If you're absolutely accessible to win your next poker clash again you charge to apperceive absolutely what is captivation you back. Here's some abundant tips that should admonition you get added in the next clash you access in:
1. Set out a PLAN and STICK to it!
Before you even sit down at the clash table you should accept a PLAN that you are committed to afraid to. You charge to apperceive absolutely what you are accommodating to go all in with and absolutely what you should not be accomplishing (chasing too abounding even draws, beeline draws, etc.) You should accept what situations you are aggravating to break in and chase through with your PLAN!
It's astonishing to me if I see players go all in aural the aboriginal 10 easily of a tournament. The players has a dent assemblage of 10,000 and the blinds are 10/20 yet they are traveling all in pre-flop with easily like AQ and AJ, that's BAD dent administration and BAD poker strategy! Play accommodating and yield risks accordant to area the blinds are advanced in the tournament. If it's aboriginal in the clash and you accept a adequate dent assemblage there's no acumen to accident your clash activity on a bread cast bearings with a duke such as AK. Instead, you should be focused on out arena your adversary afterwards the flop.
3. Play to WIN!
Many players, even professionals are accusable of this but it in fact absolutely hurts your end aftereffect in both Sit-N-Go's and big tournaments. As tournaments get abutting to cashing abounding players will be arena just to banknote in the clash and get their aboriginal buy-in back. To exhausted your opponents in the table, you charge a complete set of absolute time acceptable admonition and suggestion. You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH. What this agency is as it starts to get down appear the money you should not alpha arena ultra-tight just because you wish to get your aboriginal buy-in back. You charge to break committed to your PLAN and play to WIN!
Good play comes from experience. Get out there and chase a plan and acceptable strategy. Let's play some poker!

Very interesting ....thanks!

You have my vote for "most difficult post to read".:p But I think I get the jist of it.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]:helpme I think I need this translated for me. . .and you have obviously studied whatever language it is in. [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Or better yet, find me the original text in the original language and I'll see what Babelfish can do to, er, with, it. . . :1orglaugh[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]But, yes, the bullet points pretty much sum it up. Although I might not go along 100% on point #1. To be successful, you have to be able to adapt to the conditions. If you don't you could become a very exploitable player at your table. . .[/FONT]

You have my vote for "most difficult post to read".:p But I think I get the jist of it.
I second that. Could you send me the jist of it, cause didnt get it. LOL
Other than have a plan , be patient, and win.

If you're absolutely accessible to win your next poker clash again you charge to apperceive absolutely what is captivation you back. Here's some abundant tips that should admonition you get added in the next clash you access in:
1. Set out a PLAN and STICK to it!
Before you even sit down at the clash table you should accept a PLAN that you are committed to afraid to. You charge to apperceive absolutely what you are accommodating to go all in with and absolutely what you should not be accomplishing (chasing too abounding even draws, beeline draws, etc.) You should accept what situations you are aggravating to break in and chase through with your PLAN!
It's astonishing to me if I see players go all in aural the aboriginal 10 easily of a tournament. The players has a dent assemblage of 10,000 and the blinds are 10/20 yet they are traveling all in pre-flop with easily like AQ and AJ, that's BAD dent administration and BAD poker strategy! Play accommodating and yield risks accordant to area the blinds are advanced in the tournament. If it's aboriginal in the clash and you accept a adequate dent assemblage there's no acumen to accident your clash activity on a bread cast bearings with a duke such as AK. Instead, you should be focused on out arena your adversary afterwards the flop.
3. Play to WIN!
Many players, even professionals are accusable of this but it in fact absolutely hurts your end aftereffect in both Sit-N-Go's and big tournaments. As tournaments get abutting to cashing abounding players will be arena just to banknote in the clash and get their aboriginal buy-in back. To exhausted your opponents in the table, you charge a complete set of absolute time acceptable admonition and suggestion. You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH. What this agency is as it starts to get down appear the money you should not alpha arena ultra-tight just because you wish to get your aboriginal buy-in back. You charge to break committed to your PLAN and play to WIN!
Good play comes from experience. Get out there and chase a plan and acceptable strategy. Let's play some poker!
You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH.
You need to make sure wich tools are aloud and wich not, half of this tools are prohibited.
This is from Poker Stars
tools and services which are permitted
2. Calculatem Pro
3. Coach Rounder
12. Holdem Genius
tools and services which are prohibited at all times
29. Poker Crusher
37. Poker Usher
44. Sit And Go Shark
This list was last updated January 22nd 2010

You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH.
You need to make sure wich tools are aloud and wich not, half of this tools are prohibited.
This is from Poker Stars
tools and services which are permitted
2. Calculatem Pro
3. Coach Rounder
12. Holdem Genius
tools and services which are prohibited at all times
29. Poker Crusher
37. Poker Usher
44. Sit And Go Shark
This list was last updated January 22nd 2010

Tip is thanks for the! Idea great read well too! Wins much gist for me to get. Thanks!
in addition to the software as well... PT3 is also good especially for the my FT games. improved my decisions a lot based on the stats. better try it as well.. :thumbsup

Good tip... will definitely have to keep those in mind.
in addition to the software as well... PT3 is also good especially for the my FT games. improved my decisions a lot based on the stats. better try it as well.. :thumbsup

If you're absolutely accessible to win your next poker clash again you charge to apperceive absolutely what is captivation you back. Here's some abundant tips that should admonition you get added in the next clash you access in:
1. Set out a PLAN and STICK to it!
Before you even sit down at the clash table you should accept a PLAN that you are committed to afraid to. You charge to apperceive absolutely what you are accommodating to go all in with and absolutely what you should not be accomplishing (chasing too abounding even draws, beeline draws, etc.) You should accept what situations you are aggravating to break in and chase through with your PLAN!
It's astonishing to me if I see players go all in aural the aboriginal 10 easily of a tournament. The players has a dent assemblage of 10,000 and the blinds are 10/20 yet they are traveling all in pre-flop with easily like AQ and AJ, that's BAD dent administration and BAD poker strategy! Play accommodating and yield risks accordant to area the blinds are advanced in the tournament. If it's aboriginal in the clash and you accept a adequate dent assemblage there's no acumen to accident your clash activity on a bread cast bearings with a duke such as AK. Instead, you should be focused on out arena your adversary afterwards the flop.
3. Play to WIN!
Many players, even professionals are accusable of this but it in fact absolutely hurts your end aftereffect in both Sit-N-Go's and big tournaments. As tournaments get abutting to cashing abounding players will be arena just to banknote in the clash and get their aboriginal buy-in back. To exhausted your opponents in the table, you charge a complete set of absolute time acceptable admonition and suggestion. You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH. What this agency is as it starts to get down appear the money you should not alpha arena ultra-tight just because you wish to get your aboriginal buy-in back. You charge to break committed to your PLAN and play to WIN!
Good play comes from experience. Get out there and chase a plan and acceptable strategy. Let's play some poker!

Very nice post. Great tips. I got the patience down pack, but I can't stop people from calling vs my top hands and getting lucky. Without a crystal ball, poker is still gonna be hard. X
These methods will allow you the ability to deal with Poor Play - All In errrs - Luck Boxes and the Donks.
Play Small Ball or Build a Large Stack.
Small Ball will control the pot and minimize the loses that occur from bad beats.
A Large Stack will allow you the ability to Survive the Bad Beats that will be dumped on you again and again.
Always Push rather then be Pushed.
Always Adapt to the Texture.
Never become predictable.

Very nice post. Great tips. I got the patience down pack, but I can't stop people from calling vs my top hands and getting lucky. Without a crystal ball, poker is still gonna be hard. X

Sorry but to me this looks like you copied this from another forum or site and pawned it off as your own. Just my opinion, I could be wrong though
Thanks to let us know!! :mad:

Very nice post. Great tips. I got the patience down pack, but I can't stop people from calling vs my top hands and getting lucky. Without a crystal ball, poker is still gonna be hard. X

Sorry but to me this looks like you copied this from another forum or site and pawned it off as your own. Just my opinion, I could be wrong though
If Shankman is correct.
:warning If so ..... Then not cool. :warning
Please don't take credit for work (words) that are not yours.
A slight disclaimer at the beginning of the post stating that you saw this on another site or you could quote the original poster. Then asking what others may think of the strategy or if they agree or disagree may be ok.
Original is good. :thumbsup
Plagiarized is not. :eek:

If you're absolutely accessible to win your next poker clash again you charge to apperceive absolutely what is captivation you back. Here's some abundant tips that should admonition you get added in the next clash you access in:
1. Set out a PLAN and STICK to it!
Before you even sit down at the clash table you should accept a PLAN that you are committed to afraid to. You charge to apperceive absolutely what you are accommodating to go all in with and absolutely what you should not be accomplishing (chasing too abounding even draws, beeline draws, etc.) You should accept what situations you are aggravating to break in and chase through with your PLAN!
It's astonishing to me if I see players go all in aural the aboriginal 10 easily of a tournament. The players has a dent assemblage of 10,000 and the blinds are 10/20 yet they are traveling all in pre-flop with easily like AQ and AJ, that's BAD dent administration and BAD poker strategy! Play accommodating and yield risks accordant to area the blinds are advanced in the tournament. If it's aboriginal in the clash and you accept a adequate dent assemblage there's no acumen to accident your clash activity on a bread cast bearings with a duke such as AK. Instead, you should be focused on out arena your adversary afterwards the flop.
3. Play to WIN!
Many players, even professionals are accusable of this but it in fact absolutely hurts your end aftereffect in both Sit-N-Go's and big tournaments. As tournaments get abutting to cashing abounding players will be arena just to banknote in the clash and get their aboriginal buy-in back. To exhausted your opponents in the table, you charge a complete set of absolute time acceptable admonition and suggestion. You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH. What this agency is as it starts to get down appear the money you should not alpha arena ultra-tight just because you wish to get your aboriginal buy-in back. You charge to break committed to your PLAN and play to WIN!
Good play comes from experience. Get out there and chase a plan and acceptable strategy. Let's play some poker!

Great post, i hate when people dont really play to the blinds in the beggining of tourneys. makes it so frustrating

If you're absolutely accessible to win your next poker clash again you charge to apperceive absolutely what is captivation you back. Here's some abundant tips that should admonition you get added in the next clash you access in:
1. Set out a PLAN and STICK to it!
Before you even sit down at the clash table you should accept a PLAN that you are committed to afraid to. You charge to apperceive absolutely what you are accommodating to go all in with and absolutely what you should not be accomplishing (chasing too abounding even draws, beeline draws, etc.) You should accept what situations you are aggravating to break in and chase through with your PLAN!
It's astonishing to me if I see players go all in aural the aboriginal 10 easily of a tournament. The players has a dent assemblage of 10,000 and the blinds are 10/20 yet they are traveling all in pre-flop with easily like AQ and AJ, that's BAD dent administration and BAD poker strategy! Play accommodating and yield risks accordant to area the blinds are advanced in the tournament. If it's aboriginal in the clash and you accept a adequate dent assemblage there's no acumen to accident your clash activity on a bread cast bearings with a duke such as AK. Instead, you should be focused on out arena your adversary afterwards the flop.
3. Play to WIN!
Many players, even professionals are accusable of this but it in fact absolutely hurts your end aftereffect in both Sit-N-Go's and big tournaments. As tournaments get abutting to cashing abounding players will be arena just to banknote in the clash and get their aboriginal buy-in back. To exhausted your opponents in the table, you charge a complete set of absolute time acceptable admonition and suggestion. You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH. What this agency is as it starts to get down appear the money you should not alpha arena ultra-tight just because you wish to get your aboriginal buy-in back. You charge to break committed to your PLAN and play to WIN!
Good play comes from experience. Get out there and chase a plan and acceptable strategy. Let's play some poker!

Very nice post. Great tips. I got the patience down pack, but I can't stop people from calling vs my top hands and getting lucky. Without a crystal ball, poker is still gonna be hard. X
My main problem is to keep in course my strategy. In the middle of tournament I usually try a semi-bluff or a draw out of time and everything blows!

Very interesting post.
My main problem is to keep in course my strategy. In the middle of tournament I usually try a semi-bluff or a draw out of time and everything blows!
1. Set out a PLAN and STICK to it!
Before you even sit down at the clash table you should accept a PLAN that you are committed to afraid to. You charge to apperceive absolutely what you are accommodating to go all in with and absolutely what you should not be accomplishing (chasing too abounding even draws, beeline draws, etc.) You should accept what situations you are aggravating to break in and chase through with your PLAN!
It's astonishing to me if I see players go all in aural the aboriginal 10 easily of a tournament. The players has a dent assemblage of 10,000 and the blinds are 10/20 yet they are traveling all in pre-flop with easily like AQ and AJ, that's BAD dent administration and BAD poker strategy! Play accommodating and yield risks accordant to area the blinds are advanced in the tournament. If it's aboriginal in the clash and you accept a adequate dent assemblage there's no acumen to accident your clash activity on a bread cast bearings with a duke such as AK. Instead, you should be focused on out arena your adversary afterwards the flop.
3. Play to WIN!
Many players, even professionals are accusable of this but it in fact absolutely hurts your end aftereffect in both Sit-N-Go's and big tournaments. As tournaments get abutting to cashing abounding players will be arena just to banknote in the clash and get their aboriginal buy-in back. To exhausted your opponents in the table, you charge a complete set of absolute time acceptable admonition and suggestion. You can acquisition all the advice from actuality - Poker Software and Tools (Texas Calculatem, Calculatem Pro, Holdem Genius, Sit & Go Shark, Poker Usher, Coach Rounder, and Poker Crusher). You should be arena to WIN, not just to CASH. What this agency is as it starts to get down appear the money you should not alpha arena ultra-tight just because you wish to get your aboriginal buy-in back. You charge to break committed to your PLAN and play to WIN!
Good play comes from experience. Get out there and chase a plan and acceptable strategy. Let's play some poker!