Team EnVyUs - YeaH!

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Προγνωστικό: YeaH! (+1,5) @2.140 2/10 -2.00
Tatazin dumau and basically the whole Brazilian team have been pretty stable and level-hearted recently. Today's battle between Team Envy and Yes Gaming is certainly an interesting one. It's a good chance for iDk and the rest of the players to show themselves to the wider public. The difference in classes between the two teams and the experience gathered is quite big. Team Envy is one of the leading teams, while Yes Gaming is downstairs. Envy has been playing very unevenly lately, however, they even lost to Bad News Bears on Overpasss, scoring only 3 rounds, which is a disgraceful feat for a team so titled. One can explain that it's only a game of no importance, etc., but when I see such a game, I have a lot of doubts.
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