Howard Stern is on the top of the list to replace Simon Cowell.
He's definitely got the bite – but does Howard Stern have what it takes to replace Simon Cowell? Fox execs for American Idol seem to think so and rumor has it, they have Stern at the top of their wish list as a replacement for Cowell. The reason why it is thought a deal is in the works is because the story was first reported by the New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who happens to own Fox.
It seems execs at Fox are looking for a replacement who could clash with other judges as well as offer contestants the bitter pill of truth. And who else better to do that than the King of All Media?
"It's one of the few shows that could compete with Stern's $100 million-a-year Sirius contract [which expires this year], and Idol bosses think he'd be even nastier than Simon," one of the Post sources says. "They know he would be great TV and would clash with the other judges, such as Ellen DeGeneres, and the contestants. Idol will do what it takes to sign him."
What do you think? Will Stern be the perfect replacement for Cowell?

Just when I thought this show couldn't get any worse.
He says on the show he wouldn't do it if he was asked. However, he does say that it would be the easiest job in the world, and he would imediately get rid of Ellen.
I give the odds of him doing it 1 in 50 or worst. Though i wouldn't mind being wrong on this one. Sure would make idol worth watching.

Howard Stern is on the top of the list to replace Simon Cowell.
He's definitely got the bite – but does Howard Stern have what it takes to replace Simon Cowell? Fox execs for American Idol seem to think so and rumor has it, they have Stern at the top of their wish list as a replacement for Cowell. The reason why it is thought a deal is in the works is because the story was first reported by the New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who happens to own Fox.
It seems execs at Fox are looking for a replacement who could clash with other judges as well as offer contestants the bitter pill of truth. And who else better to do that than the King of All Media?
"It's one of the few shows that could compete with Stern's $100 million-a-year Sirius contract [which expires this year], and Idol bosses think he'd be even nastier than Simon," one of the Post sources says. "They know he would be great TV and would clash with the other judges, such as Ellen DeGeneres, and the contestants. Idol will do what it takes to sign him."
What do you think? Will Stern be the perfect replacement for Cowell?

I would think Howard would want to try tv again. He's been doing radio so long, you'd he like to prove he can do it on tv also. His other tv shows never lasted long, didn't seem to have much of a budget either. I personally would love it. I don't have sat. radio, so I haven't been able to listen in a long time.
stern on national tv wow they better get the bleep button ready . and lawyers all versed up in the words that come out of his trap.

I would think Howard would want to try tv again. He's been doing radio so long, you'd he like to prove he can do it on tv also. His other tv shows never lasted long, didn't seem to have much of a budget either. I personally would love it. I don't have sat. radio, so I haven't been able to listen in a long time.
You can get howard stern on Howard TV on demand. Since he moved to sirius he created an on demand channel and also has his own news team.
He's definitely got the bite – but does Howard Stern have what it takes to replace Simon Cowell? Fox execs for American Idol seem to think so and rumor has it, they have Stern at the top of their wish list as a replacement for Cowell. The reason why it is thought a deal is in the works is because the story was first reported by the New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who happens to own Fox.
It seems execs at Fox are looking for a replacement who could clash with other judges as well as offer contestants the bitter pill of truth. And who else better to do that than the King of All Media?
"It's one of the few shows that could compete with Stern's $100 million-a-year Sirius contract [which expires this year], and Idol bosses think he'd be even nastier than Simon," one of the Post sources says. "They know he would be great TV and would clash with the other judges, such as Ellen DeGeneres, and the contestants. Idol will do what it takes to sign him."
What do you think? Will Stern be the perfect replacement for Cowell?