I love Majong, can't help myself, I play it for hours and hours. Anyone else into Majong?

Man I love that game I swear it is stimulating and I can play it forever.

It really is addictive isn't it? Back when we had a dial-up connection I played it online, but then I had to buy a disk to install on the pc so I could play it offline to.

It really is addictive isn't it? Back when we had a dial-up connection I played it online, but then I had to buy a disk to install on the pc so I could play it offline to.

It is a fun and stimulating game on the computer. But, too slow with dial-up? Can you imagine playing it with the game pieces? This game was around long before the computer age!

I never even heard of it before I got on the internet. I think I'm going to try to find the real version, I think it would be cool.

I have played the board game. It's neat.

I might have to try the board game.

Try it you'll like it!

Most board game versions are better than the computer versions.

I have never played the board game version, but have a friend who has one. I should borrow it sometime.

Most board game versions are better than the computer versions.

Most board game versions are better than the computer versions.

I love it and play for hours...addicted..
I like playing mahjong as well, it keeps my busy sometimes when i need to concentrate on other things than internet business.