The euro2008 has ended with Spain as winner and Germany with a silver medal.
Next big sport event is the olympic games 24th august in China, Beijing.
This is going to be big and alot of fun for those of us that's living for sport.
The Olympic Games will run for 17 days!! :thumbsup

The euro2008 has ended with Spain as winner and Germany with a silver medal.
Next big sport event is the olympic games 24th august in China, Beijing.
This is going to be big and alot of fun for those of us that's living for sport.

The euro2008 has ended with Spain as winner and Germany with a silver medal.
Next big sport event is the olympic games 24th august in China, Beijing.
This is going to be big and alot of fun for those of us that's living for sport.

It's great to see athletes from all over the world :thumbsup
Another popular thing I like to check is how the medals is divided and watch which countries are the strongest.
I might also pick up a bet here and there, you never know.
Next big sport event is the olympic games 24th august in China, Beijing.
This is going to be big and alot of fun for those of us that's living for sport.