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Financial betting

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Hello, is there anyone who practice financial betting? Or maybe you have heard some feedback? I would very much like to hear about that. Thank you
Join: 2011/10/29 Messages: 1 Thanks: 392 Phone: LT
I have a lot of experience in currency trading. Been practicing this for over 4 years... I finished training, attended seminars, but this process is very slow, takes a lot of time. I think it's a lot slower than in financial betting... 😁
Join: 2012/09/16 Messages: 5 Thanks: 2
juozas123 Wrote:

I have a lot of experience in currency trading. Been practicing this for over 4 years... I finished training, attended seminars, but this process is very slow, takes a lot of time. I think it's a lot slower than in financial betting... 😁

You invested a lot of time. What about the results? Was it worth it?
Join: 2011/05/12 Messages: 1 Thanks: 5
Well, I gained a lot of experience. I might never become a professional, but this will be my hobby. Of course you might win or you might lose, you are never sure. I think to be really successful here you need to invest a lot more of your time. 😁
Join: 2012/09/16 Messages: 5 Thanks: 2
Maybe you can recommend books to read on this topic?
Join: 2011/05/19 Messages: 1
'How to earn on Forex', 'Forex101' - you read those two at first. Also try 'Technical analysis', a very good book, if you are really interested in this. But I suggest at first to participate in a free seminar, there you will get the basics of the basics 😁
Join: 2012/09/16 Messages: 5 Thanks: 2
Hello all, maybe someone can share some good financial betting strategy?
Join: 2015/01/31 Messages: 156