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Lyle Lovett is a well-known singer and songwriter, something he's less known for, raising and racing horses. At the capitol Thursday, he publicly backed placing slot machines at Texas racetracks.

Lovett was one of hundreds of horseman at the state capitol rallying for a pair gambling bills. The bills would allow Texans to vote on putting slots at racetracks and Indian reservations.

"Win for Texas" is a group pushing the legislation. They said slots would generate a half-a-billion dollars for the state coffers in just the first two years. But opponents argued the money won't come in time to help the current budget crisis and worry about it's impact on the poor.

Earlier this week, a house committee heard hours of testimony on more than a dozen gambling bills. The senator charged with finding $5-billion of non-tax revenue says there's not enough support for gambling. Authors of the bills hope testimony will change his mind.

"This is a significant source of non-tax revenue," said Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio. "A half billion dollars is a lot of money."

"Jobs are leaving the state and we're here in an effort to encourage legislation so our business can become vital and competitive once again," added Lyle Lovett.

Two-thirds of the legislature would need to approve the measures, then voters would have the final say.

Vegas-style casinos are also being considered. So far, there have been no votes on any of the gambling bills.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If online gamblers weren’t already having a hard time trying to find safe and secure deposit options at their favorite online gaming sites this news is not going to make things any better. ECHECK the highly popular online payment processor that is used at hundreds of online casinos and poker sites is reportedly being pulled at some top gaming sites because the processor company has gone offline and no contact can be made.

It seems that the E-processors name Global ATM and GATM has been being promoted across the internet of various gambling websites which has been an ongoing issue. Global ATM had made it clear they do not want their name or brand flashed across the internet as a gaming processor and because some websites have not conducted themselves in the manner that Global ATM has conveyed, they have decided to close up shop, immediately. Any money that is owed by this processing company is not, so far going to be paid, so any affiliate or company that is owed money will be absorbing some losses. Players of these casino sites or poker rooms that use eCHECK as their only form of payment or withdrawal is going to run into major issues trying to claim any winnings or make any deposits. This is a fresh issue and much more information is expected in the next few days with the probability of more gaming sites announcing this processor lose. We will update as information becomes available.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Canadian laws prohibit gambling other than the gambling provided by the government lotteries, racinos and casinos. The governments of some provinces are creating monopolies for online gambling. Right now though there are many sites which can be accessed from any computer or mobile device that allows a person to punt on sports or play poker.

Lots of online gambling firms already have play for free .net sites operating and poker sites for virtual money within Canada’s networks. People are not being restricted really, but it will become an issue when the provinces become more involved.
A federal election is in the works now in Canada and there has not been a word said about gambling on the internet or otherwise, so it appears things will remain status quo for now.

Betfair is one firm entrenched in the Canadian scene, with betting on golf, curling and cricket, with of course hockey being very important at this time of the year. Betfair’s approach to gambling is different.
In traditional bookmaking, the bookie offers you odds on an event and you simply have a choice of whether you want to take them or not. There is a margin built into their odds, because they are taking the risk (and want to cover the times when they get it wrong and results go against them), so the odds offered will hardly ever be the best you can get. is different. They consider themselves not bookmakers but operators of a betting exchange that allows people to bet against each other, choose their own odds, with matching all the bets together. On, you can play for free, and see how a betting exchange creates the best available odds.
Canada doesn’t mind if it’s people play for free or against each other such as the Betfair system, but when it comes to real money the government may have something to say.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The woman no one wants to mess with has been hospitalized. The famously sharp-tongued TV judge was working on the set of Judge Judy when she suddenly felt nauseous and had abdominal pain. She was rushed to the hospital where she was listed in serious condition. Her speech was reportedly a little slow.

It was very important that she got care immediately, as often tell-tale signs of a heart attack for women are intestinal pain and nausea. Luckily, this was not the case for Judge Judy, whose full name is Judith Sheindlin.

Sheindlin was rushed to the hospital after a producer on her show called 911, which sparked Internet rumors that her trip to the dentist the day prior had sparked her health condition, a rumor, one of her producers called "ludicrous."

"I'm just exhausted, and my body was telling me it needed a day to chill," judge Judy told in a cell phone call from her bed at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Judge Judy's publicist said that she'll be just fine. She is expected to be released later today.

"I was feeling funky this morning … funky enough that I knew someone should give a gander over what I got," Sheindlin said. "I'm exhausted. I'm just tired. A lot of things just zoned together, including the bad news of the world."

"At my age," the 68-year-old said, "I know my body."

Judy tweeted, "I'll be back taping April 18th. All my tests were negative. I feel fine!"

And, to add a little Judge Judy humor in there she added, "I asked my doc what was wrong with me..he said "ummm.." She said she told him "umm is not an answer! I'll be okay guys!… Fired the doc though, telling me "ummm..", not an answer u fool!"

There is still no definitive answer on what caused the symptoms, but perhaps Judge Judy is right. Sometimes we all just need a little break and that's the way our bodies tell us.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – Lawmakers considered 17 proposals Tuesday that could expand gambling in Texas, including building billion-dollar casinos and installing slot machines at racetracks.

The bills range from the modest addition of slot machines at existing dog and horse racing tracks to a 16-page constitutional amendment allowing development of eight Las Vegas-style destination casinos.

Dozens of people testified before the House Licensing and Administrative Procedures Committee Tuesday, with supporters saying that gaming taxes could put an additional $1 billion a year into state coffers. Lawmakers are currently grappling with a $27 billion budget shortfall in providing existing state services. Gambling proponents said this might be the best opportunity to expand gambling in Texas in a decade.

The Texas Gaming Association is backing House Joint Resolution 112, the omnibus constitutional amendment that would license eight casinos, allow slot machines at eight racetracks and allow more gaming on Indian lands. The association says its proposal could bring in $1.2 billion a year in gaming taxes and promote luxury resorts because of the limited number of licenses.

Each casino license would cost $50 million. Such a high fee would force casino operators to build extravagant resorts to make a profit, said Jack Pratt, chairman of the gaming association.

"Texas is the largest untapped gaming market in the country," he said. His organization estimates total gaming revenue under the omnibus proposal could reach $6.6 billion a year.

Tilman Fertitta, chairman, president and CEO of Landry's Inc., the company that owns the Golden Nugget casinos, said he could have a casino up and running in Galveston in a matter of weeks, if the bill passes. He would then begin work on a new facility and argued that local governments would see boosts in taxes on hotel rooms, restaurants and retail stories.

"The billion dollars in tax revenue strictly from the gaming is just a portion of what municipalities, counties and the state of Texas would get from the ripple effect and the ancillary taxes," Fertitta said.

State Rep. Jose Menendez, D-San Antonio, authored the omnibus bill and said, "We are in negotiation mode ... we want the best deal for Texas."

Developers, racetrack operators and breeders testified in favor of more gambling, insisting it would improve their businesses. But Christian and conservative groups were joined by some Indian tribes in opposing any expansion.

"I believe gambling tears down the family and promotes crime," said Pat Carlson, president of the conservative Eagle Forum. "The very people who should not gamble, do gamble."

The chairman of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, Juan Garza Jr., said adding more gambling in Texas would hurt his community, which depends on casino revenues to maintain their federal lands in remote South Texas.

"We would not be able to take the competition and our gaming business would be put out of business," he said. Garza asked that if Texas chooses to legalize casinos, then his tribe should be allowed to move its facility to a more populous region.

Several Indian tribes, that are not allowed to build casinos on their land, had pushed for legislation that would only allow slot machines and casinos on their land, or at existing race tracks. Other business groups asked that slot machines be allowed in bars across the state.

The chairman of the committee, state Rep. Mike Hamilton, left the bills pending and the committee staff will likely revise the proposals before lawmakers cast a vote. But committee members appeared to favor putting expanded gambling up for a vote as a constitutional amendment, rather than passing a law on their own.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The USA is home to arguably the world's greatest gambling haven in Las Vegas, Nevada. With the biggest hotels and casinos, the most alluring shows and extravaganzas, few locales are able to compete with this gaming juggernaut. While bricks and mortar gaming remains the bedrock of Las Vegas' revenue stream, moves are afoot to power into the online gaming realm.

Online gambling - while illegal in the USA - is responsible for mega-billions of dollars in takings each and every year. The USA provides a hefty chunk of this revenue to overseas online casinos and now Las Vegas casinos want to keep the money at home.
USA Online Gambling

New Jersey remains at the forefront of these initiatives with a series of moves to try and get their governor to sign into law the intrastate online gambling bill. But it's not NJ alone who is determined to see this through - it's Nevada that's starting to make some noise now. Federal law disallows online betting to residents outside of Nevada but there is an established framework in place to allow for this to take place. Nevada is charging some $500k for the license fee and an annual $250k in renewal fees.
Although NJ Governor Christie nixed legislation to allow Internet Gambling, the Senate voted 32-2 in favour of legalizing blackjack, online poker and other casino games. The Assembly voted 63-11 in favour too. In spite of Christie's objections, the legislation remains a viable option for people within NJ's borders.
Nevada Leads with Innovation

In late 2010, Nevada developed smart phone betting applications to allow all residents of the state to place sports wagers while they're within state lines. The system allows for instant verification of where the bettor is at the time that the bet is placed. This is all done via mobile phone.

And now, Caesars Entertainment Corp. is able to conduct business with Gibraltar-based 888 Holdings PLC - a powerhouse in the UK online gaming market. This move would push Caesars to the forefront of the online gaming market and promote the WSOP brand no end. Of the mega billions made in Internet betting, some 19% is derived from poker gaming.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
After the Spanish Government's draft bill on online gambling regulation was finalized it was released to the public so that interested parties could react and propose amendments. More than 200 amendments have been received so far from political parties, trade associations and prospective online gaming operators in the Spanish market. The Spanish trade association AEDAPI, which has gone through the recommended changes, believes that most of them are meaningful and will contribute to the creation of a coherent and competitive regulatory framework. They will lead to a Spanish online gaming industry that will be attractive to operators.

AEDAPI has highlighted some of the better suggestions. Most political groups in Spain favor licenses being issued through an administrative system rather than issuing licenses through a tender procedure. A tender procedure may bring in more initial revenue but it could also keep out desirable operators who are not prepared to overspend.

The most encouraging aspect for the online gaming industry is that parliamentary groups have called for a reduced tax rate instead of the current proposed rate of 25%. They have said that a lower rate is essential for setting up an attractive market for foreign gambling operators by being competitive with other European Union markets. The proposed tax rate of 25% is one of the highest tax rates in Europe in the online gambling industry.

However, not all the proposals submitted are good or desirable. AEDAPI lists some amendments sought by political groups that would harm the online gambling industry in Spain. One is the call for a black period similar to the Danish attempt. A black period would require the applicants of online gambling licenses to cease all operations during a set period of time up to the granting of the license. It would also require the applicants to delete their databases and not engage in promotional activities such as sponsorships and advertising. AEDAPI points out the adverse effects of a black period. Spanish players would seek out illegal and unlicensed operators who could even fleece the players. AEDAPI advocates that the applicant operators should be allowed to offer their services till such time their application is rejected. The association estimates that over 90% of Spanish operators are serious operators who undergo audits and therefore will not harm the players' interests. AEDAPI also opposes the amendments requiring operators to set up their servers in Spanish territory.

Sacha Michaud, President of AEDAPI, said, "The fact that a large number of amendments have been submitted by the different political groups on the one hand indicates that there is still much work to do but on the other, that we're going in the right direction to build a positive framework."
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Reuniting with an Ex can be a bit awkward but not for Cameron Diaz who teamed up with old flame Justin Timberlake for the upcoming comedy “Bad Teacher.”

Timberlake, now 30, and Diaz, 38, had broken up back in 2007 after a four-year relationship which was fated to have ended a lot sooner but the two seemed to have survived despite the rampant attacks from the media and were even once rumored to be getting married.

According to People Magazine, the two had met while presenting for the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards back in 2003 and within months the two began dating. Their eventual split was amicable which is probably why the two were able to reunite and work together so well in “Bad Teacher.”

Hiring Justin for the role wasn’t a difficult decision, “he’s a genius comedian, everybody knows,” she said. “We went for the best person for the job, and it just so happened that it was him. And he delivers,” she told Pop Eater.

Good thing that there was no bad blood between the two and this is one reunion of ex’s that won’t be painful to watch. As far as their personal relationships, Justin has just split from Jessica Biel and Cameron is happily dating baseball babe, Alex Rodriguez.

Bad Teacher is due for release in June 2011 where Cameron will play the role of a foul-mouthed junior high teacher who gets dumped by her sugar daddy.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has proposed changes to tighten up the law on illegal gambling, a month after senior regional prosecutors were accused of protecting underground casinos.

In February, investigators suspended Moscow region prosecutor Alexander Mokhov and his deputy, Alexander Ignatenko, over allegations that they "hushed up" massive illegal gambling operations. Several others in the department were also targeted in a major corruption probe.

The proposals suggest making it a criminal offence to organize and manage illegal gambling operations, an activity currently classified as "running an unregistered enterprise," the Kremlin said on Saturday.

The proposed changes are now subject to ratification by the legislature.

The 2009 law confining gambling to four remote Russian regions has caused the number of illegal casinos to skyrocket, and created greater opportunities for corruption.

In Moscow alone, police have shut nearly 400 illegal casinos in recent weeks but say that hundreds more still operate.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Two big names coming out of Las Vegas, Caesars Entertainment and Wynn Resorts have already put their “feelers” out and have grabbed a couple of big named online organizations to partner with and lay the ground work for entry into the online gambling industry when it becomes legal in the states. After years of denial and out right refusal to back legalization of online gambling in Las Vegas the two Vegas empires have done an about face and are cementing their feet in the online gaming industry.

Caesars Entertainment already has a casino and poker site that they promote to overseas gamblers and now they have inked a deal with a major online gambling company, 888 Holdings PLC. 888 Holdings PLC operate online poker, sports betting and casino games across Europe and the Nevada Gaming Commission is an unprecedented move has authorized a marketing agreement between the two giant gaming companies. Never before has the Nevada Gaming Commission approved of a partnership between a Las Vegas Casino and an online gambling company.

On the other side of town Wynn Resorts made their own big announcement on the same day that the Caesar/888 Holdings vote was approved that they have entered into their own partnership with the number one online Poker Room, Working together the two plan to fuel the effort of Federal legalization to regulate online gambling. The new bill that is in question is bill AB258 which would entitle the Nevada Gaming Commission to create the rules for US internet poker operators. Bill AB258 would prohibit the commission from refusing a license to an existing poker site such as Pokerstars for operating in a legal gray area after a federal law passage of the UIGEA bill.

Randolph Townsend the Nevada Gaming Commissioner said that this is the first of perhaps many relationships that will develop over time between land based casinos and the online industry. The CEO of Caesars Entertainment, Mitch Garber was in total agreement stating that hopefully we will see some form of regulated online gaming in the US. The contract now allows Caesars Entertainment to reach across globally with their highly recognized brand, The World Series of Poker, to players worldwide. By partnering with 888 Holdings PLC, Caesars can market to the world and learn the ropes of the online gaming industry with their help and ready themselves for entry to the US market.

Wynn Resorts CEO Steve Wynn reportedly said that once federal regulation is secured in the US and licenses can be obtained he fully plans to launch to the US based players!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
A Samsung mobile may be ideal for online gambling purposes.
A mobile phone that might be perfect for those who love to visit online gambling sites and virtual casinos is to be stocked by Three.

The network has confirmed it is now offering the Samsung Galaxy Mini to customers, providing an affordable and easy way to enjoy the benefits of the Android platform.

Sylvia Chind, head of branded devices at Three, said: "The Samsung Galaxy Mini is a great compact phone that punches well above its size. This entry level handset doesn't compromise on features and supports a great mobile internet experience." The company's 3G network is famed for being particularly fast and reliable, which could be ideal for those wishing to play roulette, poker or blackjack on the go.

Samsung's Galaxy Mini features a 3.14-inch touchscreen, Wi-Fi and GPS capability and a three-megapixel camera.

The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority recently noted more people are being drawn to online gambling, often at the expense of spending time in casinos.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
It's amazing that Audrina Patridge is a character on any kind of reality show – ever. There are reasons why people are chosen to be in reality shows. Bethenny Frankel (Real Housewives of New York), for example, has quick wit and is oozing with hilarious sarcasm. Vicki Gunderson (Real Housewives of Orange County) is an unlikable workaholic and is interesting to watch. NeNe Leakes (Real Housewives of Atlanta) always comes armed with a can of whoop ass, while Gary Busey (Celebrity Apprentice) is just plain crazy.

The one thing that makes zero sense is why on earth the most boring person on the planet is getting her own show. Audrina Patridge, who barely said more than "umm" and "hmm" when she was on The Hills, now has a show on VH1 entitled, Audrina. Clever. Apparently, the show will be a way for the world to drink in her "large, outrageous, Orange County family." If Audrina is anything like her family, then "outrageous" will be defined as Audrina buttoning her blouse wrong, or falling asleep while sunbathing.

Stars of Reality report that among the cast is Audrina's mother, Lynn, who famously went on a drunken rant after Audrina was booted from Dancing with the Stars last season. Also amongst the show's cast is Audrina's laid-back father (sounds thrilling) as well as her three siblings: Casey, who traded in her edgy leather jacket for marriage and motherhood, younger brother Marky and 15-year-old sister Samantha, who is described as a rebellious teen.

Audrina premieres April 17 at 9 p.m. Sounds like a show wacky enough to titillate your TV palette? The Bodog Sportsbook can make watching reality TV a whole lot more interesting. Who will be hailed the American Idol or Dancing with the Stars winner? Bodog has all your Dancing with the Stars odds. Get in on the action today.
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The Iowa bill that would legalize Internet poker in the state appears to have little to no chance of passing in its current form, making Iowa the latest state to reject state-level legislation to regulate online gambling.

However, the bill may not be permanently dead. Instead, the bill will likely be amended to instead request a report on Internet gambling from the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, who could give suggestions on how to improve a bill, and insight on how it might affect the current gambling industry in the state.

According to supporters of the bill, somewhere around 150,000 Iowans currently play online poker for real money. If the state were able to regulate online poker and keep that play on an in-state network, it is estimated that such a site could generate as much as $30 million in new tax revenue for Iowa each year.

The Iowa bill was less expansive and more focused than bills in other states, such as the one that was eventually vetoed by Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey. The bill would only have regulated online poker, without legalizing other Internet casino games. As with most bills proposed at the state-level, the legislation would only have legalized intrastate poker, meaning Iowans would only be able to play against each other.

However, opposition to the bill was strong from the moment it was proposed. Some Iowa legislators opposed the further expansion of gambling in the state on moral grounds, either opposing to gambling in general, or fearing that minors and those with gambling addictions would be able to gamble more easily if it were available online. Others were more concerned with how the proposed online poker room would affect Iowa’s existing casinos, especially if the legislation were later expanded to include other casino games.

Iowa is just one of many states currently considering online gambling as a way to increase tax revenues. Other states that are in the process of considering such legislation include Florida, New Jersey, Nevada, Hawaii and California.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
So we were not wearing our surprised faces when we heard that Charlie Sheen's show My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option tour was met with boos and walk-outs from the audience.

Selling $7 million in tickets and breaking Ticketmaster records is only half the “winning,” dude. You actually then have to put on a show. Sheen, however, didn’t get this memo, leaving fans in Detroit really, really angry. At one point after a particularly loud boo, Sheen retorted, “I already got you’re money, dude,” (which does prove that he can be pretty damn funny).

It was difficult for Sheen to so royally ************************ this up, since the people coming to see him were adoring Sheen fans who donned shirts with various popular Sheen phrases like “I Believe in Tiger Blood” and "winning."

However, many of the people wearing such attire, wound up leaving the show early.

EW reports, “The padded and disjointed show was a hodgepodge of video clips and Sheen-isms that felt hastily assembled and misjudged the patience of even the hardest of hardcore fans.”

Sheen’s problem is his sincere narcissism. He is under the impression that he doesn’t need to do anything but show up, show a few video clips, add his ramblings – and he's got his show. Yes, Sheen thinks that people will love him so much, the comedy and magic will just flow from his lips like honey. Real stand-up comics, however, like Louis CK, painstakingly work and re-work their material. Showing up and padding your show with various video clips as well as off-the-cuff diatribes isn’t going to cut it. At one point, Sheen even heckled the booing crowd by pointing out that he had his own app… and they don't.

And worse news for those who bought tickets – no refunds. #losing. TMZ reports that staffers at several ticket agencies say a ton of people have trying to get rid of their tickets since last night's bomb. Meanwhile, tonight's show in Chicago has already called for more security, in case they need to wrangle angry fans.

Get your Charlie Sheen odds in the Bodog Sportsbook today. If you need an account, Join Bodog today!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Many of the larger European countries are in various stages of having a competitive regulated online gambling set up in place. But there are some European countries that are not only resisting this trend but are even going all out to eliminate online gambling from their jurisdictions. Some of these countries have been in the news this last week.

In Cyprus the legislature is struggling to get the bill banning online gambling passed in Parliament. Meanwhile the executive has swung into action raiding online gambling operations. At the end of the last week the police raided three premises. According to reports in the Cyprus Mail large sums of money, computer equipment, deactivated firearms and title deeds were confiscated in the raids. The owner of one of the three premises was charged and later released. Two foreign nationals were also arrested. Justice Minister Loucas Louca said warnings had been issued a few months ago that these raids would start. He added, "We hope that parliament finally passes the relevant bill so as to offer the police further ammunition to radically deal with this phenomenon, which has turned into a social problem."

In Poland the government has maintained its anti-online gambling stance by releasing a draft amendment to its gambling legislation that confirms bans on all forms of online gambling, with the exception of sports betting. The draft law advocates tough punitive measures against illegal and unlicensed online gambling operators and also those within Poland who facilitate or encourage online gambling activity at unauthorized sites. Deputy Finance Minister Jacek Kapita told local media that according to him the amended law could be in place as soon as June 2011, following further discussion and legislative debate in parliament. Poland had first banned online gambling in 2009. In 2010 the Polish government was considering Internet censorship through ISPs, but had to back off in the face of fierce international protests.

In the Netherlands, the new government has declared its intent to regulate and license online gambling, going against previously declared policy. But in the interim it is determined to eliminate unlicensed and illegal online gambling sites operating in the Dutch market. As per reports last week in Dutch News NL, junior justice minister Fred Teeven disclosed that banks in the Netherlands will shortly be given a blacklist of illegal online gambling sites with which they should refuse to transact. He hoped that banks would comply by rejecting credit card transactions made with the illegal online gambling sites. The news agency ANP pointed out that the individual banks will have the legal right to decide whether they want to follow or ignore the government request. The names of the online gambling sites that will be on the list have not been made public.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
In what seems to be a never ending revolving door, another US state that was trying to come into the 21st century and pass a bill legalizing online poker has failed. The state in question was Iowa which has been in the online gaming news constantly the past few weeks for their effort in trying to pass the first Internet poker bill in the US. Senator Bill Dotzler of Iowa said it will take more time to approve any type of online gambling bill. The bill was passed by the Senate Committee and had plenty of legislative support with the argument that millions of dollars could stay in the state instead of being filtered out to unregulated overseas companies.

Another Iowa Senator, Jeff Danielson said that the lawmakers in Iowa couldn’t agree on the framework of the bill and have decided to make some amendments to the bill which was requested by the Racing and Gaming Commission. Among other lawmakers in Iowa, Senator Roby Smith, a Republican said the bill as is doesn’t provide enough safe guards to block minors or to protect impaired Iowans from wagering. Another Senator against the bill, Jack Hatch agreed that the possibility of underage gambling is troubling.

But the bottom line as stated by supporter Kirk Uhler a lobbyist for US Digital Gaming said that there are millions of Americans gambling on the Internet already and its unregulated, untaxed and is making billions of dollars for illegal overseas gambling operators who can cheat players out of their winnings with no repercussions. Legalizing online poker and online gambling in the US could stop this illegal activity and offer protection for all US players.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
It was the rage heard around television sets across the world on Sunday night. During an art fundraiser, Meatloaf thought Gary Busey had taken his paint and all hell broke loose. Meatloaf unleashed a tirade unlike no other seen on Celebrity Apprentice – or on any reality show for that matter. In Meatloaf's defence, Gary hasn't exactly been a breeze to work with. He loses focus, rambles on forever, doesn't take direction well and can often screw things up. But still, Meatloaf was ready to kill. See Meatloaf's meltdown in all its amazing glory.

The project manager, country star John Rich, diffused the situation well by reminding Meatloaf that they were working toward the common goal of raising money for charity, which settled the meat mania almost immediately.

Later, Meatloaf approached Busey and gave a heartfelt apology, admitting that he had reacted badly and that he had gone to anger management for his issues (but perhaps it didn't work).

Although the men raised over $600K for their charity, the women's team, lead by hearing-impaired Academy Award winner Marlee Matlin, raised almost $1 million. Because Jose Canseco had to leave the show due to his father's cancer taking a turn for the worse, Donald Trump gave Marlee Matlin the choice to save the men from a firing. However, Matlin showed her staunch, businesswoman side and insisted that a man be fired. In the end, Survivor winner and ex con Richard Hatch was fired for raising the least amount of money during the task.

Whose side were you on? Did you think Meatloaf was justified in his meltdown? Want to bet on reality TV? Who will be hailed the American Idol or Dancing with the Stars winner? Will Ralph Macchio incorporate his famous crane pose in one of his dances? Bodog Sportsbook has all your Dancing with the Stars odds. Get in on the action today.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
An interesting game of hide and seek for adults, by Greig Holbrook, Director, Oban Multilingual.

We all know from our childhood that the most interesting things are forbidden. In the same respect, for the Russian online gaming market, one could say the most italic thing is forbidden.


As of July 1, 2009, gambling was banned in Russia with the exception of four remote regions of the country (special zones). The only exception to this was sportsbetting, which is maintained under a strict licensing system regulated by the Gambling Law of 2007. All other forms of gambling have all been put on the black list including poker which, interestingly, enjoyed a brief listing as one of Russia’s recognised sports before being promptly removed in 2009. Russian law also expressly prohibits online gaming, although the risk of enforcement action against unauthorised Internet gambling is low as long as the operator has no physical presence in Russia.

So how is it that today, many online gaming companies have their greatest success in Russia? The restrictions, put into place by the Russian government, forced many online gaming companies to think outside the box. The restrictions also opened up huge opportunities for companies based outside of Russia (offshore jurisdictions such as Malta, Jersey and Gibraltar). Russia has ultimately become the ideal target for them, as they still managed to access their target audiences, operating their services under a non-local domain (.com for example).

This does appear to be a bit like playing hide and seek with the government, yet it has been the ideal solution for international online gaming providers in engaging Russian consumers without getting fined.

It is needless to say that obvious paid advertising or banner links for online games have also been declared illegal. Again, this prohibition only applies for fully local Russian sites. At this stage, you might be wondering how Russian customers will ever find you if you are not allowed to advertise. It could be said that many of the large gaming operators are applying the “If the mountain can’t come to me, I must go to the mountain” principle.

Many online gaming companies advertise indirectly by placing unobvious banners on Russian websites – which link to country-external online gaming promo pages – and even offer their services in Russian. Since the ban, people who used to play in land-based casinos have now been looking for substitutes on international gaming sites. Ultimately, this has led to an increasingly successful environment for gaming operators.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Chalk this one up to a rhumba gone awry. On last night's Dancing with the Stars, the unthinkable happened when pro dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy suffered a "charlie horse" while dancing to the Israel Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" – causing him to drop his partner, Kirstie Alley.

However, after Alley got back up, their chemistry was "better than ever," judge Carrie Ann Inaba said.

"My thigh just gave out – I'm so sorry," Maksim said after the dance was over.

'Dancing is a bit like life – it's about overcoming adversities and you did that,' judge Len Goodman mused.

On last night's episode, the remaining ten contestants performed routines reflective of personal experiences, so as you can guess, the emotions ran high. Alley used the death of her mother, who died in a car accident, as inspiration for her routine.

Despite their fall, judges awarded Alley and Chmerkovskiy with a solid 21 points.

Kirstie didn't hold a grudge, tweeting after the show, "I salute u… U r a gladiator …. A champion… I'm honored to be your partner."

Wrestler Chris Jericho also lost his mother in a car accident and used his mother's death as inspiration. Meanwhile, Kendra Wilkinson shook the shackles of her inner tomboy and delivered a sexy Rumba with partner Louis Van Amstel that she dedicated to her husband Hank Baskett, which earned her 23 points. Karate Kid Ralph Macchio fell from grace a little, with his lead going to NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward and Supermodel Petra Nemacova, who both led the competition with total scores of 25 out of a possible 30 points.

Think Kirstie has a shot at winning? You can bet on her in the Bodog Sportsbook as well also put money on whether or not Karate Kid Ralph Macchio will incorporate his famous Crane Pose in one of his dances!
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Im Billy Hill. Hey everybody!:1orglaugh
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