I know, if you want your "good poker player" badge you can't play A - rag. But think about this, a dominated hand (i.e. A K vs. A 7) we are told is going to lose some where around 75% of the time. But where do those odds come from. They are based on the 3 outs the dominated hand has and chances of one of them showing up from the 48 cards left. Problem is, there aren't 48 cards left in the deck, just 48 cards that we don't know. Now let's assume you're at a 10 seat table and a lot of players tried to get in cheap from the earlier and mid positions, then a big raise near end, and you call with A - rag. Everyone else folds, you put big raiser on A K. My thought is this, since a lot players tried to see flop, good chance a lot of face cards, and maybe K's, are in the muck. Of course this is all speculative, but isn't that a big part of poker anyway. If all the K's are gone, and all of whatever your rag is are left, the odds are dramatically different. The chances of your 3 outs hitting with only 32 cards in the deck (52 - 20 (2 for each player) = 32) is around 40%. I still don't play A rag (ok, sometimes), but just something to think about.
Nice thought, we all gotta use the style that works for each of us. Good luck on the felt.

Lost way too much money to even bother. If you can get in cheap and you get lucky that your rag comes up on the flop, then it is funny as all getup when the ace shows up for me to bet all in, and they think their AK is gonna win, but we already have that second pair. Since any card on a flop can produce a 3 of a kind for anyone in the hand, it bites when the 3 of a kind raises its ugly head and I am out a bundle.
Nice thought, we all gotta use the style that works for each of us. Good luck on the felt.
How many times have you been all-in with pocket Kings or Queens, only to have someone call with Ace rag? I know the odds, but it seems like half the time they flop an Ace and you lose....

I know, if you want your "good poker player" badge you can't play A - rag. But think about this, a dominated hand (i.e. A K vs. A 7) we are told is going to lose some where around 75% of the time. But where do those odds come from. They are based on the 3 outs the dominated hand has and chances of one of them showing up from the 48 cards left. Problem is, there aren't 48 cards left in the deck, just 48 cards that we don't know. Now let's assume you're at a 10 seat table and a lot of players tried to get in cheap from the earlier and mid positions, then a big raise near end, and you call with A - rag. Everyone else folds, you put big raiser on A K. My thought is this, since a lot players tried to see flop, good chance a lot of face cards, and maybe K's, are in the muck. Of course this is all speculative, but isn't that a big part of poker anyway. If all the K's are gone, and all of whatever your rag is are left, the odds are dramatically different. The chances of your 3 outs hitting with only 32 cards in the deck (52 - 20 (2 for each player) = 32) is around 40%. I still don't play A rag (ok, sometimes), but just something to think about.

I know, if you want your "good poker player" badge you can't play A - rag. But think about this, a dominated hand (i.e. A K vs. A 7) we are told is going to lose some where around 75% of the time. But where do those odds come from. They are based on the 3 outs the dominated hand has and chances of one of them showing up from the 48 cards left. Problem is, there aren't 48 cards left in the deck, just 48 cards that we don't know. Now let's assume you're at a 10 seat table and a lot of players tried to get in cheap from the earlier and mid positions, then a big raise near end, and you call with A - rag. Everyone else folds, you put big raiser on A K. My thought is this, since a lot players tried to see flop, good chance a lot of face cards, and maybe K's, are in the muck. Of course this is all speculative, but isn't that a big part of poker anyway. If all the K's are gone, and all of whatever your rag is are left, the odds are dramatically different. The chances of your 3 outs hitting with only 32 cards in the deck (52 - 20 (2 for each player) = 32) is around 40%. I still don't play A rag (ok, sometimes), but just something to think about.