I've been getting too loose with my chips and losing 88 or 66 to jt and aq etc. what would you suggest?

Id pay attention to where you are in relation to position early position you wanna raise enough to get those 10J hands outta there as far as facing AK AQ theres not much you can do there, raise enough so if you get a call your most likely facing a pair or AK AQ and if the flop brings those overs let it go to a big bet remember ya you have a pair but its a small pair no sense in losing half your stack look at this way if you had A6 and paired the 6 on the flop would you give up a ton of chips on that?? its the same thing a pocket pair just looks better to the eye but no draw and didnt make your set with overs out there just let it go...

I agree with zuko. You just make a decent raise, and hope it flops low. Then you shove. Maybe not all in, bc some idiot will call. But a nice healthy bet, so they know they can't punk you with ace high. And if it flops high or atleast above your pair, (like if you have 66, and the flop is 4,3,9) and they go crazy...think over pocket pair, or ace 9, or ace 2... Something like that. And play accordingly. If you have a chip stack, you may splash a bit, see if you catch your set. If you are low.... give it up
I wont mind folding pocket pairs lower than that...
But if u are at early position at later stages of game, i suggest 99. Any thing lower than that try to see the flop cheap or simply fold......

I would say 55...
I wont mind folding pocket pairs lower than that...
But if u are at early position at later stages of game, i suggest 99. Any thing lower than that try to see the flop cheap or simply fold......
before me then QQ+. It also depends on stack size/blinds,position....etc...

I've been getting too loose with my chips and losing 88 or 66 to jt and aq etc. what would you suggest?

I've been getting too loose with my chips and losing 88 or 66 to jt and aq etc. what would you suggest?

A small raise preflop. If you are more players and on the table are big cards just fold after flop or call small raise!
but here's my two cents worth anyway 😉
I like to check small pp and hope too hit on the flop when it happens great if not fold...but i'd never put any chips in above bb without at least 88 with 8s or 9s i still would not invest too much pre flop.
it also depends whether you are playing cash tables or tourneys. (freerolls different then again)
also if your near the bubble / your stack size....etc. etc.
gl either way.

I've been getting too loose with my chips and losing 88 or 66 to jt and aq etc. what would you suggest?

Staying with theraise would all depend on what the raise is and what position on the table.

I've been getting too loose with my chips and losing 88 or 66 to jt and aq etc. what would you suggest?
Don't get 'married' to low & med. pocket pairs. The best thing about low pp's is that if you're both playing deepstacked you are getting the implied odds to set mine. In some circumstances... 'no set'...= 'no bet'. On other flops/situations you can consider taking a stab at it but to call down on a board w overs (which it will be in 85% of the time), be prepared to let them go if you're meeting any resistance.
Also, if you're first to enter the pot, raise with your pp's (as opposed to limping and then calling a raise). This way you will be able to c-bet & represent an Ace for example (or K) (if one happens to come on the flop & it's a fairly dry board that you feel won't have likely hit your opponent's range).

With a low or mid pr its always safe too check in myeyes any way

Just put in all your chips and prey
that's really no help to OP......
the person was asking for advice.....generally speaking one would expect GOOD advice.....

just put in all your chips and prey
that's really no help to OP......
the person was asking for advice.....generally speaking one would expect GOOD advice.....