This is a fun pass time game. Have had it for years among my bookmarks and plays it a couple of times now and then.
Fetchfido's Free Online Games - Curve Ball
Level 8 - Score 26,385

Done my head in after 1 go lol spose will try again when im bored

Scratch that its doin me head in more now lol 25k level 7 heeeee n1

Curve ball game is a online flash game. It is the more popular game around the India wide, which is the free online game. In this game a paddle ball in a three dimensional area against the computer. When we deflecting the ball with the center of the paddle then the we get bonus. By playing this game we can get the great coordination, It's really a fantastic game to me and i enjoyed alot with this game.
Fetchfido's Free Online Games - Curve Ball
Level 8 - Score 26,385