Hey all,
I just watched ESPN's WSOP Main event latest episode. In it, Phil Helmuth gets mad after gettin railed w/AA! He got beat by 2 guys in his last hand. One guy raises to 22k, Phil + 3 others call. the board was Jc 5c 10h I believe. P1 had Jh 10c, P2 had 9h 8h. Post flop P2 shoves last 80k, Phil goes allin for 110k & P1 after a bit calls covering both. The turn's a 7d and river's a 3s. It gives P2 a str8 & a main pot of 300+ k & P1 side pot of 60k. Phil goes into "I'm the best" tirade & I can understand a bad beat but, why not reraise preflop for 44-47k or just go allin for $132,000? I think he tried to trap & it backfired badly! I would've shoved to isolate & eliminate others, what do u think?
Do give some insight on how you would've did it! Plus, do the poll.

Go All-in for last 132k 😁

Hey all,
I just watched ESPN's WSOP Main event latest episode. In it, Phil Helmuth gets mad after gettin railed w/AA! He got beat by 2 guys in his last hand. One guy raises to 22k, Phil + 3 others call. the board was Jc 5c 10h I believe. P1 had Jh 10c, P2 had 9h 8h. Post flop P2 shoves last 80k, Phil goes allin for 110k & P1 after a bit calls covering both. The turn's a 7d and river's a 3s. It gives P2 a str8 & a main pot of 300+ k & P1 side pot of 60k. Phil goes into "I'm the best" tirade & I can understand a bad beat but, why not reraise preflop for 44-47k or just go allin for $132,000? I think he tried to trap & it backfired badly! I would've shoved to isolate & eliminate others, what do u think?
Do give some insight on how you would've did it! Plus, do the poll.

Greedy greedy never gets poker brat😡 serves him right:bully:

My wife's least favorite player. I actually like his general card play. If he would just grow up and take losses like a man he would be much more respected. Is certainly very talented. I laughed when I saw how he went out though... 😄

Watching phil never gets old. I believe he brought that upon himself by not pushng more chips in the middle to push the others outta the way. He acts like my 2 year old when he loses and throws a tantrum. He is a good player but will forever be remember for his being a "brat"
He lost and vent in pure Helmuth style. ... poor Phil ... lol

That is the price you pay for slowplaying the bullets. Phil knows this. He was pretty much pot comitted at that point so I cant blame him for getting it in.
He lost and vent in pure Helmuth style. ... poor Phil ... lol

Hey all,
I just watched ESPN's WSOP Main event latest episode. In it, Phil Helmuth gets mad after gettin railed w/AA! He got beat by 2 guys in his last hand. One guy raises to 22k, Phil + 3 others call. the board was Jc 5c 10h I believe. P1 had Jh 10c, P2 had 9h 8h. Post flop P2 shoves last 80k, Phil goes allin for 110k & P1 after a bit calls covering both. The turn's a 7d and river's a 3s. It gives P2 a str8 & a main pot of 300+ k & P1 side pot of 60k. Phil goes into "I'm the best" tirade & I can understand a bad beat but, why not reraise preflop for 44-47k or just go allin for $132,000? I think he tried to trap & it backfired badly! I would've shoved to isolate & eliminate others, what do u think?
Do give some insight on how you would've did it! Plus, do the poll.
ace ace is one of the hardest hands to play cause some times u should slow play and others u should just push it

Well phil is know as pokers biggest suck he cant stand to lose he is sore losser but ur right he did it to him self some times a trap will work and other times ull get burned poker is all about keeping ur cool playing ur game its mostly skill with some luck but slow play can break u or make u either way i say he should have gone all in its better to win a small pot then lose a big one i think the table would have folded it 2 him even know u get that hand ace ace and u think yes yes its still only a pair and in poker a pair is the second worse hand with high card being the worse u have to deffened ur hand with a raise that big u have to move all in and hope that u win it cause like i said ace ace is only a pair and ace ace dont leave u many outs to 2 pair st8s or flushes unless u get 4 cards on the borad that go ur way like say 10 j q k then u got a st8 or if u get 4 cards the same suit as one of ur aces
ace ace is one of the hardest hands to play cause some times u should slow play and others u should just push it

Hey all,
I just watched ESPN's WSOP Main event latest episode. In it, Phil Helmuth gets mad after gettin railed w/AA! He got beat by 2 guys in his last hand. One guy raises to 22k, Phil + 3 others call. the board was Jc 5c 10h I believe. P1 had Jh 10c, P2 had 9h 8h. Post flop P2 shoves last 80k, Phil goes allin for 110k & P1 after a bit calls covering both. The turn's a 7d and river's a 3s. It gives P2 a str8 & a main pot of 300+ k & P1 side pot of 60k. Phil goes into "I'm the best" tirade & I can understand a bad beat but, why not reraise preflop for 44-47k or just go allin for $132,000? I think he tried to trap & it backfired badly! I would've shoved to isolate & eliminate others, what do u think?
Do give some insight on how you would've did it! Plus, do the poll.
I just watched ESPN's WSOP Main event latest episode. In it, Phil Helmuth gets mad after gettin railed w/AA! He got beat by 2 guys in his last hand. One guy raises to 22k, Phil + 3 others call. the board was Jc 5c 10h I believe. P1 had Jh 10c, P2 had 9h 8h. Post flop P2 shoves last 80k, Phil goes allin for 110k & P1 after a bit calls covering both. The turn's a 7d and river's a 3s. It gives P2 a str8 & a main pot of 300+ k & P1 side pot of 60k. Phil goes into "I'm the best" tirade & I can understand a bad beat but, why not reraise preflop for 44-47k or just go allin for $132,000? I think he tried to trap & it backfired badly! I would've shoved to isolate & eliminate others, what do u think?
Do give some insight on how you would've did it! Plus, do the poll.