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Mexico - Ecuador
07/01 00:00
Added 2024/06/30 07:54 | 0 thanks
- Yes: 62.5%
- No: 0.0%
- No Opinions: 37.5%
- Voted: 8
Pick: -0 Ecuador @1.830 8/10 8.00
The current composition of Mexico is particularly weak, while Ecuador was the favorite of this group and did not confirm their label because they received a red card against Venezuela in just 22 minutes, although they were leading 1-0 while being outnumbered, they managed to lose. The weak composition of Mexico and only 1-2 football players who play for decent clubs do not allow Mexico to expect anything good in this match against such a strong Ecuador composition, which is also suitable for a draw.
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly
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