Often, after I bust out of a tourney, I will go back and look at the hand(s) that cost me the game. It usually boils down to one bad fold and 1 bad bet. This is the difference, more often than not, between winning and losing. There is always that runner runner suckout that there was no way to avoid, but it is the exception, not the rule. In my best tourneys there is usually that one critical hand where I made the right choice that made the difference, Sometimes it's a fold, sometimes its a call, sometimes it's the all in, And sometimes it's, yes, the suckout. But you can't win consistantly relying on the suckout. It is often times more prudent to pass than gamble. Aggressive play works well in the latter stages as long as your not wreckless and don't make yourself an easy read. Good luck on the felts.

Exactly - You can't win consistantly :crying
Focus and concentration without distractions can many times does make the difference between success and complete Tilting off not only one but a string of Tournaments
No consistent wining by relying on suck-outs.
Some will never learn that lesson

Often, after I bust out of a tourney, I will go back and look at the hand(s) that cost me the game. It usually boils down to one bad fold and 1 bad bet. This is the difference, more often than not, between winning and losing. There is always that runner runner suckout that there was no way to avoid, but it is the exception, not the rule. In my best tourneys there is usually that one critical hand where I made the right choice that made the difference, Sometimes it's a fold, sometimes its a call, sometimes it's the all in, And sometimes it's, yes, the suckout. But you can't win consistantly relying on the suckout. It is often times more prudent to pass than gamble. Aggressive play works well in the latter stages as long as your not wreckless and don't make yourself an easy read. Good luck on the felts.

I like your post. I have made it to the money a bunch of times, but when it comes to first place, I have less. I think the hardest thing to stomach is the small amount of skill required to make the final table for some and the amount of luck it takes for others. I like the skill of the game, but the luck sucks. If it is a true suck out with totally crappy cards, then I have to wonder why the person called at all. X

Yes Tall, Often when i replay or look over the hh. I can see where I went wrong. And often it's the gut feeling ya have as you make that final call knowing that you should not make it. And the Hail mary's that come your way can be a sigh of relief.

I understand what is being said, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I know I should play the odds and try to get in with the best of it. It might be that I am a little upset right now ( just got crushed in a $1/2 cash game), but I guess I just can't figure how to win at a table where everyone calls any amount. Idk. I am just frustrated with my results even when I have actually been winning most of the year.
Moral of the story, no matter how good, how hot, or successful you will always lose to 4% runners 2 outters, and bad decisions or good ones that were very wrong.
I ended up bubbling in that last tourney, if I called all in with JJ i'd of been double the 2nd place in chips and even if I sat out I'd of coasted to an easy 2nd or 3rd place finish.
Anways good luck and the only way you lose if you are good is by tilting.

It's hard to always make a good lay down, or a loose but correct call. I went through a stage where I won 3, placed 2nd twice, and cashed in 10 straight tournaments. The 11th I had JJ in the BB and was middle stack late in a tourney. I see a raise and reraise then an all in. So I fold Jacks. The original raise folds and the reraise calls. They show 99 and 55
Moral of the story, no matter how good, how hot, or successful you will always lose to 4% runners 2 outters, and bad decisions or good ones that were very wrong.
I ended up bubbling in that last tourney, if I called all in with JJ i'd of been double the 2nd place in chips and even if I sat out I'd of coasted to an easy 2nd or 3rd place finish.
Anways good luck and the only way you lose if you are good is by tilting.

Further the point, Just trapped QQ vs my AA river comes queen, and I lose to yet another river 2 outter. Happens (alot) but that's no surprise if I get my chips in with 1 pair. I like my straights and flushes

It's the river, man, that 'ole man river....

Be happy with the money wins that come your way. I have moneyed in 11 straight tourneys and also have been out of the money 11 tourneys in a row. I remember to play within my bankroll to not be out of the fun.