What do you do when you get AA pre flop and how do you feel about it i have got to where i hate a poket pair of anything almost lol

What do you do when you get AA pre flop and how do you feel about it i have got to where i hate a poket pair of anything almost lol

What do you do when you get AA pre flop and how do you feel about it i have got to where i hate a poket pair of anything almost lol

Depends on your position and feeling from the table. I prefer AQ myself. Pocket rockets just don't do it for me as a general rule. I've lost more times than I've won. Primarily lose to a straight and another reason why I prefer AQ.

What do you do when you get AA pre flop and how do you feel about it i have got to where i hate a poket pair of anything almost lol
All-in works if you want to collect the blinds. Especially,near the end.
Sometimes, it only totals up to 60 chips. :thumbsup
If you go all-in and someone calls, you run the risk of
flop, runner, runner.
And in the on-line world, that is very likely. (Happens all the time)
Sometimes, it's better to see the flop and trap someone.
If you get nothing and it becomes too costly to stay in, "throw it out".
It's not the nut.