Using poker software and sites help in so many ways, figured I'd share some software I use/used or heard about and my thoughts on them. Along with some websites to help.
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all.
HUD software:
Arguably the best investment a poker player can make outside of training sites, the HUD (heads up display) portion of the software can really help you make reads,hand ranging,remembering how players play and multi-table.
(these pics are of PT3 hud, other huds are very similar)
Example HUD Pic #1 (full table)
Example HUD Pic #2 (individual HUD pics w/stat explanations)
Poker Tracker 3.
$90 one time buy. 90 day free trial.
This software provides a great HUD on your poker table that is fully customizable to show stats and actions of people at the table with you. Showing stats like preflop raise percent to river check raise percent and everything in between.
It also provides you with ways to self analyze your play. Track your winnings and loses. Using filters that you can customize you can review hands only when do certain things, like have Pocket A's, or C-bet a flop.
Hold'em Manager & Omaha Manager
$55-$145. 15 day free Trial
(Can get $5 discount if a member of Pokerpwnage and buy through their link)
Can get for free if you sign up to a poker site through their link, deposit and earn X# points
Much like Poker Tracker 3 in almost every way. Great HUD, great software to analyze your play. Main difference is that this software is known for being lighter on PC requirements and resources, causing less "freezes" when multi-tabling a lot of tables.
Poker Office
$100 a year
Can get for free using same sign up,deposit,earn x# point system.
Again, provides solid HUD, with self analysis software.
Not as popular as the first two, due to recurring yearly membership.
The two most important stats you will get from the HUDs are.
VP$IP=Voluntary put money in preflop
PFR=Preflop raise percent
Using those two stats, and this hand ranger calculator will help develop your hand ranging skills. Obv, the hand ranger isn't right all the time cause people play differently, but it's a solid baseline.
Helpful Charts and Calculators:
ICM=Independent Chip Model
It's a way to put dollar value on your chips based off the payouts in a sng.
It's best used in single table SNG's, but has value in other SNG's and MTT's as well.
3 places paid ICM calc
5 places paid ICM calc
Upto 10 places paid ICM calc
Push/fold Calc using ICM
A very useful tool that's hard to summarize up, suggest clicking link and reading that page. (don't worry it's short)
Free tools, pay to use session tracker.
Takes a min to learn all the tools here, but worth the time.
Push chart (in pdf format)
Nice charts to help determine when short stacked if pushing is profitable, based on ICM and how tight/loose your opponents are.
Another Push chart (in google docs)
Solid chart, for single table SNGs.
Misc Tools:
Popopop Universal Replayer
Useful hand replayer supported on all OS's and supported with many languages. Set up filters to only look at hand types you want.
It's a free program that make taking screen shots much easier and faster. Handy for forum posting and saving a poker table image (or the lobby of the poker tourney you just won!)
Live tour poker sites:
WSOP official site. (World Series Of Poker,Often seen on ESPN)
WPT official site (World Poker Tour,often seen on TV)
EPT Official site (European Poker Tour)
HPT official site (Heartland Poker Tour)
APPT official site (Asian Pacific Poker Tour)
Training Sites:
These kind of sites usually require a monthly membership.
They often provide many benefits to members of the site, and some sites have different levels of membership granting or restricting their access to sections of the site.
Often the best parts of these sites are the Video sections.Where you can watch pros from the site play, with their hole cards revealed and explaining each and everything they are doing. Most times this is done in a "live" format where the players record as they play then post the video. Other times it's done using a hand replayer where they take more time to explain things generally.
One of the other great advantages to these sites is their member only forums. Where you can ask questions about videos, post HH's to be reviewed by pros for constructive criticism, ask about game theory, math and anything else you need help with.
Some have mem
Much better if FREE membership.😁

Using poker software and sites help in so many ways, figured I'd share some software I use/used or heard about and my thoughts on them. Along with some websites to help.
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all.
HUD software:
Arguably the best investment a poker player can make outside of training sites, the HUD (heads up display) portion of the software can really help you make reads,hand ranging,remembering how players play and multi-table.
(these pics are of PT3 hud, other huds are very similar)
Example HUD Pic #1 (full table)
Example HUD Pic #2 (individual HUD pics w/stat explanations)
Poker Tracker 3.
$90 one time buy. 90 day free trial.
This software provides a great HUD on your poker table that is fully customizable to show stats and actions of people at the table with you. Showing stats like preflop raise percent to river check raise percent and everything in between.
It also provides you with ways to self analyze your play. Track your winnings and loses. Using filters that you can customize you can review hands only when do certain things, like have Pocket A's, or C-bet a flop.
Hold'em Manager & Omaha Manager
$55-$145. 15 day free Trial
(Can get $5 discount if a member of Pokerpwnage and buy through their link)
Can get for free if you sign up to a poker site through their link, deposit and earn X# points
Much like Poker Tracker 3 in almost every way. Great HUD, great software to analyze your play. Main difference is that this software is known for being lighter on PC requirements and resources, causing less "freezes" when multi-tabling a lot of tables.
Poker Office
$100 a year
Can get for free using same sign up,deposit,earn x# point system.
Again, provides solid HUD, with self analysis software.
Not as popular as the first two, due to recurring yearly membership.
The two most important stats you will get from the HUDs are.
VP$IP=Voluntary put money in preflop
PFR=Preflop raise percent
Using those two stats, and this hand ranger calculator will help develop your hand ranging skills. Obv, the hand ranger isn't right all the time cause people play differently, but it's a solid baseline.
Helpful Charts and Calculators:
ICM=Independent Chip Model
It's a way to put dollar value on your chips based off the payouts in a sng.
It's best used in single table SNG's, but has value in other SNG's and MTT's as well.
3 places paid ICM calc
5 places paid ICM calc
Upto 10 places paid ICM calc
Push/fold Calc using ICM
A very useful tool that's hard to summarize up, suggest clicking link and reading that page. (don't worry it's short)
Free tools, pay to use session tracker.
Takes a min to learn all the tools here, but worth the time.
Push chart (in pdf format)
Nice charts to help determine when short stacked if pushing is profitable, based on ICM and how tight/loose your opponents are.
Another Push chart (in google docs)
Solid chart, for single table SNGs.
Misc Tools:
Popopop Universal Replayer
Useful hand replayer supported on all OS's and supported with many languages. Set up filters to only look at hand types you want.
It's a free program that make taking screen shots much easier and faster. Handy for forum posting and saving a poker table image (or the lobby of the poker tourney you just won!)
Live tour poker sites:
WSOP official site. (World Series Of Poker,Often seen on ESPN)
WPT official site (World Poker Tour,often seen on TV)
EPT Official site (European Poker Tour)
HPT official site (Heartland Poker Tour)
APPT official site (Asian Pacific Poker Tour)
Training Sites:
These kind of sites usually require a monthly membership.
They often provide many benefits to members of the site, and some sites have different levels of membership granting or restricting their access to sections of the site.
Often the best parts of these sites are the Video sections.Where you can watch pros from the site play, with their hole cards revealed and explaining each and everything they are doing. Most times this is done in a "live" format where the players record as they play then post the video. Other times it's done using a hand replayer where they take more time to explain things generally.
One of the other great advantages to these sites is their member only forums. Where you can ask questions about videos, post HH's to be reviewed by pros for constructive criticism, ask about game theory, math and anything else you need help with.
Some have mem

Thanks, I don't use any software yet but it can only help your game and it's nice to see a lot of different options available conveniently posted in one place. Great post!

Using software may really help in improving your game. Its great to see that there are so many options available.
Yeah it is awesome to know about all these software, as their are lots of option for improving your game.these softwares helps in playing online casino.
Thanks & Keep Sharing!

Yeah it is awesome to know about all these software, as their are lots of option for improving your game.these softwares helps in playing online casino.
Thanks & Keep Sharing!

Using poker software and sites help in so many ways, figured I'd share some software I use/used or heard about and my thoughts on them. Along with some websites to help.
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all.
HUD software:
Arguably the best investment a poker player can make outside of training sites, the HUD (heads up display) portion of the software can really help you make reads,hand ranging,remembering how players play and multi-table.
(these pics are of PT3 hud, other huds are very similar)
Example HUD Pic #1 (full table)
Example HUD Pic #2 (individual HUD pics w/stat explanations)
Poker Tracker 3.
$90 one time buy. 90 day free trial.
This software provides a great HUD on your poker table that is fully customizable to show stats and actions of people at the table with you. Showing stats like preflop raise percent to river check raise percent and everything in between.
It also provides you with ways to self analyze your play. Track your winnings and loses. Using filters that you can customize you can review hands only when do certain things, like have Pocket A's, or C-bet a flop.
Hold'em Manager & Omaha Manager
$55-$145. 15 day free Trial
(Can get $5 discount if a member of Pokerpwnage and buy through their link)
Can get for free if you sign up to a poker site through their link, deposit and earn X# points
Much like Poker Tracker 3 in almost every way. Great HUD, great software to analyze your play. Main difference is that this software is known for being lighter on PC requirements and resources, causing less "freezes" when multi-tabling a lot of tables.
Poker Office
$100 a year
Can get for free using same sign up,deposit,earn x# point system.
Again, provides solid HUD, with self analysis software.
Not as popular as the first two, due to recurring yearly membership.
The two most important stats you will get from the HUDs are.
VP$IP=Voluntary put money in preflop
PFR=Preflop raise percent
Using those two stats, and this hand ranger calculator will help develop your hand ranging skills. Obv, the hand ranger isn't right all the time cause people play differently, but it's a solid baseline.
Helpful Charts and Calculators:
ICM=Independent Chip Model
It's a way to put dollar value on your chips based off the payouts in a sng.
It's best used in single table SNG's, but has value in other SNG's and MTT's as well.
3 places paid ICM calc
5 places paid ICM calc
Upto 10 places paid ICM calc
Push/fold Calc using ICM
A very useful tool that's hard to summarize up, suggest clicking link and reading that page. (don't worry it's short)
Free tools, pay to use session tracker.
Takes a min to learn all the tools here, but worth the time.
Push chart (in pdf format)
Nice charts to help determine when short stacked if pushing is profitable, based on ICM and how tight/loose your opponents are.
Another Push chart (in google docs)
Solid chart, for single table SNGs.
Misc Tools:
Popopop Universal Replayer
Useful hand replayer supported on all OS's and supported with many languages. Set up filters to only look at hand types you want.
It's a free program that make taking screen shots much easier and faster. Handy for forum posting and saving a poker table image (or the lobby of the poker tourney you just won!)
Live tour poker sites:
WSOP official site. (World Series Of Poker,Often seen on ESPN)
WPT official site (World Poker Tour,often seen on TV)
EPT Official site (European Poker Tour)
HPT official site (Heartland Poker Tour)
APPT official site (Asian Pacific Poker Tour)
Training Sites:
These kind of sites usually require a monthly membership.
They often provide many benefits to members of the site, and some sites have different levels of membership granting or restricting their access to sections of the site.
Often the best parts of these sites are the Video sections.Where you can watch pros from the site play, with their hole cards revealed and explaining each and everything they are doing. Most times this is done in a "live" format where the players record as they play then post the video. Other times it's done using a hand replayer where they take more time to explain things generally.
One of the other great advantages to these sites is their member only forums. Where you can ask questions about videos, post HH's to be reviewed by pros for constructive criticism, ask about game theory, math and anything else you need help with.
Some have mem

Hmmhh😟? Sounds interesting..
Much better if FREE membership.😁

Much money Sir! GL

Using poker software and sites help in so many ways, figured I'd share some software I use/used or heard about and my thoughts on them. Along with some websites to help.
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all.
HUD software:
Arguably the best investment a poker player can make outside of training sites, the HUD (heads up display) portion of the software can really help you make reads,hand ranging,remembering how players play and multi-table.
(these pics are of PT3 hud, other huds are very similar)
Example HUD Pic #1 (full table)
Example HUD Pic #2 (individual HUD pics w/stat explanations)
Poker Tracker 3.
$90 one time buy. 90 day free trial.
This software provides a great HUD on your poker table that is fully customizable to show stats and actions of people at the table with you. Showing stats like preflop raise percent to river check raise percent and everything in between.
It also provides you with ways to self analyze your play. Track your winnings and loses. Using filters that you can customize you can review hands only when do certain things, like have Pocket A's, or C-bet a flop.
Hold'em Manager & Omaha Manager
$55-$145. 15 day free Trial
(Can get $5 discount if a member of Pokerpwnage and buy through their link)
Can get for free if you sign up to a poker site through their link, deposit and earn X# points
Much like Poker Tracker 3 in almost every way. Great HUD, great software to analyze your play. Main difference is that this software is known for being lighter on PC requirements and resources, causing less "freezes" when multi-tabling a lot of tables.
Poker Office
$100 a year
Can get for free using same sign up,deposit,earn x# point system.
Again, provides solid HUD, with self analysis software.
Not as popular as the first two, due to recurring yearly membership.
The two most important stats you will get from the HUDs are.
VP$IP=Voluntary put money in preflop
PFR=Preflop raise percent
Using those two stats, and this hand ranger calculator will help develop your hand ranging skills. Obv, the hand ranger isn't right all the time cause people play differently, but it's a solid baseline.
Helpful Charts and Calculators:
ICM=Independent Chip Model
It's a way to put dollar value on your chips based off the payouts in a sng.
It's best used in single table SNG's, but has value in other SNG's and MTT's as well.
3 places paid ICM calc
5 places paid ICM calc
Upto 10 places paid ICM calc
Push/fold Calc using ICM
A very useful tool that's hard to summarize up, suggest clicking link and reading that page. (don't worry it's short)
Free tools, pay to use session tracker.
Takes a min to learn all the tools here, but worth the time.
Push chart (in pdf format)
Nice charts to help determine when short stacked if pushing is profitable, based on ICM and how tight/loose your opponents are.
Another Push chart (in google docs)
Solid chart, for single table SNGs.
Misc Tools:
Popopop Universal Replayer
Useful hand replayer supported on all OS's and supported with many languages. Set up filters to only look at hand types you want.
It's a free program that make taking screen shots much easier and faster. Handy for forum posting and saving a poker table image (or the lobby of the poker tourney you just won!)
Live tour poker sites:
WSOP official site. (World Series Of Poker,Often seen on ESPN)
WPT official site (World Poker Tour,often seen on TV)
EPT Official site (European Poker Tour)
HPT official site (Heartland Poker Tour)
APPT official site (Asian Pacific Poker Tour)
Training Sites:
These kind of sites usually require a monthly membership.
They often provide many benefits to members of the site, and some sites have different levels of membership granting or restricting their access to sections of the site.
Often the best parts of these sites are the Video sections.Where you can watch pros from the site play, with their hole cards revealed and explaining each and everything they are doing. Most times this is done in a "live" format where the players record as they play then post the video. Other times it's done using a hand replayer where they take more time to explain things generally.
One of the other great advantages to these sites is their member only forums. Where you can ask questions about videos, post HH's to be reviewed by pros for constructive criticism, ask about game theory, math and anything else you need help with.
Some have mem
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all. [/url]
I am obviously a small time player in contrast to you. But really appreciate the guideance provided here. I had no idea all this software is available. Have mucked around with one small bit of software, but amateur stuff compared to these.
Thnx heaps

Using poker software and sites help in so many ways, figured I'd share some software I use/used or heard about and my thoughts on them. Along with some websites to help.
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all. [/url]
I am obviously a small time player in contrast to you. But really appreciate the guideance provided here. I had no idea all this software is available. Have mucked around with one small bit of software, but amateur stuff compared to these.
Thnx heaps
Unless a price is directly listed below the site/software name, is free to use.
None of the sites or software promoted here are mine. There are no hidden referral links, so I hope you enjoy. Some of the stuff I found on my own, some through other posts,forums etc. This is just my attempt to organize and collect them into one nice location for all.
HUD software:
Arguably the best investment a poker player can make outside of training sites, the HUD (heads up display) portion of the software can really help you make reads,hand ranging,remembering how players play and multi-table.
(these pics are of PT3 hud, other huds are very similar)
Example HUD Pic #1 (full table)
Example HUD Pic #2 (individual HUD pics w/stat explanations)
Poker Tracker 3.
$90 one time buy. 90 day free trial.
This software provides a great HUD on your poker table that is fully customizable to show stats and actions of people at the table with you. Showing stats like preflop raise percent to river check raise percent and everything in between.
It also provides you with ways to self analyze your play. Track your winnings and loses. Using filters that you can customize you can review hands only when do certain things, like have Pocket A's, or C-bet a flop.
Hold'em Manager & Omaha Manager
$55-$145. 15 day free Trial
(Can get $5 discount if a member of Pokerpwnage and buy through their link)
Can get for free if you sign up to a poker site through their link, deposit and earn X# points
Much like Poker Tracker 3 in almost every way. Great HUD, great software to analyze your play. Main difference is that this software is known for being lighter on PC requirements and resources, causing less "freezes" when multi-tabling a lot of tables.
Poker Office
$100 a year
Can get for free using same sign up,deposit,earn x# point system.
Again, provides solid HUD, with self analysis software.
Not as popular as the first two, due to recurring yearly membership.
The two most important stats you will get from the HUDs are.
VP$IP=Voluntary put money in preflop
PFR=Preflop raise percent
Using those two stats, and this hand ranger calculator will help develop your hand ranging skills. Obv, the hand ranger isn't right all the time cause people play differently, but it's a solid baseline.
Helpful Charts and Calculators:
ICM=Independent Chip Model
It's a way to put dollar value on your chips based off the payouts in a sng.
It's best used in single table SNG's, but has value in other SNG's and MTT's as well.
3 places paid ICM calc
5 places paid ICM calc
Upto 10 places paid ICM calc
Push/fold Calc using ICM
A very useful tool that's hard to summarize up, suggest clicking link and reading that page. (don't worry it's short)
Free tools, pay to use session tracker.
Takes a min to learn all the tools here, but worth the time.
Push chart (in pdf format)
Nice charts to help determine when short stacked if pushing is profitable, based on ICM and how tight/loose your opponents are.
Another Push chart (in google docs)
Solid chart, for single table SNGs.
Misc Tools:
Popopop Universal Replayer
Useful hand replayer supported on all OS's and supported with many languages. Set up filters to only look at hand types you want.
It's a free program that make taking screen shots much easier and faster. Handy for forum posting and saving a poker table image (or the lobby of the poker tourney you just won!)
Live tour poker sites:
WSOP official site. (World Series Of Poker,Often seen on ESPN)
WPT official site (World Poker Tour,often seen on TV)
EPT Official site (European Poker Tour)
HPT official site (Heartland Poker Tour)
APPT official site (Asian Pacific Poker Tour)
Training Sites:
These kind of sites usually require a monthly membership.
They often provide many benefits to members of the site, and some sites have different levels of membership granting or restricting their access to sections of the site.
Often the best parts of these sites are the Video sections.Where you can watch pros from the site play, with their hole cards revealed and explaining each and everything they are doing. Most times this is done in a "live" format where the players record as they play then post the video. Other times it's done using a hand replayer where they take more time to explain things generally.
One of the other great advantages to these sites is their member only forums. Where you can ask questions about videos, post HH's to be reviewed by pros for constructive criticism, ask about game theory, math and anything else you need help with.
Some have mem