I tried to register, but in doing so asks me Password.
I see the Password.
As I see it?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Looks like this one was pre-registered, Pedro, so there is no password...even if it seems like it wants one. Maybe DoylesRoom didn't pre-register everyone they should have, much like FTP last week? :confused:[/FONT]
25 people 20 people not playin seems like the times of these games really need to be looked at i know i wont bother bustin hump to get home to play no more .ridiculus time 😡
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Sorry...I know how you feel. It is way too early during the week for US players. I lucked out as I was off from work today. Certainly not worth taking chances on the roads to try to make an early start. If I know I'm not gonna make it I just unregister myself. . .
Looks like there were maybe 8 live players out of 25 and 3 of those busted out very early; a couple of other a little slower than that. In this case, a lot of people may also not have realized they were registered since it happened so close to game time due to DoylesRoom. . .
If it were at a later time, there'd be better attendance, but we're not in control of the scheduling. . .[/FONT]
25 people 20 people not playin seems like the times of these games really need to be looked at i know i wont bother bustin hump to get home to play no more .ridiculus time 😡
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Sorry...I know how you feel. It is way too early during the week for US players. I lucked out as I was off from work today. Certainly not worth taking chances on the roads to try to make an early start. If I know I'm not gonna make it I just unregister myself. . .
Looks like there were maybe 8 live players out of 25 and 3 of those busted out very early; a couple of other a little slower than that. In this case, a lot of people may also not have realized they were registered since it happened so close to game time due to DoylesRoom. . .
If it were at a later time, there'd be better attendance, but we're not in control of the scheduling. . .[/FONT]
Looks like there were maybe 8 live players out of 25 and 3 of those busted out very early; a couple of other a little slower than that. In this case, a lot of people may also not have realized they were registered since it happened so close to game time due to DoylesRoom. . .
If it were at a later time, there'd be better attendance, but we're not in control of the scheduling. . .[/FONT]
i know u understand steve but looks like the lobbying to get times changed has come about and also congrats on the itm today .and not in control no but have a great administration here that listens to the people
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Sorry...I know how you feel. It is way too early during the week for US players. I lucked out as I was off from work today. Certainly not worth taking chances on the roads to try to make an early start. If I know I'm not gonna make it I just unregister myself. . .
Looks like there were maybe 8 live players out of 25 and 3 of those busted out very early; a couple of other a little slower than that. In this case, a lot of people may also not have realized they were registered since it happened so close to game time due to DoylesRoom. . .
If it were at a later time, there'd be better attendance, but we're not in control of the scheduling. . .[/FONT]
i know u understand steve but looks like the lobbying to get times changed has come about and also congrats on the itm today .and not in control no but have a great administration here that listens to the people
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]First, thank you, and sorry, of course, that you weren't there. You know I always enjoy having you at the table. . .
And, I too am happy to see that the lobbying for a time change has resulted in an action. Waiting to see what the new time will be to see if it works out for the members. . .[/FONT]
thanks, for putting up these tournaments
your '(forum manual )' "no password" entry style,
seems to be unique
Hats off to whom came up w/ the idea[/FONT]