If you were giving the option to play in the main event of a live tour event which tour would you play?

Problem is, I don't have a pokerface. I dont think I would do well in a live event. But wsop would be alot of fun.

WSOP main event is the king of them all, y'all. If you make the final table, it will most likely be a life changing experience. If not, you can still make a lot by finishing ITM. If you bust out-well, it was one hell of a ride! :dance:

The Aussie millions cause I want to visit there soooo bad!
That would be a fantastic trip/adventure for sure.
If not the Aussie then for sure the WSOP Main Event.
No other options IMO.

The Aussie millions cause I want to visit there soooo bad!
That would be a fantastic trip/adventure for sure.
If not the Aussie then for sure the WSOP Main Event.
No other options IMO.

It would have to b the WSOP. :dirol
2nd. WPT (any tournament will due)
3rd. Aussie Millions
Basically I would love to play in any of them. Since florida just passed that new poker bill, hopefully I will have that chance soon when the tournaments come to florida.

The Aussie millions cause I want to visit there soooo bad!
Yeah, pretty much my first choice. Sort of a working vacation. Work at the tables; vacation the rest of the time. . . 😄

The Aussie millions cause I want to visit there soooo bad!
Yeah, pretty much my first choice. Sort of a working vacation. Work at the tables; vacation the rest of the time. . . 😄

I will let you all know which one as soon as, I sattelite into it. Wishful thinking, Freerollbird
Dream Big to Win Big ..........
Anything is possible.

I will let you all know which one as soon as, I sattelite into it. Wishful thinking, Freerollbird
Dream Big to Win Big ..........
Anything is possible.

I will let you all know which one as soon as, I sattelite into it. Wishful thinking, Freerollbird
Dream Big to Win Big ..........
Anything is possible.

Me i would like to play in them all but the one i would like to play in is the wsop