That is my goal for the year, To place in the top ten percent of the games I play in. Unrealistic?. Or acheivible?. Ya there gonna be some games I don't care about play chips large freerolls mtt w 7500 plus players. etc... . But the games I sit down 2 and focus on 10% is my minumin goal. Is that a good start I figure if I can make top ten percent than go for 5 % Maybe just maybe I could win someday. Freerollbird

Good luck π

NOT UNREALISTIC AT ALLπ‘ Most winning poker players have at least 13% or better cash percentage. At one point I have run as high as 17% for long stretches. I have seen 25% for some players. Game selection has a lot to do with it. Currently I am well below 10% but mostly due to the fact I have been branching out and playing more unfamiliar games trying to expand my capabilities. We have to pay for our education. If I stayed just in my comfort zone I do well. I will often go back to it when the bankroll thins out some to boost it back up. In the long run it will benefit me although I must endure some growing pains right now.

I would say that in some games you are not meant to place in the top 10%. This would mean that the goal of placing in top 10% in every game will not be achieved. Instead try and chose your games more wisely. If you get cash placements or grind some money here and there π Invest them in better tournaments, my suggestion would be in different buyin tournaments with small amount of players involved. It could be tournaments with such small amounts of participants of 10 up to 25 people (test the tournaments, buyin amount vs amount of participants). This way you can more likely see if your poker skills works like supposed to. The more players involved the more likely you are to find yourself among donks where it sometimes doesnt matter what hand you have. This is especially crucial if you are on a tight budget.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I keep track of my own results and am consistently seeing a cashing rate of 25% give or take a few percent any week. I credit at least part of that to game selection. I avoid megafield tournaments almost entirely. I focus on smaller field MTTs -- maybe a few hundred tops -- that have a decent payout structure -- somewhere between 13-20% of the field. These are the ones that seem to suit me best and enable me to maintain this level of consistency.[/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]As was said previously, 10% is both not impossible and a lot of whether you are successful or not will have to do with game selection. . .[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I keep track of my own results and am consistently seeing a cashing rate of 25% give or take a few percent any week. I credit at least part of that to game selection. I avoid megafield tournaments almost entirely. I focus on smaller field MTTs -- maybe a few hundred tops -- that have a decent payout structure -- somewhere between 13-20% of the field. These are the ones that seem to suit me best and enable me to maintain this level of consistency.[/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I should also add that I don't overextend myself, and can't really, due to the limited amount of time I can spend playing on line. A normal week will be somewhere between 30 and 35 tournaments, and I won't do a lot of multitabling; maybe 2-3 simultaneous tournaments tops. Don't have the equipment to handle a lot of tables at once anyway and I find -- for me -- that multitabling means I can't pay as much attention to any one game that I might need to.[/FONT]

I'm confused as to what you are actually saying. Sounds like you want to finish in top 10% of every tournament, or close to it. Since top 10% usually pay, that would mean a cashing rate of near 100%. Sorry, but I do think that's a little unrealistic. If you mean cash in 10%, certainly I would think that's possible, as Tall Seas and Steve stated above.

I would say that in some games you are not meant to place in the top 10%. This would mean that the goal of placing in top 10% in every game will not be achieved. Instead try and chose your games more wisely. If you get cash placements or grind some money here and there π Invest them in better tournaments, my suggestion would be in different buyin tournaments with small amount of players involved. It could be tournaments with such small amounts of participants of 10 up to 25 people (test the tournaments, buyin amount vs amount of participants). This way you can more likely see if your poker skills works like supposed to. The more players involved the more likely you are to find yourself among donks where it sometimes doesnt matter what hand you have. This is especially crucial if you are on a tight budget.
Yup, tonight was my first apperance at carbon, with the big dogs. When I say big dogs I mean real poker players,( Thats u guys) and it felt good to be sitting with you all. I finished 13 out of 21 and i know that is not top ten percent, mid pack almost and i am happy with that wed, night i have other games too, and was distracted there are only a few games now that mean alot too me i am glad i found this forum. U guys rock!. Freerollbird p.s. sorry syco_steve couldnt make it he has helped me some and I wanted 2 raise him preflop. lol

I would say that in some games you are not meant to place in the top 10%. This would mean that the goal of placing in top 10% in every game will not be achieved. Instead try and chose your games more wisely. If you get cash placements or grind some money here and there π Invest them in better tournaments, my suggestion would be in different buyin tournaments with small amount of players involved. It could be tournaments with such small amounts of participants of 10 up to 25 people (test the tournaments, buyin amount vs amount of participants). This way you can more likely see if your poker skills works like supposed to. The more players involved the more likely you are to find yourself among donks where it sometimes doesnt matter what hand you have. This is especially crucial if you are on a tight budget.
Yup, tonight was my first apperance at carbon, with the big dogs. When I say big dogs I mean real poker players,( Thats u guys) and it felt good to be sitting with you all. I finished 13 out of 21 and i know that is not top ten percent, mid pack almost and i am happy with that wed, night i have other games too, and was distracted there are only a few games now that mean alot too me i am glad i found this forum. U guys rock!. Freerollbird p.s. sorry syco_steve couldnt make it he has helped me some and I wanted 2 raise him preflop. lol
Top 10% of the number of players entered in a tournament is a different way of measuring success. This would seem to apply mainly to large tournament structures and may appear to skew your numbers when you mix in smaller MTT's.
Cashing percentage or ITM would be more of manageable goal in my opinion.
Dream the Dream and make it Happen.
Best of Luck.