Just wondering whether you all agree that skill games are like riding bikes. Once you learn them you never forget? The reason I ask is that my son asked me for a game of chess yesterday and to be honest I thought I was quite rusty in that I had forgotten a fair bit of the strategy side of the game.
It was quite embarrassing how easy he beat me and to be honest I think he thought I gave him the game!
Do you find if you haven't played a game in a while you loose the ability to play well?

I think it is pretty much inevitable that you will loose on the stratergy side of any game that you don't play for months or years. This is why most successfull gamblers concentrate on a few games and play those rather than try to figure the stratergies for many different games.

I pretty much stick to the same games I have played for years. Probably played most games in my time but only enjoy a certain few enough to play down the years. I would think it is inevitable that if you are not playing a game regularily that you will loose your ability to play well.

I think you need to be playing regularly to keep any kind of form going on a particular game. There is one game of course which I find I never forget how to play....SLOTS!
Now I've converted to roulette and, after 5 years I have developed a strategy that wins consistently. :dance:
You really need to e-mail me in order to find out how to do it. Nothing ventured - nothing gained. An e-mail will cost you nothing, but if you don't do it you'll never know will you😡😡!? :confused:
stevemorgan @xtra.co.nz

I used to play slots a lot - won a lot, lost a lot! :mad:
Now I've converted to roulette and, after 5 years I have developed a strategy that wins consistently. :dance:
You really need to e-mail me in order to find out how to do it. Nothing ventured - nothing gained. An e-mail will cost you nothing, but if you don't do it you'll never know will you😡😡!? :confused:
stevemorgan @xtra.co.nz
Sounds like a scam to me

Just wondering whether you all agree that skill games are like riding bikes. Once you learn them you never forget? The reason I ask is that my son asked me for a game of chess yesterday and to be honest I thought I was quite rusty in that I had forgotten a fair bit of the strategy side of the game.
It was quite embarrassing how easy he beat me and to be honest I think he thought I gave him the game!
Do you find if you haven't played a game in a while you loose the ability to play well?
The fact is: if you gamble, per definition you have chosen to take risk, if there is no risk it is not a gamble. And, if there would be a certain win system each time you play, you wouldn’t have a large crowd of sellers: these people would be happily playing away, not caring for sales, nor spending energy in setting up websites to hustle you as a customer.
Regards 😁

We can warn until eternity for scammers
The fact is: if you gamble, per definition you have chosen to take risk, if there is no risk it is not a gamble. And, if there would be a certain win system each time you play, you wouldn’t have a large crowd of sellers: these people would be happily playing away, not caring for sales, nor spending energy in setting up websites to hustle you as a customer.
Regards 😁

Well said manne

Not only that, but the casinos are very good at spotting someone with a "system" They watch very carefully, and while they may not catch all of them, they do get the majority. They are not very friendly to people they catch.

How did we get on to this?

The thread started out with the idea that games of skill were like riding bikes. How did we started on a system of winning?
Just wondering whether you all agree that skill games are like riding bikes. Once you learn them you never forget? The reason I ask is that my son asked me for a game of chess yesterday and to be honest I thought I was quite rusty in that I had forgotten a fair bit of the strategy side of the game.
It was quite embarrassing how easy he beat me and to be honest I think he thought I gave him the game!
Do you find if you haven't played a game in a while you loose the ability to play well?