I was in a 27 player S-N-G and the player two seats to my right, was killing everyone. It seeemed no matter what two junk cards he played he was flopping the better hand. When he got up to 7k in chips he would play 2/3 hands and hit every one. If you had QQ and went all in, he would call with K/4 and it would flop him the King. I went out on AA to this same guy, who now had 14k in chips to my 2500, and cried "no surprise" when he called with K/2 suited and fulltilt gives him the flush. So how do you beat this guy?


I know how to beat him
Been in a few tournaments like that, I especially start to focus on people with abnormal luck and just see them win crazy hands one time after the other.
Intuition cant help but small tells and patterns maybe can expose them.
I would play tight and just avoid them, but that wouldnt make me a pro 😔

Tallseas, I just dont know.
Been in a few tournaments like that, I especially start to focus on people with abnormal luck and just see them win crazy hands one time after the other.
Intuition cant help but small tells and patterns maybe can expose them.
I would play tight and just avoid them, but that wouldnt make me a pro 😔

I was in a 27 player S-N-G and the player two seats to my right, was killing everyone. It seeemed no matter what two junk cards he played he was flopping the better hand. When he got up to 7k in chips he would play 2/3 hands and hit every one. If you had QQ and went all in, he would call with K/4 and it would flop him the King. I went out on AA to this same guy, who now had 14k in chips to my 2500, and cried "no surprise" when he called with K/2 suited and fulltilt gives him the flush. So how do you beat this guy?

Friggin people going all in on a 2-6 flush DRAW!

Play tight (all in or fold) and wait for the big pair and PRAY! You know he's gonna call so wait as long as you can.

I was in a 27 player S-N-G and the player two seats to my right, was killing everyone. It seeemed no matter what two junk cards he played he was flopping the better hand. When he got up to 7k in chips he would play 2/3 hands and hit every one. If you had QQ and went all in, he would call with K/4 and it would flop him the King. I went out on AA to this same guy, who now had 14k in chips to my 2500, and cried "no surprise" when he called with K/2 suited and fulltilt gives him the flush. So how do you beat this guy?

I was in a 27 player S-N-G and the player two seats to my right, was killing everyone. It seeemed no matter what two junk cards he played he was flopping the better hand. When he got up to 7k in chips he would play 2/3 hands and hit every one. If you had QQ and went all in, he would call with K/4 and it would flop him the King. I went out on AA to this same guy, who now had 14k in chips to my 2500, and cried "no surprise" when he called with K/2 suited and fulltilt gives him the flush. So how do you beat this guy?

Another note. I was in a freeroll the other day and one player had 18,000 before my table could finish it's first hand. I decided to put a note on this player to see where they ended the tourney. With 18k from first hand, the player did not even make the money. This was a deep stack starting with 3k. So he KO'd five players before I could play one hand and can't make it to the money. WOW! X
Well I hope so anyway.

Its obvious that the cards are not truely random. I wish it was and if anyone makes a new site where they do you a proper random deck deal then I think it will stand out and people will hear about it online and flood there in their masses.
Well I hope so anyway.

Its obvious that the cards are not truely random. I wish it was and if anyone makes a new site where they do you a proper random deck deal then I think it will stand out and people will hear about it online and flood there in their masses.
Well I hope so anyway.
It is my belief that in poker the only luck is bad luck.
U catch yer 6outer? not your good luck, the other guys bad luck,
he catches his 2 outer? not his good luck, your bad luck. 'n so on 'n so on.
If you play well, tight and agressive, or however you play , as long as its 'well'
you will come out ahead of these 'lucky' players. in the long run for sure if not in whatever sng or mtt you happen to be in at the time.
As for the cards not being random.. well of course they are.
If you saw 100 hands per hour in a house game or casino you would see the same things happen again 'n again that you do online. Especially in freerolls and low buyin games. For two reasons, One, you're seeing so many hands crazy chit will happen more often than you would think possible, and faster.
Two, the people playing these games and limits generally play bad, no offence,
they are seeing their anytwo cards to the turn and river much more often than say at a $1/$2 table or above. Therefore they make hands mroe often.
You cannot go to school on a freeroll, or low limit tourney, absolutely cannot.
keep in mind my comments are of course imho. and that i play bad. 😁
good luck!

I was in a 27 player S-N-G and the player two seats to my right, was killing everyone. It seeemed no matter what two junk cards he played he was flopping the better hand. When he got up to 7k in chips he would play 2/3 hands and hit every one. If you had QQ and went all in, he would call with K/4 and it would flop him the King. I went out on AA to this same guy, who now had 14k in chips to my 2500, and cried "no surprise" when he called with K/2 suited and fulltilt gives him the flush. So how do you beat this guy?