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Kortrijk - Waregem
12/26 13:30
Added 2018/12/24 18:40 | 0 thanks
- Yes: 75.0%
- No: 0.0%
- No Opinions: 25.0%
- Voted: 4
Pick: Under (3) @1.880 8/10 -8.00
Teams scored 3-4 goals in a game in the beginning of the season and they did it pretty often but it has changes and they end matches with 1 or 2 goals. Kortrijk ended their last 3 games at home with results suc as 0-0, 1-0 and 1-0. Teams have already played one against another two times and the first meeting ended 0-2 while the second 1-0. Kortrijk won both times. Bookmakers give good odds and it is worth to take and risk it. Good luck
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