), is experiencing some internal difficulties. Martin Stadelmaier, SPD leader of Rhineland-Palatinate commented “We want Schleswig-Holstein on board, but not at any price.” Opposition members in the Social Democratic Party (SPD), South Schleswig Voter Federation (SSW) and Green Party believe the only way forward “must be a joint state contract,”
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The New York Time has quoted a source close to discussions regarding the legalization and regulation of online gambling in the United States, that the country could very well see new legislation before the end of this year.

The unnamed source is quoted as saying: “I think there is becoming a feeling in Congress that this is something that needs to be regulated and be done. I believe there is a possibility a bill will pass towards the end of the year.”

The article said that momentum for change is visible from at least three different directions.

1. Seemingly concerned that individual states will start introducing gambling laws that are way too liberal for the country as a whole, Republic Jon Kyl and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are stepping up their efforts to ask the Justice Department to stop state efforts to legalize gambling. Their belief is that if states get their proposed legislation passed, they could disrupt federal laws that are in the pipeline.
2. A number of ‘big fish’ in the Republican camp are leaning their support on changes to gambling laws on a federal level. The CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, for example, is a large Republican donor who wants to see changes, and at the same time benefit from an industry moving forward.
3. Another important political ally is House Speaker John Boehner. His long-time aide, Lee Askew recently became VP of Government Affairs for the American Gaming Association.

However, not everybody agrees that online gambling is the answer. The Executive Director of Stop Predatory Gambling, Les Bernal said: “This is a government policy that shrinks the middle class and pushes people in deeper debt at a time the government should be encouraging people to save more money.”

In response to Bernal: What we say is the government shouldn’t be telling us what to do, it’s our lives and we should do as we feel free as long as it doesn’t harm others!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Lindsay Lohan hasn't been working for a while now, but a girl's gotta keep herself in Gucci bags, which is why Lohan is trumping up yet another frivolous lawsuit to earn a buck.

Lohan, who previously sued E*Trade for a hundred million dollars, which was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, is now suing Pitbull, Ne-Yo, and Afrojack for defamation of character, because of a line in the song "Give Me Everything" which says: “Hustlers move aside, so I’m tiptoein’, to keep flowin’, I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan.”

The suit, filed by the same opportunist lawyer, Stephanie Ovadia, who filed the E*Trade lawsuit writes, "The lyrics, by virtue of its wide appeal, condemnation, excoriation, disparaging or defamatory statements by the defendants about the plaintiff are destined to do irreparable harm to the plaintiff.”

And here's the funny part, Ovadia goes on to say: “(Lohan), a professional actor of good repute and standing in the Screen Actors Guild, is suing under the New York civil rights laws, which protects people from having their name exploited for commercial purposes.”

Calling Lohan "locked up" isn't too much of a stretch from who she really is. Lohan has jailed 5 times, in a court ordered rehab facility twice, and has spent 32 days under house arrest. Isn't "disparaging or defamatory statements" usually supposed to be untrue? "Locked up" is pretty much true of how Lohan has spent the last year or so of her life. The real slander is calling Lohan an actor of "good repute."
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The Federal Government is to investigate the role smartphones play in the acceleration of online gambling services in Australia and overseas under a broader review into its Interactive Gambling Act 2001 legislation.

The review, to be conducted by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE), will examine the growth of online gambling and the impact of smartphones and the convergence of new and existing technologies.

It will also revise the adequacy of current technical, operational and enforcement provisions relating to advertising of gambling services, and examine technology and platform neutrality in regards to “betting on the run” and micro-betting.

The department will also look at offshore regulatory methods, taking into consideration their effectiveness and cost.

The review follows comments made by former Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett, about the promotion of live-odds during sporting events.

According to Kennett, betting is accelerating rapidly and has the potential to have a greater impact than gaming machines.

“These betting shops, which allow you to wager on every conceivable competition, have no boundaries. They use events conducted anywhere in the world, and can be accessed by phone or the internet from anywhere in the world,” Kennett wrote.

“What I strongly object to is the massive, in-your-face promotion of the betting odds available everywhere: At AFL football matches, on TV, during games and football shows, as well as on radio and in the press.”

Responding to Kennett's comments, communications minister, Senator Stephen Conroy, said the Federal Government had already moved to address the issue.

According to Conroy, both Federal and State governments in May flagged plans to work alongside media, sporting organisations and the betting industry to reduce the promotion of live-odds throughout sports coverage. They additionally looked at ways to limit the promotion of live odds inside sporting grounds on scoreboards or by ground announcers.

"The Gillard Government understands that the promotion of live-odds is becoming insidious in sports coverage and can contribute to normalising gambling behaviour for vulnerable people and children," Conroy said in a statement.

"We have given the industries the opportunity to self regulate by, for example, developing satisfactory amendments to their existing codes by the end of June 2012, otherwise the Australian Government will consider the need for legislation."

Earlier this year, independent MP Andrew Wilkie called on pokie operators and state governments to help tackle problem gambling and claimed a trial of mandatory poker machine pre-commitment technology would take place ahead of a full pre-commitment scheme starting in 2014.

While the deadline would not be enough time for a national technical solution, Wilkie said it would allow for states and territories to develop their own pre-commitment technologies to a common set of national standards and design features.

Despite this, Sportsbet chief executive, Cormac Barry, earlier this month said online gambling companies operating within Australia provided more protection against problem gambling than retail outlets.

“There are occasions where people will try and open a second or third account to try and get more money on — customers have limits on how much they can bet on each selection — so we run real-time matching software that will pick out common characteristics with similar accounts and that will flag and alert to our fraud team,” he said at the time.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
New Jersey Senator Raymond Lesniak plans to re-introduce Internet gambling legislation that would support horse racing and casinos in the state.

Using the recent closure of prominent Standardbred farm Perretti Farms as an example of the tough times the state’s racing and breeding industry is facing, Lesniak (D-Union) said he will introduce the legislation on August 25.

“We cannot turn our backs on the horse tracks and casinos which employ thousands of New Jerseyans and generate billions of dollars in economic activity each year,” Lesniak said. “We have to give this industry the tools and support to be relevant in the 21st century, and by authorizing intrastate online betting, we can provide access to a gaming product which other states have yet to capitalize on. We need to act now, before more of our state’s horse farms or casinos close their doors forever.”

Earlier this year, Governor Chris Christie vetoed online betting legislation but Lesniak plans some changes that he hopes will help the new legislation. He said it will address Governor Christie's concern that online gaming not spread beyond Atlantic City. Lesniak also will direct that temporary purse enhancements for the racing industry come from the additional casino profits rather than from state revenues produced from online gaming, as had been the case in his original legislation.

“Online gaming will be a huge boost for the casino industry,” Lesniak said. “It can also be a temporary savior for our horse racing industry until we get sports betting at our casinos and racetracks.”
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
He is Anthony Bourdain, the Travel Channel’s host of No Reservations,who is known for his culinary knowhow and unapologetic commentary on life, food and all that ails the world. Recently, his strong opinions got him in trouble after he bashed the Food Network’s southern belle, Paula Deen among others for calling her “the worst, most dangerous person to America,” due to her butter laden dishes.

Anthony Bourdain is a respected author and more famously the host of “No Reservations,” a show where he travels around the world sampling some of the world’s most exotic foods including a raw seal eyeball to squirrel pot pie from the Ozarks. His mix of food and local history are definitely a far cry from Paula Deen’s favorite southern fried chicken and bacon cheeseburger meatloaf, but was the bashing really necessary?

Deen’s buttery dishes are exactly what made Bourdain sound off in a recent interview with TV Guide where apart from calling her dangerous to the American public also commented how “she revels in unholy connections with evil corporations and she’s proud of the fact that her food is f*cking bad for you."

During his TV Guide interview, he wasn’t only keen on voicing his incredibly honest thoughts about Deen but many other Food Network chefs/cooks including Rachel Ray and Sandra Lee. He clearly isn’t out to make friends in the industry with his sharp opinions but that's just exactly what makes Bourdain the moody chef who is just really fun to watch.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The Senate will not consider any online gambling legislation until 2012, the upper house's top Democrat said Monday, in a setback to two Inland Southern California tribes that have spent the year pushing one of the proposals.

In a letter to representatives of tribes, card rooms, horse tracks, online poker groups and others that have spent months trying to work out a deal, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said "significant, unresolved issues" make it "unwise" to put any online gambling bills up for a vote before the legislative year ends Sept. 9.

Barring "unforeseen circumstances," however, Steinberg said he fully expects there will be a vote on internet gaming legislation in January.

"This is the first year of a two-year session," Steinberg said. "There is time to get this right, and it is imperative that we do so."

The Morongo Band of Mission Indians near Banning and the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians near San Bernardino are the dominant members of the California Online Poker Association, which also includes several card clubs.

The association began airing radio and TV ads last week urging lawmakers to act on association-sponsored legislation to legalize online poker.

A competing bill would license online games besides poker and would expand the pool of potential licensees. Steinberg's letter referred to online poker just once, and online gaming several times.

Ryan Hightower, a spokesman for the online poker association, said Steinberg's letter shows that he supports the association's goal.

"The fact that Senate Pro Tem Steinberg has declared his support for online poker and has called for a vote in January just goes to show that online poker is about ready to happen," he said in an email.

The Assembly Governmental Organization Committee has scheduled an information hearing on the issue Wednesday.

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Sportsbook software services have been impressed when they learned that this 2011, online casino operators are enjoying major increases in revenue after an important surge in mobile gaming activity.

Online gaming operators, which include sportsbook software services, received a very pleasant surprise after the publication of new figures for 2010.

According to the latest findings, the mobile gaming sector lived up to expectations, as they delivered promising results which bore very well for the following months. Even though there was slow progress during the previous years, mobile gaming is now positioned to take the industry by storm as an increasing amount of players are looking to take advantage of their iPhone, Android, and Blackberry devices.

Gaming companies in the UK are very excited by the revelations, as they enjoyed exceptional financial results as a result of the new interest that many people have in mobile casinos.

The statistics, which earlier this week came to attention, reveal increases of 21% for the opening part of the financial year of 2010. Such a figure is only representing the online gambling division and is not considering mobile gaming activity. This basically means that mobile gaming had increases of 797% for sportsbook wagers, which amount to an overall growth that exceed a massive 650%.

In the meantime, sportsbook software services have been impressed, as several leading brands reported amazing surges in mobile gaming activity. One major firm claimed to have seen a very big rise in its mobile membership with increases of over 150%.

The casino in question also saw increases in revenue of over 200%, which is a figure equating to £6.5 million worth of added revenue for the year’s opening part, and sportsbook software services have been truly amazed.

With a great variety of incredible online promotions and so many excellent titles, it seems to be that mobile gaming will become even stronger this 2011. Without a doubt, casino lovers, especially those that enjoy using betting software, will be very eager to try their luck.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Politics in America can sometimes seem like a game of sorts where those with the loudest voices get the attention and those with the best ideas to keep life and liberty and equality for all in the picture getting drowned out by the clamor.
The country does have serious issues with its economy but mostly it seems to have issues with its political scene. America is so divided politically it is having trouble moving forward.

The recent influx of the ultra right Tea Party is making some people see that there must be change. The four candidates looking to be the Republican challenger to US Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) in the Nov. 2012 election debated each other in Orlando Florida recently. Their stance on online gambling was definitely negative despite the party image of being the original revolutionary patriots that stood for libertarian principals.

All four of the proposed candidates George LeMieux, Adam Hasner, Mike McCalister and Craig Miller, voiced their opposition to legalized internet betting. The Tea Party phenomenon was studied by professors of political science that determined the Tea Party to be the old Religious Right disguised under Revolutionary War-era tricorn hats. Old research from before the advent of this new party suggested that “the strongest predictor of being a Tea Party supporter today was a desire, back in 2006, to see religion play a prominent role in politics.”
In the politically charged climate of the USA today and a Republican majority in the US Senate it is unlikely at best that legal online gambling will be past by those members who want to stay on the good side of their slightly more radical brethren. Religion and religious groups have been condemning gambling for thousands of years and it hasn’t stopped the practice yet, but they are still trying.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If you haven't heard, there is a really big job opening in the fashion world. When John Galliano, former Art Director of the Dior fashion house was fired after 15 years of service after a video surfaced online where Galliano is seen made comments to people at a Parisian café expressing his love for Hitler among many other anti-Semitic remarks, he was promptly fired.

Galliano had drunkenly told a couple at a restaurant, “People like you should be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f**king gassed.”

Now, it's a race for one of the best gigs in the fashion business, and rumor has it, Louis Vuitton designer Marc Jacobs is the frontrunner. Jacobs' contract is ending soon with Vuitton and Women's Wear Daily reports that Jacobs is in "serious" talks to succeed Galliano. They go on to report that if Jacbos goes, his business partner Robert Duffy, who has served as his creative collaborator, and business partner since the mid-1980s and also works with him at Vuitton, would go with him. The vacancy at Vuitton would then possibly be filled by Céline's Pheobe Philo. Celine is also a LVMH-owned name.

Jacobs and Dior are reportedly "excited" about the prospects. Meetings between the designer, his lawyer and the fashion house are scheduled for upcoming meetings in Paris. Will Jacobs win the job du jour? The Bodog Sportsbook has the best entertainment props in the business. If you need an account, join Bodog today.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
House and Senate leaders plan today to unveil a much-anticipated bill to license casinos in Massachusetts, bringing forward a new proposal that they hope will address some of the concerns raised by Governor Deval Patrick. Lawmakers would not discuss the details of the bill yesterday. However, their talks have revolved around plans that would license three Las Vegas-style casinos in three regions of the state and one slot machine-only parlor that could be located anywhere in the state.

That would represent a concession by House and Senate leaders, who last year failed to persuade the governor to agree to three casinos and two slot parlors at the state’s racetracks.

Patrick has long said that he opposes automatically giving slot licenses to racetracks, arguing that those licenses should be limited in number and be competitively bid. He recently said he would agree to one such slot license as part of a compromise with legislators to license three casinos. He had made a similar proposal last year.

House and Senate lawmakers have drafted the bill in consultation with the governor’s staff, hoping to avoid a bitter public showdown like the one that scuttled the bill last year. Any plan they develop will need Patrick’s signature to become law.

“The parties have been talking, and there has been a lot of discussion on all sides,’’ said Senator Karen E. Spilka, cochairwoman of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, which will be releasing the bill today. “The hope is we have something that we have consensus on.’’

Senator Stephen M. Brewer, chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, said today’s action means that Beacon Hill’s three big power brokers - Patrick, House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo, and Senate President Therese Murray - are closer than ever to legalizing casinos.

“This is a bill that’s been developed between the president, the speaker and the governor, and that is not any secret,’’ he said. “The moon and the stars and the sun have simultaneously become aligned . . . more so than ever before.’’

Today’s unveiling is a crucial step before the full House and Senate debate the bill after Labor Day. It will give members of the public their first glimpse at legislation that has been closely guarded behind closed doors, with even some lawmakers on the committee unsure what was being drafted in private.

Although the governor, DeLeo, and Murray all say they want to bring casino gambling to Massachusetts, there are many delicate issues that could still prove nettlesome.

All three parties will have to decide who controls the agency that oversees the casinos, how the proceeds from those casinos will be distributed, and what preference, if any, to give Indian tribes. Even seemingly minor details can prove explosive with a handful of moneyed interests vying to gain billions of dollars in revenue.

Beacon Hill leaders have for years said they want to keep gamblers from traveling to neighboring states. That desire has only increased during the economic downturn, with lawmakers promising that they will use the revenue from gambling to help cities and towns preserve jobs for teachers, police officers, and other local employees.

Critics, who have been largely sidelined during the closed-door negotiations this summer, have said that casinos will bring more social ills than economic gains and harm small businesses that form the backbone of the state’s economy.

Unlike in his first term, when Patrick made a determined push for casinos, the governor has allowed lawmakers to take the lead this time. He has indicated that he wants to move the issue along quickly this fall, so lawmakers can move on to other time-consuming priorities, including a complex plan to control the cost of health care.

DeLeo, Beacon Hill’s most ardent gambling proponent who battled Patrick over the slots issue last year, has struck a more conciliatory tone this year, saying his priority is to reach consensus with the governor and others. Many in the Legislature, frustrated by decades of fruitless debate, are also hopeful that casinos will be legalized next month.

“I’m pleased we’re moving forward with the gaming legislation,’’ said Representative Stephen L. DiNatale, a gambling supporter and member of the Economic Development Committee from Fitchburg.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Governor Deval Patrick and the leaders of the House and Senate yesterday embraced a proposal that would license three casinos and one slot parlor in Massachusetts, uniting the key political players a year after their attempts to expand gambling collapsed in acrimony.Governor Deval Patrick and the leaders of the House and Senate yesterday embraced a proposal that would license three casinos and one slot parlor in Massachusetts, uniting the key political players a year after their attempts to expand gambling collapsed in acrimony.

The bill would authorize three Las Vegas-style casinos in three regions, and a fourth gambling hall with up to 1,250 slot machines that could be located anywhere in Massachusetts - all of which backers say would generate much-needed jobs and income for the state.

It represents the state’s third attempt in as many years to legalize casinos, but the first time that Patrick and legislative leaders have worked together to hammer out a proposal before bringing it to the full House and Senate. That collaboration could increase the bill’s chances of passage by avoiding the kind of showdown that killed the legislation last year.

The casinos would operate 24 hours a day and be smoke-free. They could serve free alcohol, but could not serve any drinks between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.

Developers would be required to invest at least $500 million per casino and each casino would have to include a hotel. Casino licenses would be auctioned for at least $85 million.

The slot-parlor license would be sold for at least $25 million, and the state would require a $125 million investment for that facility.

The casinos would pay the state 25 percent of their revenues; the slot parlor would pay the state 40 percent of its take, and another 9 percent to a special fund to boost purses for the struggling horse-racing industry.

Casino opponents, outnumbered in the Legislature, criticized lawmakers for writing the bill behind closed doors and for not conducting a fresh cost-benefit analysis.

“Fundamentally, I believe this represents a tax on the poor,’’ said Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, a Jamaica Plain Democrat. “I don’t deny at all that there are some benefits that would come to the state. The question is, do those benefits outweigh the costs? And I don’t believe they will.’’

Patrick administration officials and legislative leaders defended their decision not to conduct a new analysis, with House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo dismissing the request as a delay tactic.

DeLeo argued that the state could take in “hundreds of millions’’ of dollars and that casinos could create 7,000 jobs and another 3,000 positions from businesses that support the facilities. He acknowledged, however, that those figures are estimates based on a year-old study of a different gambling proposal.

Gregory Bialecki, Patrick’s economic development secretary, said that despite gloomy global and national indicators, the state economy is strong enough to attract major developers who can finance large, profitable casinos.

“The big question was, did the great recession change the economics of expanded gambling in Massachusetts,’’ he said. “The evidence we have is that this is not the case.’ Patrick is now a year removed from a tough reelection fight that prompted him to temper his support for gambling to appeal to liberals who oppose casinos. For months, he and his aides have worked closely and behind closed doors with DeLeo and Senate President Therese Murray to draft the latest proposal.

The private talks effectively sidelined critics, who accused the governor and lawmakers of wiring the bill for passage before it even hits the floor of the House and Senate for debate next month.

“Just the brazen, almost arrogance to the taxpayers that this is how Beacon Hill conducts business,’’ said Kathleen Conley Norbut, an antigambling activist from Monson. “It’s a special-interest-driven political proposal that leadership has crafted, yet the impacts to the people who live in the region and who pay taxes are still not clearly vetted.’’

But legislative leaders defended their approach, saying they want to prevent another bitter public battle.

“We all want to see this done,’’ DeLeo said in an interview in his office yesterday.

He said he, Murray, and Patrick went over the bill one final time on a conference call Thursday, and everyone signed off. “The conversation was that we were all OK to move forward,’’ he said. “It was a real collaborative effort.’’

Each player agreed to concessions, he said.

DeLeo, a Winthrop Democrat, said he dropped his demand that slot licenses be automatically given to the state’s racetracks, two of which are in his district. In exchange, Patrick, who has been cool to slot parlors, agreed to license one, as long as that license was competitively bid.

Hours after Murray and DeLeo unveiled the 155-page bill yesterday, the governor released a statement praising the legislation. “If done right,’’ casinos can “create jobs, generate new revenue, and spur other economic growth in the state,’’ he said.

The bill requires communities to hold a ballot referendum before a casino could locate in a community, and sets aside money to combat compulsive gambling and crime - “all principles I have insisted be a part of any gaming bill I support,’’ Patrick said.

The bill sets up three regions, each with one casino: the Northeast, stretching from Boston to Worcester to the New Hampshire border; the area west of Worcester; and the Southeast part of the state, including New Bedford, Fall River, and Cape Cod.

In the Southeast, where the Mashpee Wampanoag have sought to build a casino, the bill gives preference to an Indian tribe, but forces it to act quickly. The tribe would have one year to secure land, get community approval, and negotiate a compact with the governor. If the tribe cannot strike a deal within that time, the license would be auctioned competitively.

The bill a
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
California legislators have recently had to consider two different bills that would legalize online poker – and in one case, possibly other online casino games as well. However, the leader of the State Senate now says that neither bill will be passing anytime soon.

According to Senate President Pro Tem Darrel Steinberg, efforts to pass either of the two online gambling bills are dead for the remainder of 2011. As the legislative year ends on September 9, there was little time remaining for either bill to work its way through the state legislature.

“Significant, unresolved issues remain, including tribal exclusivity and waiver of sovereign immunity, the types of games that would be authorized, who would be eligible to apply for gaming site licenses and potential federal constitutional questions,” Steinberg said.

However, Steinberg did leave open the possibility of trying again in January, saying that “there is time to get this right, and it is imperative that we do so.”

The two competing bills would open California’s online gambling market in two very different ways. One bill, sponsored by State Senator Lou Correa, would allow only online poker, and require that the operators of the online poker sites were located entirely in California – effectively limiting the opportunity to run a site to only local poker rooms and Native American casinos.

Meanwhile, a bill introduced by State Senator Rod Wright would legalize online gambling without singling out poker as the only game allowed. It would limit the number of operators in the state to three, but would allow applicants from outside the state to participate in the bidding for those three licenses.

Most observers believe that Correa’s bill is much more likely to be successfully passed, as it has the support of the California Online Poker Association (COPA), a statewide alliance of poker rooms and tribal groups. However, some have come out against the bill, saying that the benefits to California’s economy aren’t worth the potential increase in problem gambling.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
A year has passed since the ruling came down in South Africa that made online gambling illegal. The North Gauteng High Court ruling put an end to years of debate surrounding where actual gambling takes place technically and if the act should be considered legal if hosted from somewhere other than South Africa. The ruling, which was handed down in Johannesburg by judge Neil Tuchten, determined the act of gambling takes place at the punter's computer, and not where the server is located.

There is anticipation building as Casino Enterprises, the owner of the Piggs Peak gambling operation is set to appeal the ruling in the near future.
There has been a serious debate going on in South Arica regarding online gambling for quite some time, with the government trying hard to find a template to put online gambling into that is politically correct and revenue producing.

The Gauteng Gambling Board was taken to court back in 2006 by the Casino Enterprises owners. National Gambling Board chief compliance officer Themba Marasha commented that online gambling is a “big” problem. Although this comment may seem subjective because the is no empirical evidence because there are no stats available for offshore companies operating in South Africa. Marasha also said the National Gambling Board has yet to bring charges against anybody for illegal online gambling. He said the Board is looking for the appeal to fail giving them a legal leg to stand on.
Piggs Peak comments in a statement on its web location that it will have to stop taking bets from South Africans if it loses the appeal.
“We will ensure that all players are notified and given adequate time to access the banking modules and redeem all remaining balances due to them,”
South African reforms to their gambling laws will take time as they slowly figure out the possible revenues from the past time could help their economy.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If you believe everything you read in In Touch Weekly, then Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, married for 13 years, have split.

The couple have two children together, Jaden and Willow and Will has another son, Trey, from a previous marriage.

Jada and Will met in 1990 on the set of Smith's television show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, when she auditioned for the role of his character's girlfriend, Lisa Wilkes. Jada didn't get the gig, as she was told she was too short and the role went to actress Nia Long. However, their chance meeting had an affect and Jada and Will became friends and began dating in 1995 and were married in 1997.

The couple has long been controversial with rumors circulating that they are Sceintologists. However, Will Smith denied having joined the Church of Scientology, saying "I am a Christian. I am a student of all religions, and I respect all people and all paths."

The Smiths have given $1.3 million to charities in 2007, of which $450,000 went to two Christian ministries, and $122,500 went to three Scientology organizations. They are also close friends to known Scientologists, Tom Cruise and wife Katie Holmes.

Smith and his wife have also founded a private elementary school called the New Village Leadership Academy, located in Calabasas, California, which has attracted controversy and speculation over its use of Study Technology, a teaching methodology developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

During their marriage, the couple founded the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation, a charity organization which focuses on urban inner city youth and family support.

In a strange reaction to the news, the couple's rep, Karynne Tencer, said, "What? In Touch said that? I know nothing about this … Lord. I'm going back to bed."

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Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and the leaders of the state's House and Senate endorsed a bill that would legalize expanded gambling in the state, and allow development of one slot machine parlor and three casinos.

The agreement could finally pave the way for the Bay State to legalize casino gambling.

Legalization could further depress revenues at Connecticut's two Indian gaming casinos, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Resort, which draw up to one-third of their customers from Massachusetts, according to estimates by the Center for Policy Analysis at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. But the biggest loser could be the state of Connecticut. Each month, both casinos pay 25 percent of their slot revenues to the state's general fund. This past year, those revenues have averaged about $15 million per casino per month.

Massachusetts officials are eager to create new jobs and recapture gambling revenues now being spent at casinos in other New England states, especially at Connecticut's.

If approved, the Bay State's expanded gambling bill could allow Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, owner of Mohegan Sun, to proceed with plans to open a casino in Palmer, Mass.

The Palmer Economic Development Consortium, which favors the project, said Wednesday that it "applauds the release of legislation which if enacted will pave the way for the Mohegan Sun Palmer casino."

"If done right, expanded gaming in Massachusetts can create jobs, generate new revenue, and spur other economic growth in the state," Patrick said Tuesday in a prepared statement.

"The bill being considered by the joint legislative committee on economic development places appropriate limits on the expansion of gaming, requires open and transparent bidding, maintains a voice for local communities, and provides resources to address public health and safety — all principles I have insisted be a part of any gaming bill I support."

"I congratulate and thank the speaker and Senate president, and their committee chairs, for their leadership and look forward to a full and public debate as the bill works its way through the legislature," Patrick added.

In years past, disagreements between the governor and the state legislature have squelched attempts to legalize casino gambling.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893