Was playing in the UK private freeroll on FT last night was doing quite well stack was about 67000, had been playing like forever, eyes were sore screen was becoming blurred and had been up since 5.30 and had to get up the same time today, convinced I could have been in top ten but tiredness got the better of me and ended up losing.

That is why its a good thing to set a playing schedule so you won't be distracted or something like staying up to late and worring about work won't mess with your game.

Was playing in the UK private freeroll on FT last night was doing quite well stack was about 67000, had been playing like forever, eyes were sore screen was becoming blurred and had been up since 5.30 and had to get up the same time today, convinced I could have been in top ten but tiredness got the better of me and ended up losing.

Happens all the time. Its seems you are guaranteed your best game, if you are scheduled for work or have an appt to be someplace. You can never get a great game going if the rest of your day is totally open. Stay busy.

That is the hard part about entering tournaments. In order to do well chances are you need to have a whole lot of time haddy. I find that once I start to get exhausted or frustrated....I make bad choices. Nothing worse then playing well for hours and then start making bad moves when good play is needed most.
I work a full time job. Mostly 12 hour days. I seldom sign up for these long grinds unless I'm off the next day. I have played these to the weee hours of the morn and gone to work dead on my feet the next day and it doesn't work out to well. Both results, the game and the results at work.
The best poker players in the world are masters of the grind. They patiently wait, grinding the hours waiting on their opponent to make that critical mistake. That fatal error. And they make them pay for it. I will probably never reach that level. But I will never give up trying.

Poker is a game of patience. We have all been there. The 5,6,7 hour grinds just to get tired and make that one crucial mistake. That is where preperation is the key. Be rested. Clear your schedule. Take a break now and then.
I work a full time job. Mostly 12 hour days. I seldom sign up for these long grinds unless I'm off the next day. I have played these to the weee hours of the morn and gone to work dead on my feet the next day and it doesn't work out to well. Both results, the game and the results at work.
The best poker players in the world are masters of the grind. They patiently wait, grinding the hours waiting on their opponent to make that critical mistake. That fatal error. And they make them pay for it. I will probably never reach that level. But I will never give up trying.

Tough to get thru some of these tourneys they seem to go forever .but ya got to be prepared for the long grind when playin . i also work a ton of hours so do not play a lot of these during the week .
This here is coming from a guy who has done like I have... woke up with imprints of the keyboard on your face... LMAO😡
Really though... the long tough grinds are extra tough when you get in one and say to yourself...well .. I'll just play for a while and when I get too tired.. I'll go to bed. Then after about 3 or 4 hours.. your at or near the lead and you have been in a couple of monster pots.. the heart got pumped and your wide awake.. so you decide to play longer.... then.. it hits you. Your at the final table and you can't keep your eyes open or your mouth shut from all the yawning.. lol!
It happens.. and is called.. Hooked on online Poker!! LOL!
Much better to only plan on playing when you know you have plenty of time to play the whole tournament out even to the point if you should win it. Will that always be the case for me..who is giving out this advice? Well........ always ... is a relative statement lol!:rolleyes:

tough to get thru some of these tourneys they seem to go forever .but ya got to be prepared for the long grind when playin . i also work a ton of hours so do not play a lot of these during the week .
This here is coming from a guy who has done like I have... woke up with imprints of the keyboard on your face... LMAO😡
Really though... the long tough grinds are extra tough when you get in one and say to yourself...well .. I'll just play for a while and when I get too tired.. I'll go to bed. Then after about 3 or 4 hours.. your at or near the lead and you have been in a couple of monster pots.. the heart got pumped and your wide awake.. so you decide to play longer.... then.. it hits you. Your at the final table and you can't keep your eyes open or your mouth shut from all the yawning.. lol!
It happens.. and is called.. Hooked on online Poker!! LOL!
Much better to only plan on playing when you know you have plenty of time to play the whole tournament out even to the point if you should win it. Will that always be the case for me..who is giving out this advice? Well........ always ... is a relative statement lol!:rolleyes:
Have to agree got to schedule it, or at least make sure if you final table it will be worth the $HR can somewhat justify.

One of the reason I avoid freerolls nighly freerolls on full tilt. I cashed in the USA freeroll a few months ago got 8th for like 8 bucks. Took between 6-7 hours. Hardly worth the time, especially since i deposited already.
Have to agree got to schedule it, or at least make sure if you final table it will be worth the $HR can somewhat justify.

That's why I like 8 minute blinds...It may be a disadvantage to better players, but it makes for a shorter tourney. :thumbsup

One of the reason I avoid freerolls nighly freerolls on full tilt. I cashed in the USA freeroll a few months ago got 8th for like 8 bucks. Took between 6-7 hours. Hardly worth the time, especially since i deposited already.
Have to agree got to schedule it, or at least make sure if you final table it will be worth the $HR can somewhat justify.
Have to agree got to schedule it, or at least make sure if you final table it will be worth the $HR can somewhat justify.
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Late starts are a problem for me too. Not gonna spend money -- or tickets I've won -- on a game that I might not possibly be able to finish. I kept skipping the DoylesRoom Sunday Grand for just that reason -- it used to start at 22:00 ET -- now I keep forgetting that they moved it up to 20:00. Still kinda borderline for a Sunday night, but better than before. . .
As for the $/hr, well, that's for each individual to decide for themselves. $1/hr is pretty good compared to some of these freerolls where you play 2-3 hours and may still pocket less than a dime or a quarter, if you finish ITM at all. . . :rolleyes:[/FONT]

I have a little poker diary i keep for myself, one of the first notes i jotted down was, "dont enter tourneys you dont have the energy to finish". just a lesson learned
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I would add to that, "don't enter tourneys you don't have the energy to start." You cannot play your A-game when your mind is off somewhere else or starting to shut down. . .
This weekend was a prime example; by the time the ixgames Sunday game rolled around I was so fried from the rest of the weekend I had nothing left and knew it wasn't going to go well. I wasn't wrong. . . :crying[/FONT]

That's why I like 8 minute blinds...It may be a disadvantage to better players, but it makes for a shorter tourney. :thumbsup
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]If you like those, head for the real turbo tourneys: 5 minute levels or less. . . 😉[/FONT]

One of the reason I avoid freerolls nighly freerolls on full tilt. I cashed in the USA freeroll a few months ago got 8th for like 8 bucks. Took between 6-7 hours. Hardly worth the time, especially since i deposited already.
Have to agree got to schedule it, or at least make sure if you final table it will be worth the $HR can somewhat justify.
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Late starts are a problem for me too. Not gonna spend money -- or tickets I've won -- on a game that I might not possibly be able to finish. I kept skipping the DoylesRoom Sunday Grand for just that reason -- it used to start at 22:00 ET -- now I keep forgetting that they moved it up to 20:00. Still kinda borderline for a Sunday night, but better than before. . .
As for the $/hr, well, that's for each individual to decide for themselves. $1/hr is pretty good compared to some of these freerolls where you play 2-3 hours and may still pocket less than a dime or a quarter, if you finish ITM at all. . . :rolleyes:[/FONT]
As for the $/hr, well, that's for each individual to decide for themselves. $1/hr is pretty good compared to some of these freerolls where you play 2-3 hours and may still pocket less than a dime or a quarter, if you finish ITM at all. . . :rolleyes:[/FONT]
Yep the $/hr is up to the person thats for sure. And if someone has no BR than freerolls is the only way to start. I've had some decent cashes in the past month which makes me shy away from freerolls more.
I could spend $0 and make 8 in 6hrs or spend $10 and make $300 in 4hrs.
Just a couple example,s ive done both. In the end risk/time/reward all factors.

That's why I like 8 minute blinds...It may be a disadvantage to better players, but it makes for a shorter tourney. :thumbsup

Was playing in the UK private freeroll on FT last night was doing quite well stack was about 67000, had been playing like forever, eyes were sore screen was becoming blurred and had been up since 5.30 and had to get up the same time today, convinced I could have been in top ten but tiredness got the better of me and ended up losing.