The Cake Network has a "Fold to any bet" button as one of the options available to you in advance of your turn to bet/raise/fold. I have decided that, for me, it is a button I will refrain from using from now on... at least in this type of circumstance anyway. This hand above had me seeing a 2,7 off in the BB. I decided to just hit the "Fold to any bet" button and really just forget it right away as soon as I saw my cards. Well... it went around the table with no one betting and the flop cards automatically hit the board. They came up 2,J,A. The SB checked(even though he had Top pair(A's) and I didn't think about it but I auto checked because the "Fold to any bet" button was STILL checked which I didn't pay any attention to really. The other players in the hand checked as well.. then the turn hit the board.. a 2! I barely got my mouse in motion to uncheck that "Fold to any bet" button in time when the SB made a bet of $.12. I mean it was JUST in the nick of time to keep me from insta-folding the hand. I decided to just smooth call it after waiting a bit... the other players folded. When the river came another 2.. it made the SB's hand a full house and I raised his bet and got him all in and won the hand.
The point being, of course, I nearly folded this hand because I had decided to just click the "Fold to any bet" button as soon as I saw I had 2,7 off. That button does NOT uncheck itself during the rest of the whole hand! You have to manually uncheck it after EACH card. I will not use that button in the future, and I recommend that you do not use ANY of the buttons in advance, just in case you change your mind or, in this case, nearly lose out on a winning hand because you clicked on it. Online, players might get a tell also from you if you use these buttons on a regular basis as well. IMO you will be much better off not clicking on any of these buttons in advance of your turn. Just wait on your turn to act. It will likely pay off at some point.

So did you kick yourself or call the kids in to kick the shins? i personally never use these buttons,it take patience to play as it is so i have the patience to wait to see the outcome of every round.i can see where they would be handy in multi-tabling but not a single game.good post and point dats.

Never thought of it like that. I will have to refrain from using it as well.
Nonetheless, good advice for all to heed. Thanks. :thumbsup
The Cake Network has a "Fold to any bet" button as one of the options available to you in advance of your turn to bet/raise/fold. I have decided that, for me, it is a button I will refrain from using from now on... at least in this type of circumstance anyway. This hand above had me seeing a 2,7 off in the BB. I decided to just hit the "Fold to any bet" button and really just forget it right away as soon as I saw my cards. Well... it went around the table with no one betting and the flop cards automatically hit the board. They came up 2,J,A. The SB checked(even though he had Top pair(A's) and I didn't think about it but I auto checked because the "Fold to any bet" button was STILL checked which I didn't pay any attention to really. The other players in the hand checked as well.. then the turn hit the board.. a 2! I barely got my mouse in motion to uncheck that "Fold to any bet" button in time when the SB made a bet of $.12. I mean it was JUST in the nick of time to keep me from insta-folding the hand. I decided to just smooth call it after waiting a bit... the other players folded. When the river came another 2.. it made the SB's hand a full house and I raised his bet and got him all in and won the hand.
The point being, of course, I nearly folded this hand because I had decided to just click the "Fold to any bet" button as soon as I saw I had 2,7 off. That button does NOT uncheck itself during the rest of the whole hand! You have to manually uncheck it after EACH card. I will not use that button in the future, and I recommend that you do not use ANY of the buttons in advance, just in case you change your mind or, in this case, nearly lose out on a winning hand because you clicked on it. Online, players might get a tell also from you if you use these buttons on a regular basis as well. IMO you will be much better off not clicking on any of these buttons in advance of your turn. Just wait on your turn to act. It will likely pay off at some point.