Golden Casino has announced that they will host a small memorial tournament as a tribute to pop icon Michael Jackson. The tournament titled, Remembering a Legend, will consist of an online slots tournament to take place in August in memory and honor of Michael Jackson, on his birthday. The last day of this tournament will fall on Saturday, August 29th, the official birthday for the late great King of Pop.
Welcome: Golden Casino
Golden Casino has announced that they will host a small memorial tournament as a tribute to pop icon Michael Jackson. The tournament titled, Remembering a Legend, will consist of an online slots tournament to take place in August in memory and honor of Michael Jackson, on his birthday. The last day of this tournament will fall on Saturday, August 29th, the official birthday for the late great King of Pop.
Welcome: Golden Casino
That is really awesome! I"m sure he'll appreciate that. It's hard to believe he's gone.
I still can't believe :what:
Golden Casino has announced that they will host a small memorial tournament as a tribute to pop icon Michael Jackson. The tournament titled, Remembering a Legend, will consist of an online slots tournament to take place in August in memory and honor of Michael Jackson, on his birthday. The last day of this tournament will fall on Saturday, August 29th, the official birthday for the late great King of Pop.
Welcome: Golden Casino
Golden Casino has announced that they will host a small memorial tournament as a tribute to pop icon Michael Jackson. The tournament titled, Remembering a Legend, will consist of an online slots tournament to take place in August in memory and honor of Michael Jackson, on his birthday. The last day of this tournament will fall on Saturday, August 29th, the official birthday for the late great King of Pop.
Welcome: Golden Casino
I think I'll give this a try.
Do that :thumbsup
Golden Casino has announced that they will host a small memorial tournament as a tribute to pop icon Michael Jackson. The tournament titled, Remembering a Legend, will consist of an online slots tournament to take place in August in memory and honor of Michael Jackson, on his birthday. The last day of this tournament will fall on Saturday, August 29th, the official birthday for the late great King of Pop.
Welcome: Golden Casino
Just simply registering and playing in the tournament makes you a winner because it is completely FREE!
Im in
The Tournament starts on Friday August 21st
Just simply registering and playing in the tournament makes you a winner because it is completely FREE!
Im in
The Tournament starts on Friday August 21st
The Tournament starts on Friday August 21st
It runs from August 21 to August 29
Golden Casino has announced that they will host a small memorial tournament as a tribute to pop icon Michael Jackson. The tournament titled, Remembering a Legend, will consist of an online slots tournament to take place in August in memory and honor of Michael Jackson, on his birthday. The last day of this tournament will fall on Saturday, August 29th, the official birthday for the late great King of Pop.
Welcome: Golden Casino
Starts August 21, and runs until August 29. It will reward the top 200 players with a total of $15,000, and the first place gets $5,100 in cash.
There will also be a slot tournament at: go casino in honor of Michael Jackson.
Starts August 21, and runs until August 29. It will reward the top 200 players with a total of $15,000, and the first place gets $5,100 in cash.
R.I.P Michael.
Welcome: Golden Casino