[CENTER]Yes: President[/CENTER]
On a megachurch-like theater-in-the-round stage set up at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, the rapper informed the world that he will be seeking the presidency in 2020. And also that he had just smoked something.
What follows is a brief summary of the bizarre and possibly stage-managed events.
West began his meandering speech with an anecdote about visiting the grocery store with his daughter and receiving backhanded compliments from store clerks, as well as the more pronounced experience of being booed by 60,000 people at a baseball game. (This was, of course, an oblique reference to West’s fall from public grace after his 2009 decision to storm the stage at that year’s VMAs as Taylor Swift accepted an award. West felt the award had been bestowed in utter error and should have gone to his friend, Beyonce.)
Read more: Kanye West says he will ‘run for president.’ Because politics is entertainment. - The Washington Post

Rihanna isn't the only celeb supporting Kanye West's run for president in 2020! Kardashian family to.
I think It's more like a joke!!

Rihanna isn't the only celeb supporting Kanye West's run for president in 2020! Kardashian family to.
I think It's more like a joke!!

Lol, you really made my day with this off topic! #KanyeForPresident #ForReal :warning
West made the announcement at MTV Video Music Award. (He made an absolute fool of himself, which is not surprising).

Lol, you really made my day with this off topic! #KanyeForPresident #ForReal :warning
West made the announcement at MTV Video Music Award. (He made an absolute fool of himself, which is not surprising).

Maybe he smoke too much pot. I remember he said something about that!

Pot is not good for your brain.

I love Kanye West, his music and him as well, maybe he really will be a good president.

I doubt the United States will recover if he becomes president. But no worries that wont happen.
Lindsay wants to move into the White House and rule the country, and the Mean Girls actress tossed her designer hat into the political ring by using Instagram to reveal her intention of following Kanye’s lead and becoming a celebrity presidential candidate. :acne

Lindsay Lohan apparently watched Donald Trump make his run for the White House and decided that if theatrics can get you votes, she’s got a chance. Joining already-announced Kanye West and Taylor Swift, Lindsay revealed that she also wants to turn the 2020 elections into a celebrity battle (Taylor wants to be Kanye’s vice president). And while the two singers might think they have a better chance, Lohan feels that her acting career is the perfect diving board into the pool of politics, reported USA Today.
Lindsay wants to move into the White House and rule the country, and the Mean Girls actress tossed her designer hat into the political ring by using Instagram to reveal her intention of following Kanye’s lead and becoming a celebrity presidential candidate. :acne

Lindsay Lohan apparently watched Donald Trump make his run for the White House and decided that if theatrics can get you votes, she’s got a chance. Joining already-announced Kanye West and Taylor Swift, Lindsay revealed that she also wants to turn the 2020 elections into a celebrity battle (Taylor wants to be Kanye’s vice president). And while the two singers might think they have a better chance, Lohan feels that her acting career is the perfect diving board into the pool of politics, reported USA Today.
Lindsay wants to move into the White House and rule the country, and the Mean Girls actress tossed her designer hat into the political ring by using Instagram to reveal her intention of following Kanye’s lead and becoming a celebrity presidential candidate. :acne

:what: I dont like Kennie West))

If he become a preident one part of USA residents will looks like chicks in their videos nad other part will try to look like Kennye as he will introduce rap the dress code :1orglaugh

Ha Ha that was funny, 😁 😁

He is not running for president this year. 😄
On a megachurch-like theater-in-the-round stage set up at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, the rapper informed the world that he will be seeking the presidency in 2020. And also that he had just smoked something.
What follows is a brief summary of the bizarre and possibly stage-managed events.
West began his meandering speech with an anecdote about visiting the grocery store with his daughter and receiving backhanded compliments from store clerks, as well as the more pronounced experience of being booed by 60,000 people at a baseball game. (This was, of course, an oblique reference to West’s fall from public grace after his 2009 decision to storm the stage at that year’s VMAs as Taylor Swift accepted an award. West felt the award had been bestowed in utter error and should have gone to his friend, Beyonce.)
Read more: Kanye West says he will ‘run for president.’ Because politics is entertainment. - The Washington Post