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Bodog poker $125 freeroll saturday 14th feb

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payzone wrote:

To the Administrator

Can you explain the payout in this freeroll. I've played in this freeroll before always listed as a $125 freeroll. In your listing it says the monthly $125 freeroll then it says we added $125 to the prize pool to make it more interesting. I finished second paid out only $125 went it sounds like it should have been a total of $250. Just confussed by the listing. Can you explain? Like the freeroll and thanks for putting it on.


It says clearly under "prize"

Prize: $125 is divided among the top 5 players.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 2120
Manhater wrote:

Good luck everyone....Thanks.

Hi what is the password for tourny on bodog today?
Join: 2009/03/14 Messages: 1