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How many posts/topics to i have to create/reply to to be considered an active member? I want to be!
Join: 2008/11/29 Messages: 2
coughinitup wrote:

How many posts/topics to i have to create/reply to to be considered an active member? I want to be!

Not sure if there is a specific number. I am sure that just spamming the forum to gain numbers quickly will not get you there. The quality is more important than the quantity. Active is not so much a level of activity but how one improves the community and its membership by sharing his knowledge and experience through our forum. We are happy to have you with us.
Join: 2009/03/29 Messages: 399
coughinitup wrote:

How many posts/topics to i have to create/reply to to be considered an active member? I want to be!

Get upgraded by posting and staying active on the forum.
Join: 2007/02/24 Messages: 1205
kennex wrote:

Get upgraded by posting and staying active on the forum.

Ok sounds good i wounder what happend i use to play the tournys all the time but i under stand just want people to stay more active in the forum totaky understandible.i do my best to stay as active and a great member as i can
Join: 2008/10/08 Messages: 34
mrholdem05 wrote:

Ok sounds good i wounder what happend i use to play the tournys all the time but i under stand just want people to stay more active in the forum totaky understandible.i do my best to stay as active and a great member as i can

That sounds fair, but their should be a specific time or post, oh well i guess
Join: 2010/02/10 Messages: 9
klazziic wrote:

That sounds fair, but their should be a specific time or post, oh well i guess

Took me several weeks 35 posts. Just make sure they are decent posts.
Join: 2009/10/17 Messages: 65
dirtpuller wrote:

Took me several weeks 35 posts. Just make sure they are decent posts.

Ok, i will try harder...
Join: 2009/12/26 Messages: 17
coughinitup wrote:

How many posts/topics to i have to create/reply to to be considered an active member? I want to be!

I must be a mini junior member, because I'm very, very unactive.
What do tou want me to write about; my ateistic inagreement whit the Big Bang theory. I belive in an eternal plasma-universe. And I'm sick of these christian astronomers who will not even discuss the possibility that there has never been such a thing as a big bang. It's just a new way of formulating a creaton theory. this entity that preseeds the big bang, they can't explain the first nano or pico-seconds. And where should such an entity be placed. There are no such thing as posisioning in an eternal universe; you only have distance and time when you have other objects(stars,nebulae) to refere to.
I hope my english was not to bad, and that this will at least make me a super junior member๐Ÿ˜ก
Best regards Bjarne ๐Ÿ˜„
Join: 2008/04/20 Messages: 2
herakles665 wrote:

I must be a mini junior member, because I'm very, very unactive.
What do tou want me to write about; my ateistic inagreement whit the Big Bang theory. I belive in an eternal plasma-universe. And I'm sick of these christian astronomers who will not even discuss the possibility that there has never been such a thing as a big bang. It's just a new way of formulating a creaton theory. this entity that preseeds the big bang, they can't explain the first nano or pico-seconds. And where should such an entity be placed. There are no such thing as posisioning in an eternal universe; you only have distance and time when you have other objects(stars,nebulae) to refere to.
I hope my english was not to bad, and that this will at least make me a super junior member๐Ÿ˜ก
Best regards Bjarne ๐Ÿ˜„

I must be a mini junior member, because I'm very, very unactive.
What do tou want me to write about; my ateistic inagreement whit the Big Bang theory. I belive in an eternal plasma-universe. And I'm sick of these christian astronomers who will not even discuss the possibility that there has never been such a thing as a big bang. It's just a new way of formulating a creaton theory. this entity that preseeds the big bang, they can't explain the first nano or pico-seconds. And where should such an entity be placed. There are no such thing as posisioning in an eternal universe; you only have distance and time when you have other objects(stars,nebulae) to refere to.
I hope my english was not to bad, and that this will at least make me a super junior member๐Ÿ˜ก
Best regards Bjarne ๐Ÿ˜„

You're not unactive.....your inactive ๐Ÿ˜‰

discussion topic for a gambling forum...hmmmm let me think...maybe gambling related.....

your english is pretty good!

you look like a super junior member to me๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
Join: 2009/09/06 Messages: 405
marco123 wrote:

I must be a mini junior member, because I'm very, very unactive.
What do tou want me to write about; my ateistic inagreement whit the Big Bang theory. I belive in an eternal plasma-universe. And I'm sick of these christian astronomers who will not even discuss the possibility that there has never been such a thing as a big bang. It's just a new way of formulating a creaton theory. this entity that preseeds the big bang, they can't explain the first nano or pico-seconds. And where should such an entity be placed. There are no such thing as posisioning in an eternal universe; you only have distance and time when you have other objects(stars,nebulae) to refere to.
I hope my english was not to bad, and that this will at least make me a super junior member๐Ÿ˜ก
Best regards Bjarne ๐Ÿ˜„

You're not unactive.....your inactive ๐Ÿ˜‰

discussion topic for a gambling forum...hmmmm let me think...maybe gambling related.....

your english is pretty good!

you look like a super junior member to me๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

:helpm eJust a question here will you ever have a shout box in here?Would be nice to actually converse.Ty
Join: 2010/02/23 Messages: 22
kittenpur75 wrote:

:helpm eJust a question here will you ever have a shout box in here?Would be nice to actually converse.Ty

:helpm eJust a question here will you ever have a shout box in here?Would be nice to actually converse.Ty
oh,what kind of english.i cant catch what you mean.
Join: 2009/02/14 Messages: 61