So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Are you afraid of a trap by the SB or BB? Odds are pretty good that if they had a big hand you would have heard from them pre-flop [Or so the theory goes.] You're betting to get rid of flush and overcard chasers here as far as I'm concerned. If they want to chase, make them pay and try to minimize losses if a flush completes or scare cards hit. . .[/FONT]

So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Are you afraid of a trap by the SB or BB? Odds are pretty good that if they had a big hand you would have heard from them pre-flop [Or so the theory goes.] You're betting to get rid of flush and overcard chasers here as far as I'm concerned. If they want to chase, make them pay and try to minimize losses if a flush completes or scare cards hit. . .[/FONT]
I don't know Steve. The reason I posed the question is because it's a tough situation. The trap isn't a concern here. The problem is the wrong suited flop. Yes you have top pair, but your kicker is weak. Also you lose to any suited card if the turn or river completes the flush. I don't think you can push here. I would say check-call and see what the dealer offers.

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Are you afraid of a trap by the SB or BB? Odds are pretty good that if they had a big hand you would have heard from them pre-flop [Or so the theory goes.] You're betting to get rid of flush and overcard chasers here as far as I'm concerned. If they want to chase, make them pay and try to minimize losses if a flush completes or scare cards hit. . .[/FONT]
I don't know Steve. The reason I posed the question is because it's a tough situation. The trap isn't a concern here. The problem is the wrong suited flop. Yes you have top pair, but your kicker is weak. Also you lose to any suited card if the turn or river completes the flush. I don't think you can push here. I would say check-call and see what the dealer offers.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Tough hand, yes, and ask a dozen players and you may get a dozen different answers. . .
Me? As I said, I bet the flop. If I take it down, great, no more worries. If I get called or raised, then I'll have to figure out what hands my opponents are playing: made hand that has me beat, made hand that I may beat or building a pot betting on completing the draw. If this board scares you it may very well scare your opponents as well. . .[/FONT]

So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I think ya gotta put in a bet to see where ya stand here
most flops hit NOBODY
with your preflop bet (utg+1)
& a continuation bet here
you may just take the pot
showing you have a strong hand
if ya getta call, then see what the dealer offers
checks on the turn, throws opponents way off sometimes
if ya make that post-flop bet & get re-raised, well ya found out where ya stand[/FONT]

The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds.
Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I think ya gotta put in a bet to see where ya stand here
most flops hit NOBODY
with your preflop bet (utg+1)
& a continuation bet here
you may just take the pot
showing you have a strong hand
if ya getta call, then see what the dealer offers
checks on the turn, throws opponents way off sometimes
if ya make that post-flop bet & get re-raised, well ya found out where ya stand[/FONT]
In MP I would raise this one.

I don't like to get involved in UTG.
In MP I would raise this one.

I agree, a C-bet is in order here, and it's easy to get away from the hand if you are raised.

Betting preflop and then the continuation bet with top pair seems solid... the alternative of checking the flop which gives up the lead seems weak.

So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
I Follow through with a continuation bet.
Pot Size Bet and see where I sit at that point.

So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
I Follow through with a continuation bet.
Pot Size Bet and see where I sit at that point.

So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
I Follow through with a continuation bet.
Pot Size Bet and see where I sit at that point.

Sorry for the off-topic guys , but you can tell me what means UTG ? :helpme :confused:
[FONT=Verdana]UTG = Under the Gun. That is, first to act pre-flop; first player to the left of the Big Blind. UTG+1 is the player to the UTG's left or second to act. . .

Sorry for the off-topic guys , but you can tell me what means UTG ? :helpme :confused:
[FONT=Verdana]UTG = Under the Gun. That is, first to act pre-flop; first player to the left of the Big Blind. UTG+1 is the player to the UTG's left or second to act. . .

So you Under the gun+1 and you have suited connectors queen high. The table is not too aggressive and its mid tourney with 200/100 blinds. Your sitting on 7k in chips which is on par with the tourney avg. You raise 3 blinds and get called by the SB and BB. Flop is queen high suited but the wrong suit. What do you?
I Follow through with a continuation bet.
Pot Size Bet and see where I sit at that point.