Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?
Doyle's Room is a good go for sure!

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

Bodog ....never had a problem with them + Great service and promotions guranteed.

Bodog is great

Looks like full tilt is a favourite here !!

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

I play at many sites and each has its advantages. I like bodog and absolute for payout structure. I like fulltilt for variety. I like players only for gold chips. I like UB for quanitity of games and pokers stars because I like poker period. :1orglaugh

Prefer fulltilt .. cauz ihavnt got any other rooms writing in the poll..

Full tilt is the best... i think it because you got chance to watch pro play. other don't have this facility.
Just being honest playas
Peace, Hittin FLops,
:dirol :1orglaugh

Well I love Bodog, especially using the new BETA client soit's resizable, I like Full Tilt cause it's cute, UB because it's LOUD when the chips clink. But really I love any site where the fishies swim....LOL Dat's my favorite....Da FISH POND SITE>> Wherever.
Just being honest playas
Peace, Hittin FLops,
:dirol :1orglaugh

Well I love Bodog, especially using the new BETA client soit's resizable, I like Full Tilt cause it's cute, UB because it's LOUD when the chips clink. But really I love any site where the fishies swim....LOL Dat's my favorite....Da FISH POND SITE>> Wherever.
Just being honest playas
Peace, Hittin FLops,
:dirol :1orglaugh

Well I love Bodog, especially using the new BETA client soit's resizable, I like Full Tilt cause it's cute, UB because it's LOUD when the chips clink. But really I love any site where the fishies swim....LOL Dat's my favorite....Da FISH POND SITE>> Wherever.
Just being honest playas
Peace, Hittin FLops,
:dirol :1orglaugh

Well I love Bodog, especially using the new BETA client soit's resizable, I like Full Tilt cause it's cute, UB because it's LOUD when the chips clink. But really I love any site where the fishies swim....LOL Dat's my favorite....Da FISH POND SITE>> Wherever.
Just being honest playas
Peace, Hittin FLops,
:dirol :1orglaugh

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

Which poker room is your favourite when it comes to freeroll poker tournaments?

Well I love Bodog, especially using the new BETA client soit's resizable, I like Full Tilt cause it's cute, UB because it's LOUD when the chips clink. But really I love any site where the fishies swim....LOL Dat's my favorite....Da FISH POND SITE>> Wherever.
Just being honest playas
Peace, Hittin FLops,
:dirol :1orglaugh