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Schalke - Wolfsburg

02/10 19:30
Added 2023/02/10 17:21 | 0 thanks
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Pick: Over (2.5) @1.870 8/10 -8.00

Relatively good odds for 2.5 for the Germans, because Schalke recorded an extremely rare thing - they even played two matches in a row 0:0. Which happens VERY rarely in the Bundesliga. True, before that there was a loss to Leipzig even 1:6, and to Eintracht 0:3. Wolfsburg lost to Bayern 2:4 in the last round, scored three goals each against Werder and Berlin Union, even 5 away to Hertha, and 6 at home to Freiburg. I wouldn't be surprised if 4-5 times today's match.

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