In my experience there is so much luck involved in online poker, quite simply it seems luck is the deciding factor over the long term.

Poker is a game of skill. Anyone who thinks poker is a game of luck doesn't understand the game and how skill is a huge contributor when winning the larger pot.

In my experience there is so much luck involved in online poker, quite simply it seems luck is the deciding factor over the long term.
Every hand however is based on luck (or the RNG involved).
This is why chosing your hand range and good bank-roll management are essential.
You might lose a hand to a complete fish/donk but in the long run you will profit from him.

I agree that poker is a game of skill - on the long run.
Every hand however is based on luck (or the RNG involved).
This is why chosing your hand range and good bank-roll management are essential.
You might lose a hand to a complete fish/donk but in the long run you will profit from him.

Poker is a game of skill. Anyone who thinks poker is a game of luck doesn't understand the game and how skill is a huge contributor when winning the larger pot.
Like in every game, for winning you must have knowledge of basics as well as special skills. Poker is a game dependent on skills but many a times luck plays major role and gives surprises too.

Poker is a game of skill. Anyone who thinks poker is a game of luck doesn't understand the game and how skill is a huge contributor when winning the larger pot.
Like in every game, for winning you must have knowledge of basics as well as special skills. Poker is a game dependent on skills but many a times luck plays major role and gives surprises too.

It is all about postion I think.

Its all about skill and luck 1`min you are on a roll next thing u are down on chips everybody has there moments even the pros
An ametuer's view = 50% skill + 50% luck
A good player's view = 75% skill + 25% luck
A pro's view = 100% skill + 0% luck 😡
Pick your pick bro 😡

A donk's view = 0% skill + 100% luck
An ametuer's view = 50% skill + 50% luck
A good player's view = 75% skill + 25% luck
A pro's view = 100% skill + 0% luck 😡
Pick your pick bro 😡

In my experience there is so much luck involved in online poker, quite simply it seems luck is the deciding factor over the long term.

Poker is about 90% skill, 10% luck...the luck part comes when the cards are first dealt. the player has no control over the cards dealt. the skill is what comes in after that. betting, knowledge of the game and of the opponents are not luck...those parts must be learned through play.

Luck is being all-in pre-flop and winning, Skill is pushing all-in post-flop and winning

Well said leave, completly agree with you 😡

In my experience there is so much luck involved in online poker, quite simply it seems luck is the deciding factor over the long term.
were in real life poker at a table seeing people poker is about say 85 % skill and 15% luck and being able to read players and knowing there tells
online poker its hard to do all that so thats why is more luck then skill and u have all kinds of players playing online were most the time at a table it be skilled players playing real poker hands

Without luck even the nuts cant do anything!! jus choose the appropriate room depending on ur skills...could do nothing more than that!!

Luck or Skill....how about the skillfully lucky. :dance:
Lmaooooooooooo! Well said! :thumbsup

Without luck even the nuts cant do anything!! jus choose the appropriate room depending on ur skills...could do nothing more than that!!

Without luck even the nuts cant do anything!! jus choose the appropriate room depending on ur skills...could do nothing more than that!!

Poker does require some skill, without skill you would be betting on everything. However, I do believe luck is also a big part of the game.