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Iceland - Greece
08/31 13:30
Added 2017/08/26 00:28 | 0 thanks
- Yes: 53.8%
- No: 11.5%
- No Opinions: 34.6%
- Voted: 26
Pick: Under (Iceland 66) @1.950 8/10 +7.60
Graikai gynybos specialistai,o islandai turi tik periods zaidejus kuriuos reikia isgaudyti ir viskas puolime sustoja.Manau po 16 points i periodni cia yra max ka gali pasiekt Islandai.Nenustebciau jei kazkuriam arba perioduose periodniuose mestu vienzenkli skaiciu points.Pasiruosime Islandai toki totala Peru labai retai net pries negynybines teams
18+ | T&C Apply | Play Responsibly
Too risky on individual total. Iceland was pretty good in the court and that total seems too low.
Not bad, Iceland is not so good at scoring