Ten days before the Super Bowl that will make history as the first to feature a head coach named Lovie, we’re shopping for party provisions.
Read More: There’s nobody to hate in this year’s big game the Super Bowl
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Ten days before the Super Bowl that will make history as the first to feature a head coach named Lovie, we’re shopping for party provisions.
Read More: There’s nobody to hate in this year’s big game the Super Bowl
Hopefully i win BIG :1orglaugh

Ten days before the Super Bowl that will make history as the first to feature a head coach named Lovie, we’re shopping for party provisions.
Read More: There’s nobody to hate in this year’s big game the Super Bowl

Ten days before the Super Bowl that will make history as the first to feature a head coach named Lovie, we’re shopping for party provisions.
Read More: There’s nobody to hate in this year’s big game the Super Bowl

The Indianapolis Colts won Superbowl XLI after beating the Chicago Bears 29-17 at Dolphin Stadium in Miami on Sunday

I'm from Chicago and of course was rooting for the Bears ... but I'm curious what outsiders thought and who they cheered for. It was a hard game to watch but I do like the Colts coach a lot (as well as the Bears coach - they're actually friends!) and I'm glad he won.
Read More: There’s nobody to hate in this year’s big game the Super Bowl