One of the biggest mistakes I make is playing while I'm just plain tired. This often leads to mistakes. I work a fulltime job and put in a lot of hours. 55-65 a week in a high stress enviroment. Poker in the afternoons is a way for me to wind down....but sometimes you just realize your too tired to play and make mistakes.
Case in point. I came home last night after a 14 hr day...not counting drive time. I had been up since 1:00 AM. It was now 9:00 pm. I plunk $10 bucks down on the omaha table. Win a few hands. Then it happens. Misread my hand. Had QQ/10-10 rainbow. flop was Q-9-10. Yep . I continue to call down to the river thinking I have the boat.
Lesson...when your that tired; GO TO BED:warning

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Absolutely right, Tall. If you're not fully awake and concious you are going to be prone to mistakes. Better to take a day off from the tables and recover a bit. In all likelihood, the same fish you fed today will be there tomorrow for you to feed on tomorrow anyway. . .[/FONT]
No Sleep and waking to here the warning that your time is up.
Looking at your hand to see AA and making you feel sick as you scramble to click.
I feel the pain.

One of the biggest mistakes I make is playing while I'm just plain tired. This often leads to mistakes. I work a fulltime job and put in a lot of hours. 55-65 a week in a high stress enviroment. Poker in the afternoons is a way for me to wind down....but sometimes you just realize your too tired to play and make mistakes.
Case in point. I came home last night after a 14 hr day...not counting drive time. I had been up since 1:00 AM. It was now 9:00 pm. I plunk $10 bucks down on the omaha table. Win a few hands. Then it happens. Misread my hand. Had QQ/10-10 rainbow. flop was Q-9-10. Yep . I continue to call down to the river thinking I have the boat.
Lesson...when your that tired; GO TO BED:warning

Yup. guilty of it myself. I would play 24/7 if i could and pretty much have been doing so latlely. So this past week not so much as I needed a break to gear up for some good games this weekend. Not realy how I want to spend my memorial day but smaller 1k monthly and some private freerolls looks like in between flippn burgers and memorial day parade i will be on line playing. good luck all this weekend and Never Forget!. Freerollbird

I am at my worst when tired, i tend to put a time limit on my entry into games. specially if i have to work next day.

Well you are right man, i do same mistakes, i play when i`m tired or not in mood for poker and ussualy i dont do anything else than losing money. you must avoid to play when you are tired, you just won't be able to play 100% concentrated.

Auto pilot works for me.

Sleeeeeep is overrated.
Auto pilot works for me.
1...Of course ...Everyone's bluffing, so call.
2...Of course ...I still have two outs left so bet big.
3...four opps see flop I have pocket pair (22) go all-in... of course ... no one will call.
I hate play/losing tired! :crying

Playing tired is "harmfull" to your stack and when I get tired:
1...Of course ...Everyone's bluffing, so call.
2...Of course ...I still have two outs left so bet big.
3...four opps see flop I have pocket pair (22) go all-in... of course ... no one will call.
I hate play/losing tired! :crying
So yup! Going to bed is a great idea. π

I have to agree! Playing tired is just asking for trouble. Especially when it avalanches into a full out tilt. :X Happened to me more than just a couple of times...oh boy...
So yup! Going to bed is a great idea. π

Playing tired is like playing drunk. mistakes = bad calls. been there and still doing it DOH

I can understand playing tired is no good but I can also understand that getting dealt good cards is a factor in winning at poker.So If I was tired and got dealt pocket rockets chances are I would awaken a bit more and increase my chances at winning some more hands.
Case in point. I came home last night after a 14 hr day...not counting drive time. I had been up since 1:00 AM. It was now 9:00 pm. I plunk $10 bucks down on the omaha table. Win a few hands. Then it happens. Misread my hand. Had QQ/10-10 rainbow. flop was Q-9-10. Yep . I continue to call down to the river thinking I have the boat.
Lesson...when your that tired; GO TO BED:warning