I witnessed something last night during tourney play in one of mt forums that sickened and aggravated me. Some sneak accessed the table I happened to be on and uttered those words..."Password Please"
Then someone at the table gave then the password. I do not think that registration was still open but that did not matter. Now, I ask, who is worse the sneak cheat asking for a password they were not entitled to or the scum bum that gave it out. In a couple of forums in which I play we have many people come in and beg passwords. even offer to split their winnings(as if there is any guarantee) It is a cardinal rule in ALL FORUMS the password is not given out at tables even if you KNOW the person asking is a member. Full Tilt seems to attract a lot of this action and we usually either ignore these people or tell them to go away. But, as I said, last night someone asked and did receive. How sad.

Perhaps you meant the question to be rhetorical, but I woulod say the member who gave out the password is far worse. The player who begs for a password likely does not know your sites rules and so is free to panhandle (I don't get mad at people who live on the street and beg for a dollar either). Its not pretty, but in my mind its not wrong. But the player from the site who knows the rules and disobeys them by giving out the password should be punished. I do not cut slack to the guy who breaks the rules when it is easy to comply.

I am not sure why anybody would want to give out the password😟 Just makes it that much harder for you to win. In my eyes....less is better. That is what makes IX games tournaments so much fun. Everybody seems to know everybody and there is a general respect for other members. Two weeks ago, I made it to the final table and 8 out of 9 of us agreed to deal. The one who didn't was not even playing😡!! We worked together to eliminate the sitter then took a deal. You will NOT see that happen on too many sites. Great small group here.

An 8 of 9 split seems dumb unless it was a large sum of money.

Password begging is a pretty aggrevating activity. I will usually ignor it. But when someone gives it out..........thats truly sad. The beggar gets it and anyone else on the rail. It is just plain sad.

Give them a fake pw, they will leave and try to register and can't, lol

Well if you have been given a password that you have taken the time to earn. You would not give it away. Perhaps the guy that gave out the pw was given it also and not a member. But any member knowingly shares pw should be permantly banned. I saw this happen once in another forum, a guy gave out pw at the table during late reg. I reported it he still plays and it burns my a... because he wasnt kicked out and actualy took 3rd place in a monthly freeroll for bigbucs. Freerollbird
Then someone at the table gave then the password. I do not think that registration was still open but that did not matter. Now, I ask, who is worse the sneak cheat asking for a password they were not entitled to or the scum bum that gave it out. In a couple of forums in which I play we have many people come in and beg passwords. even offer to split their winnings(as if there is any guarantee) It is a cardinal rule in ALL FORUMS the password is not given out at tables even if you KNOW the person asking is a member. Full Tilt seems to attract a lot of this action and we usually either ignore these people or tell them to go away. But, as I said, last night someone asked and did receive. How sad.