Say what you will about the man, but Tiger Woods has now admitted to cheating on his wife, Elin Nordegren, and in a public plea posted on his website — he's asking everyone to leave his wife and his children the hell alone so that they can heal and deal with what has transpired over the past week. Tiger also wrote that he is taking an "indefinite break from professional golf" so that he can focus on being a "better husband, father, and person."
This type of situation has happened since man has been on this earth
US Presidents
Men of faith

I wish Tiger and his family the best.
This type of situation has happened since man has been on this earth
US Presidents
Men of faith
This type of situation has happened since man has been on this earth
US Presidents
Men of faith
That's true :dirol

I wish Tiger and his family the best.
This type of situation has happened since man has been on this earth
US Presidents
Men of faith
That's true :dirol

Say what you will about the man, but Tiger Woods has now admitted to cheating on his wife, Elin Nordegren, and in a public plea posted on his website — he's asking everyone to leave his wife and his children the hell alone so that they can heal and deal with what has transpired over the past week. Tiger also wrote that he is taking an "indefinite break from professional golf" so that he can focus on being a "better husband, father, and person."