While they are two very different games, they are very popular in their own way.
Even though the rules for draughts are easier chess, they are both fairly skilful games.
Which is you favourite?
I am not a really good chess player but I am an excellent checkers player. Weird, huh?

I chose Checkers. It's less complicated and less boring.
I am not a really good chess player but I am an excellent checkers player. Weird, huh?

Depends when I am playing to be honest. If I am feeling like a good test of skill then chess for sure. If I just want a quick game then checkers is the one. Although it does involve a little skill I don't think it comes near to chess.

Chess for me . If I am going to play then I want to be tested and have the grey cells worked a little. For me Draughts just doesn't do it for me. Too predictable and only diagnol movements allowed.

I really quite like checkers. It is a game I find I can play at any time if I have a little time whereas chess will probably take a good while. Don't get me wrong I enjoy Chess but prefer checkers.
Definately worth learning.

I like Chess a lot. We have small tournaments at our local club, just a small group of friends. I find it a very skillfull game and getting opponents to do what you want them to do rather than what they want to do is quite an achievment.
Definately worth learning.

I really enjoy a game of checkers. I find that most people are happy to play as it doesn't take too long to learn how to play. Even kids can get the hang of it quickly.
Even though the rules for draughts are easier chess, they are both fairly skilful games.
Which is you favourite?