Here is the question. No limit hold'em.You are sitting on 5k in chips and just got moved to a new table. You are mid tourney, 50% of the field gone and the blinds are 200/100. You are 3rd to act. You have wired 10's. You bet 3 blinds. Next two fold 6th position raises to 1800, 7th and SB fold, BB goes all in with 4500 chips. What do you do?:confused:
Personally, I would fold the 10's. But thats just me. Statistacally I will have an almost 50% chance I will be up against another pair. With 4 overcard possibilities I will only have 30% chance of winning. So what would you do and why?
Personally, I would fold the 10's. But thats just me. Statistacally I will have an almost 50% chance I will be up against another pair. With 4 overcard possibilities I will only have 30% chance of winning. So what would you do and why?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Interesting scenario. I personally don't think you want to go in with 10-10 against more than one opponent. So you need to either fold 'em or only call the all-in if you believe that the player between you and the BB will fold to your calling the all-in. If you don't think they'll fold, I'd dump 'em. . .
Of course, if you really think either of them has you dominated then dumping should be an easy call. . .
But in this case, a 3BB raise from your position -- though pretty standard -- may not have represented the strength of your hand sufficiently. . .[/FONT]

Here is the question. No limit hold'em.You are sitting on 5k in chips and just got moved to a new table. You are mid tourney, 50% of the field gone and the blinds are 200/100. You are 3rd to act. You have wired 10's. You bet 3 blinds. Next two fold 6th position raises to 1800, 7th and SB fold, BB goes all in with 4500 chips. What do you do?:confused:
Personally, I would fold the 10's. But thats just me. Statistacally I will have an almost 50% chance I will be up against another pair. With 4 overcard possibilities I will only have 30% chance of winning. So what would you do and why?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Interesting scenario. I personally don't think you want to go in with 10-10 against more than one opponent. So you need to either fold 'em or only call the all-in if you believe that the player between you and the BB will fold to your calling the all-in. If you don't think they'll fold, I'd dump 'em. . .
Of course, if you really think either of them has you dominated then dumping should be an easy call. . .
But in this case, a 3BB raise from your position -- though pretty standard -- may not have represented the strength of your hand sufficiently. . .[/FONT]
AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?

[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]But in this case, a 3BB raise from your position -- though pretty standard -- may not have represented the strength of your hand sufficiently. . .[/FONT]
AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?

After a re-raise and and 3 bet..with 10-10 I woulda definatly fold....The raiser I would think would have AJ-AK or 9s and up....The 3 bet Villian probably has AK Aces or Kings.....So I would definatly fold the 10-10s....Are u going to give the finish to how the hand ended up or was this a made up scenario.

[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]But in this case, a 3BB raise from your position -- though pretty standard -- may not have represented the strength of your hand sufficiently. . .[/FONT]
AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?
if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack.
new table
no idea who is who
only 50% of the field gone
I throw em in the muck
at this point, its is about survival
Protect that stack
you got enuf info to fold

After a re-raise and and 3 bet..with 10-10 I woulda definatly fold....The raiser I would think would have AJ-AK or 9s and up....The 3 bet Villian probably has AK Aces or Kings.....So I would definatly fold the 10-10s....Are u going to give the finish to how the hand ended up or was this a made up scenario.
This was just a hypathetical question to stimulate good feedback on poker stratagy. I have to agree with mjoshin125. Chuck 'em in the muck.

Are u going to give the finish to how the hand ended up or was this a made up scenario.
This was just a hypathetical question to stimulate good feedback on poker stratagy. I have to agree with mjoshin125. Chuck 'em in the muck.
Is not the same that you push the 10-10 that you call with them versus 2 other players.
For me is a easy fold.

One reraise you and the other go allin, you got 25bb no point to go allin with 10-10 at this stage.
Is not the same that you push the 10-10 that you call with them versus 2 other players.
For me is a easy fold.

[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]But in this case, a 3BB raise from your position -- though pretty standard -- may not have represented the strength of your hand sufficiently. . .[/FONT]
AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'll continue being devil's advocate. . .
You seem to be saying here that if you make an opening raise of say 5BB and the same action follows that you wouldn't be able to lay down if you really think you are dominated? You can't continue with 80% of your stack if you do decide to fold? Hmmm. . .
Since we haven't really been told anything about your opponents and their styles and your history with them -- new to the table? -- do we really know what we're up against?
What if the BB is trying to run a squeeze play on you because he thinks you have him dominated, but not by much maybe, and believes you'll fold to his all-in and maybe the re-raiser too and take down the pot? Maybe he's willing to take a coin flip with the re-raiser if that's what he thinks will happen if you fold and the rr doesn't.
But, as I originally said, whether I call or not depends on whether I think I can get HU with the BB. I'm not getting into a coin flip or race with more than one opponent with 10-10. . .
In poker, as in much of life, we all come to our own decisions and either profit or suffer from the results. . .[/FONT]

AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'll continue being devil's advocate. . .
You seem to be saying here that if you make an opening raise of say 5BB and the same action follows that you wouldn't be able to lay down if you really think you are dominated? You can't continue with 80% of your stack if you do decide to fold? Hmmm. . .
Since we haven't really been told anything about your opponents and their styles and your history with them -- new to the table? -- do we really know what we're up against?
What if the BB is trying to run a squeeze play on you because he thinks you have him dominated, but not by much maybe, and believes you'll fold to his all-in and maybe the re-raiser too and take down the pot? Maybe he's willing to take a coin flip with the re-raiser if that's what he thinks will happen if you fold and the rr doesn't.
But, as I originally said, whether I call or not depends on whether I think I can get HU with the BB. I'm not getting into a coin flip or race with more than one opponent with 10-10. . .
In poker, as in much of life, we all come to our own decisions and either profit or suffer from the results. . .[/FONT]

AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'll continue being devil's advocate. . .
You seem to be saying here that if you make an opening raise of say 5BB and the same action follows that you wouldn't be able to lay down if you really think you are dominated? You can't continue with 80% of your stack if you do decide to fold? Hmmm. . .
Since we haven't really been told anything about your opponents and their styles and your history with them -- new to the table? -- do we really know what we're up against?
What if the BB is trying to run a squeeze play on you because he thinks you have him dominated, but not by much maybe, and believes you'll fold to his all-in and maybe the re-raiser too and take down the pot? Maybe he's willing to take a coin flip with the re-raiser if that's what he thinks will happen if you fold and the rr doesn't.
But, as I originally said, whether I call or not depends on whether I think I can get HU with the BB. I'm not getting into a coin flip or race with more than one opponent with 10-10. . .
In poker, as in much of life, we all come to our own decisions and either profit or suffer from the results. . .[/FONT]

AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'll continue being devil's advocate. . .
You seem to be saying here that if you make an opening raise of say 5BB and the same action follows that you wouldn't be able to lay down if you really think you are dominated? You can't continue with 80% of your stack if you do decide to fold? Hmmm. . .
Since we haven't really been told anything about your opponents and their styles and your history with them -- new to the table? -- do we really know what we're up against?
What if the BB is trying to run a squeeze play on you because he thinks you have him dominated, but not by much maybe, and believes you'll fold to his all-in and maybe the re-raiser too and take down the pot? Maybe he's willing to take a coin flip with the re-raiser if that's what he thinks will happen if you fold and the rr doesn't.
But, as I originally said, whether I call or not depends on whether I think I can get HU with the BB. I'm not getting into a coin flip or race with more than one opponent with 10-10. . .
In poker, as in much of life, we all come to our own decisions and either profit or suffer from the results. . .[/FONT]

It is the perfect squeeze play set up for the big blind. Your new to the table, he's not. So unless you have confidence it is a squeeze, you have a choice to make. The 3 bet is still to act behind you. You can count on him calling with 1800 committed. Even if it is a squeeze your still in a race and its too early in my opinion.

AHH, the debate debate thickens. OK, you are 3rd to act, 6 players behind you, mid tourney, if you open for say, 6 BBs thats over 20% of your stack. Are you sure that you want to with tens? It gets tougher to lay that hand down with that. Survival is still the name of the game at this point in the tourney and you are in good chip position. If you still get the same action after the 6 BB opener what then? So what would be the proper opening bet?
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'll continue being devil's advocate. . .
You seem to be saying here that if you make an opening raise of say 5BB and the same action follows that you wouldn't be able to lay down if you really think you are dominated? You can't continue with 80% of your stack if you do decide to fold? Hmmm. . .
Since we haven't really been told anything about your opponents and their styles and your history with them -- new to the table? -- do we really know what we're up against?
What if the BB is trying to run a squeeze play on you because he thinks you have him dominated, but not by much maybe, and believes you'll fold to his all-in and maybe the re-raiser too and take down the pot? Maybe he's willing to take a coin flip with the re-raiser if that's what he thinks will happen if you fold and the rr doesn't.
But, as I originally said, whether I call or not depends on whether I think I can get HU with the BB. I'm not getting into a coin flip or race with more than one opponent with 10-10. . .
In poker, as in much of life, we all come to our own decisions and either profit or suffer from the results. . .[/FONT]
Personally, I would fold the 10's. But thats just me. Statistacally I will have an almost 50% chance I will be up against another pair. With 4 overcard possibilities I will only have 30% chance of winning. So what would you do and why?